Chapter 7

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Gracias, danke schön etc etc strawhat_pirate for this wonderfully-fantastico-amazingly cover

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Gracias, danke schön etc etc strawhat_pirate for this wonderfully-fantastico-amazingly cover... I've honestly just run out of ideas to say thank you... And I thought I was creative, there goes that hope.

This chapter is a bit short but the next one will be longer as well as have a huge significance to the story! So don't miss it! Happy reading, and may the plot be ever in your favor ~

Chapter 7

"The group project I mentioned last week will take place today and the individual essay developing from your group discussions will stand for sixty percent of your grade. This will therefore be taken seriously" Our nature science teacher, with glasses bigger than his face, eyed certain students in the back who had their feet on the tables in front of them. ", so you won't be able to do this the night before."

In the back I heard Emeka laugh loudly, gaining the attention of the whole class. "Challenge accepted Mr. Harrison. Should we bet on it too?"

The class erupted in laughter and it took Mr. Colony about a minute to silence everyone. I continued doing insignificant sketches on my otherwise blank paper and thought of places I'd rather be than here.

After the constant shushing from our teacher, we got paired up in groups of two and when he said my name next to another one I immediately recognized it. Kieran.

Sometimes I felt as if someone played me. I was in the new Sims game and in front of the computer sat the owner's annoying little brother who did everything in his power to make the plastic-looking figures die a slow death. A pleasant surprise ran through me when I was glad that I'd at least not died from lack of a ladder in a swimming pool.

"You must start by discussing the questions on page 394 to then decide for two, maximum four to combine and write a three pages essay about. It's to contain your partner's thoughts where you will either present arguments of your own, for it or against it and the paper needs to be handed into my email in three weeks from now on, on Monday. If not you'll immediately fail this part of the course."

He looked around impatiently when no one did anything. "Well, go on. Take a seat next to your group partner." And the class either begun running or crawling to the person depending on who they got.

The volume got increasingly higher and I could see Mr. Colony sigh as he sat down in his chair, muttering something inaudible to himself.

"Hey. Nice makeup, auditioning for Avatar II?" Kieran knew that he was one of the reasons for my now turning blue face and being the asshole he was he grinned widely looking at me as if he was proud of his painting. While being the bitch I was I used my foot to slightly shoving his chair backward, making him stumble when he was about to sit down.

Some pupils tried to stiffen their laughter while others looked at us in pure fright.

I guess he had some kind of reputation around here'.

Kieran stepped forward and grabbed my collar. His jaw was clenched and he gritted his teeth but I just looked at him in pure amusement, waiting for the teacher to-

"Kieran Cooper you drop that girl right now!" Reluctantly he did what he was told and I quietly thanked Mr. Colony for his compassion. When we both had sat down the teacher went to the students with their hands up who already needed help. Probably asking what the assignment was since they weren't listening.

I felt warm breath by my ear and neck that brought back my attention to my partner. Simultaneously as a throaty whisper was spoken in my ear a hand rubbed small circles on my knee.

"School's just six hours a day, and you can't even hide here. If you don't start sucking up to Havoc right this second we won't stop with some minor bruises." Kieran lifted his hand and caressed my blue colored cheek. "Wouldn't want that, now would we?"

"I might just do that." I shrugged my shoulders and tilted my head to meet his gaze. "Who knows, if I suck good enough your dicks might disappear from your personalities." I winked nonchalantly at him and went ahead to start reading the pages we've been told to.

'I need to learn when to keep my mouth shut.'

Craziest thing you've ever done? Shoot!

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