{Q} And {A}

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Welcome to Questioning and answering. I KAYxSAVAGE1999 will be asking my characters question about them and how they feel about each other. Let's get started.

So question #1 will go to zoya.

Question- Zoya how you feel about Ronnie when he cheated on you? What was going through your mind?

Zoya- I felt sooooooooo mad and unhappy cause I really thought that me and Ronnie will work something out. You know, I didn't believe Selena at first but then when I saw proof that he did cheated on me, I was livid. What was going through my mind was how can you just cheat on me like that, I though we was great together.

Next question. Goes to Ronnie.

Question- why did you cheated on zoya? What's up with y'all relationship?

Ronnie- mannnnn, I really liked zoya. She fine as hell but by her having a baby and shit going on with her baby daddy, I rather stay to myself then being with a crazy chick. Our relationship was cool but like I said, I'm not being with no crazy chick

You wrong for that Ronnie. Okay. We have other question. Let's question Zable and Zach.

Question- Zable how you and Zach relationship?

Zable- it's cool, we working it out tho with the wedding plans

There's a wedding😰

Zable- yes, i cant wait as well. And we are planning bigger things on our little story.

That's good y'all. I can't wait. So Zach here comes your question.

Question- do you like zoya? Like how you feel about her?

Zach- to me, zoya was a bit scared looking at me cause i guess my age is older then her sister. She just trying to protect zable which she doesn't have to do cause I got her. I do like zoya as my sister in law, but I wish we can do more things together

Here that zoya😊

Zoya- yeah I guess

Okay Okay, now my question to the person that they all hate. Zion.

Zion- they don't hate me. They love me. They called me sexy

Yeah whatever. Anyways, question #1 for you.

Question- can you ever see yourself with Gabbi or zoya?

Zach- dammmmnnnnnn. I see myself with my baby girls. Zayda is only in my eyes for right now but i do want to see myself with zoya cause she been my baby ever since. *smiles*

Awwwwwww, zoya give him a chance.

Zoya- never

Fine. I do have a question to Gabbi and brad. Please welcome them.

So this question goes to Gabbi.

Question- how you feeling bout Zion and his issues?

Gabbi- all ima say is that he need to work them out with his whoever he talk to cause this baby needs him

Okay then. Next is brad.

Question- brad why you broke up with zoya?

Brad- we never was together. Yeah she was nice and all but i couldn't see myself with her.

You just like Ronnie. Okay our last question for today comes from rlewis

Question- will zoya ever find a guy that's right for her and love her the way she's supposed to be loved?

Zoya- ummmm, I think i will. This guy I met at my meeting is very nice as a friend not a boyfriend or a little trade. He does have a wife. Giving it a try again.

Okay. Next question.

Question- Why can't Zion get the help he needs so he can be a great father for his daughter?

Zion- for one, I am a good father. I am getting help so i can be a good father to my babies. My sickness isnt getting in the way between  me and my babies

Okay I see you. Just there for the babies. Fuck these chicks. Sorry zoya and Gabbi.

Thank y'all for reading and commenting on my story. I really love making this story tho. It's so good.

Leave some comments so I can know how good it was.

Love y'all and peace.

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