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"Why does she have heels on?"Zion ask me. We was in the living room with Amber, Selena, Zable, and Zach. I'm surprise he here. We was all watching the football game. Seahawks vs the New York Giants.
"Cause she's a lady"I said laughing. "Ain't that right baby girl"I kiss her cheek making her giggle.
"I want to know who is her godmother?"Amber ask.
"It's me isn't it"selena smiled.
"No. Not Amber either"I said.
"Then who?"zable ask.
"Lexy"I smiled.
"Lexy!"zable yelled.
"Who lexy?"Amber ask.
"Lexy is zoya old best friend. Still best friends till this day"zable said.
"I thought we were best friends"Amber did the puppy dog eyes.
"We are but me and lexy been friends for so long. Ever since birth. Our mothers was bestie and we grew up going by each other houses and playing in the garden"I smiled at the memories.
"I hated her"zable had a mean mug.
"Why?"I put my hand on my hips.
"Cause she never let me play with y'all or when y'all went to Abel birthday party she told me that I couldn't come"
"And you still mad?"I ask.
"Abel was fine back then"zable smiled. Zach pinch her arm causing her to look at him. "Sorry"
"Well then, Christmas is around the corner"Selena said dancing.
"It's still september"I said.
"I know but my birthday is in December. I can't wait"she squeal.
"When's your birthday Amber?"Zion ask.
"October"Amber said.
"That's next month. Which date tho?"
"The 7th"she said.
Me and Selena gasp. "We throwin a party"Selena said.
"Throw the ball"I said to the tv. The man was running with the ball and then slid on the ground. "Is this baseball?"
"No. The quarterback can do that sweetheart"Amber said. "Well I'm gone, have work in the morning"
"Bye"we all said to Amber.
"When is lexy coming down here?"zable ask.
"Next week"I said.
"Oh god. Come on Zach"zable grab her keys. "I don't want to stay here anyways"she look at Zion who look down at the ground.
"Go home zable and don't come back till next month"I said.
"Yeah, let me go and have a good time with a man that loves me"she smiled.
"Excuse you"I look at her getting in her face. "Zable, don't fucking get on my bad side"
"Well you already on my bad side"she said. "You have him in the house with you after what he done to you back when zable was only a month in your stomach. He push me and then kick me and you still with him!!"she yelled.
"Zable it's time for you to leave"Zion said.
"Who was fucking talking to you, you fucking abuser"Zable said.
"Take your man and get the fuck"I said.
"Fuck you zoya"zable walk out the house. Her man followed her out the house closing the door.