URQT:Chapter Three.

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This chapter is dedicated to Ahmad1Alkali

AN:  Hello guys. How are you all. I don't have much to say so enjoy.

      Salma stared at him wide eyed as he exited the elevator. He was still looking at his phone so he didn't notice her. But upon looking up he froze.

"Ya Ilahi. I have to tell her everything now." He thought.
"Assalamualaikum." he greeted.

"Wa'alaikumusalam. Yusuf is everything alright. You look...dishelved."

"I am fine. What are you doing here. I saw you the last time I came." asked Yusuf.

"Well I am supposed to ask you that question. I work here. Is someone sick." replied Salma.

"Yeah." he replied.

"Oh My Allah. I hope nothing is bad. Who is it, your wife, son or daughter." she asked again.

He looked at her surprised then he laughed. "I am not married yet."

"Oh! Then is it family?" asked Salma.

"Yeah. I lied to you the last time we met. It is Mumma."he replied.

"What? Why? And what is wrong with Mama. You should have told me so I would pray for her. Which room was she admitted?" she bombarded him with questions looking at him wide eyed.

"That's it. I didn't tell you so you won't panic. And after seeing how you were when you told me your Baba was dead, I didn't want to add to it." replied Yusuf.

She glared at him. "You haven't changed a bit." she grounded. "Now if you won't mind can you take me to her now. How could you think of that. She was a mother figure to me."

"Sorry. This way." he directed.

Upon reaching the door, Yusuf looked at her and asked "Ready?"

She nodded.

They entered the room muttering their Salams. The room was quiet and light from the sun through the folded curtains was illuminating the room. There she saw the doctor lying. She looked lifeless.

Salma gasped. "Inna Lilahi wa inna Ilaihi raji'un." She felt her throat go dry instantly.

"What happened. How did she end up this way?" she asked her voice hoarse.

"A hear attack. Then a coma." she heard Yusuf answer from behind her.

Tears were starting to form in her eyes. "May Allah grant her Shifa'. For how long had she been like this. I didn't know."

He looked at her and smiled ruefully. "How would you have known. Nobody told you so don't even start feeling guilty. She had been like this for six years."

She gasped again. " Ya Allah. I am such a bad person. I started working here a year ago and I didn't even know."

"Salma. You don't have to know everything that happens in a place just because you work there. I've seen you several times but as at then I was trying to remember where I met you. And recently it clicked." said Yusuf.

"How did you live through all those years. I mean six years is long." asked Salma looking at him teary eyed.

"How did you live when you lost your father? It was hard right? But you have no choice. It was Allah's doing and all you can do is to pray. So that is what I did." he replied.

Salma nodded in understanding. When she was sick his mother looked after her. She treated her the way she would treat her own daughter. Salma got attached to her. His mother turned to be the mother Salma never had. And it was hard for her to adjust to life after they relocated.

"I think I will have to go. I have to attend to some patients." she stated noting at the back of her head to come and see her long lost mother.

"Oh! I see you are a doctor now huh. Congrats. The little Salma is now a doctor." said Yusuf trying to cheer her up.

She smiled. "I am not little anymore."

  They exited the room and on their way to the first floor where Salma was always present. Yusuf saw the room Salma emerged from the last time at the hospital.

"Are you not going in there?" he asked.

She looked at him then at the room he was pointing to. "Oh I have seen her already." she replied.

"Is she someone close. Your daughter or sister.?" he asked as they entered the elevator.

She felt a pang in her heart when he mentioned her sister. Safiyya.

"My sister is in Qatar and I don't have a daughter. She is just a kid who lost her parents. " she replied.

"Oh. I thought you were married that was why I asked." said Yusuf  giving her puzzled look. He never thought she would be single considering her age.

Salma stopped in her tracks.


Yusuf turned to see her a few feet's behind him. He turned and called out to her shaking  her off her thoughts.

"Are you okay Salma." he asked. Sensing her uneasiness, he smiled at her. "Did I ask something I was not supposed to ask. Sorry." he said.

"No you didn't. I was married before. Not anymore." she replied.

"Oh! Sorry?" he said. He was taken aback  by her confession. She was so honest and sincere.

"Why are you apologizing?" she asked.

"From what I heard from you, you have been through a lot of pain. You lost your parents and now your husband. It must have been hard. May Allah grant you peace and may he clear away all your pain." he prayed.

"Ameen. Thanks." she replied flashing him a smile. "I have to go now." she said.

"Assalamualaikum." he said.

"Wa'alaikumusalam." she replied and then she disappeared.

   Yusuf was very amazed at her behaviour. They used to play together before but now she was someone different. She was reserved and she went through a lot.

   But life was never perfect. He also had his own story. He grew up without a father. His mother did everything for him. She worked very hard just to be a mother and a father for him at the same time.
          His father ditched his mother after five years of marriage. He was one then. His mother fed him, she provided him with shelter, she payed for his education and disciplined  him. She was everything to him before his father appeared after twenty seven years to tell his mother that he had divorced her. And that was it, she was now in a bad condition. All because of that heartless man.

  He never had a father figure in his life. All he had was his mother.

A lone tear escaped his eyes and he wiped it.
He wasn't going to break.
Not now.

      As for Salma when she left Yusuf at the hospital reception, she felt guilty. She was a bit rude to him. But she had to gather herself.


Since she left him they never talked.


Ya Allah. Now she was feeling guilty. She never contacted his mother after all the love she showered her with.

That was so selfish of her.

But she had no way to contact her. She lost her phone  last year and she had all her important contacts in there.

As she was in there thinking, a nurse entered her office.

"Doctor Ibrahim. That girl has woken up."


AN: There you go. A double update today.



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