{Q} And {A}

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Welcome Welcome to Question and Answer.

Today we will let my readers question the characters from hidden mistress.

So lets begain with question #1 from Hennymade

Question- How does zoya feel like after what she has been through with Zion?

Zoya- ummm, I felt like I wasn't a woman anymore after me and Zion split apart. Ya know, when he beated me and rape me I kept thinking everyday that i wasn't the love of his life, I was just some sex buddy to him which i knew from day 1 but I couldn't stay away from him.

Questions- is zoya really through with him or is zoya feeling as though she still has love for him or putting it behind her?

Zoya- well at first i did had love for him cause I still wanted sex from him but after seeing his true colors I don't want to see him, talk, or look at him. Of course he can see Zayda but under my supervision which going to be tough for me.

Okay, we have another question. #2 is from hello_gurl34

Question- question to zion: Why Zion interfere with zoya budding romance with her neighbor?

Zion- wellll *smiles* I love zoya. Like I said in book 1, I love zoya. I love black women. I didn't want brad in the house hold with Zayda. Another man near my child. Hell no, so that's why I interfere with their relationship. Sorry zoya that I interfere *laugh*

Zoya- fuck you

Okkkkk, next question from the same person

Question- Zoya are you finally happy with your new boy?

Zion- Noo *laughs*

Zoya- *sighs loudly* yes im happy but i know something will happen between us. I can feel it

Zion- should of never met him

Zion, leave her alone. Okay and another question from the same person hello_gurl34

Zion- Jesus Christ

Question- why he didn't get no counseling for his issues, zion saying that his father made him act that way? And since Zion beat on women. Do he get scared that he will ever hit Zayda?

Zion- *slupes in chair* tough questions. I am getting counseling for my angry temper and other stuff. I do think that my father who beated my mom, sister, and me sometimes did effected me a lot. I would get dreams of him setting the house on fire and stuff like that. Me and my sister was traumatize. I feel that I won't ever hit Zayda ever. She's my daughter. If I  ever did something like that I would of killed myself.

Nice question Zion. So last question is from rlewis

Question- what is wrong with zable? Is she jealous of Zion or something?

Zion- I really dont understand that question. Zable don't even like me *laugh*

Zoya- I think she meant me. I'm not jealous of Zion. Never will be

Zable- guys, it says my name in that question. Ummm no im not jealous of Zion nor Zoya. I'm happy that they ain't together no more tho *smiles*

Okay you guys. Thank you rlewis Hennymade hello_gurl34 for the questions. Next wednesday we will have more questioning and answering from I guess more people If they comment or message me.

But thank you guys. Keep reading and commenting. Hidden Mistress is getting better in a couple of more chapters.

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