URQT: Chapter Seven.

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This chapter is dedicated to svmba_93.

AN: Assalamualikum ya Jama'a. Missed me? I know you didn't, you are all angry cause I didn't update for long. I also know that you are tired of my apologies and all but understand me please. It had been hectic. I am trying my best so I can update as early as possible.
But the good news that I have is that I don't have any exams anymore. I passed my Senior secondary certificate exams *squeals*. Can you believe it.?

Now all you have to do if you want frequent updates is to pray I get admitted into the university by the beginning of next year. So I will be able to finish the book before then. And then vote, comment and share.

  The person  this chapter is dedicated to was the only person who answered my question the last two chapters. Even though he/she got it wrong. I a appreciate it.

Thank you.

Looks like you are tired of my banters.


    "Ya Allah, that is so rude of you Salma. How can you think of that. You are torturing the poor man." bellowed Jiddah from the other end of the phone.

She had gotten extremely excited when Ahmad told her that Muhammad came to see her while she was away knowing his reason for doing so. She immediately called Salma and told her everything. To  her utter dismay, Salma forced her to make a promise that she won't tell Muhammad where she is. She didn't agree from the beginning but after too much nagging from Salma, she reluctantly agreed and she regretted the moment she did. Salma told her that she now had a daughter and a job. She wanted to focus on them. She told her that her heart was not ready to love anyone yet. That she will only be broken at the end of everything.

    While Jiddah tried to explain otherwise to Salma, Salma was trying her very best not to budge from her opinion. She even had to resort to lying to Jiddah that there was actually someone who was pursuing her and she liked him. Even if that was not a good Idea. She had to do it.

"No Jiddah." replied Salma. "Just tell him that you've lost my contact for long and that I have relocated to some place you don't know. Simple."

Jiddah gasped. "I can't believe that the all too innocent Salma is lying. Besides, I am not good at lying myself so I will have to tell him the truth." she said.

"Ya Allah." grunted Salma in frustration. "Jiddah, you promised." she said through gritted teeth.

"Remind me how on earth you were able to nag me into doing so?" asked Jiddah.

Salma grinned even though Jiddah could not see her. "Maybe you were thinking of Ahmad when you did it." she replied while laughing.

"I can't take this anymore Salma Ibrahim. I am hanging up." breathed Jiddah. "Assalamu alaikum."

"Wa'alaikumusalam." answered Salma. "And don't forget to keep your promise." she quickly added before hanging up.

   Salma set aside her phone and for the first time in over a year she let her thought wander back to Muhammad.

Why would he look for her? Surely he doesn't have feelings for her. He should have forgotten her by now.

"Ya Allah."  she thought. "I pray he doesn't find were I am." she prayed. Clearing her mind of all  memories of him, she stood up and grabbed her car keys. She had to pick up her baby from school. Now that Saliha was improving at a fast rate, she didn't want anything to hinder that.  Even if it was letting Muhammad back into her life again.

Not only Muhammad.

But anyone.

          Muhammad stared at himself once again in the mirror. He noticed that he looked thin. He had been skipping meals lately and he had lost a lot of weight. He had bags under his eyes and his lips formed a thin line. He was practically a living zombie. If by chance he was able to find Salma. How would he present himself was what was beyond him.

     He grabbed his keys and left for Jiddah's house. She may be the only person to be able to help him and he wasn't ready to risk loosing that opportunity. He sent a silent prayer to Allah to help him. He prayed to Allah to protect him from getting into the clutches of the shaytaan. It was actually his doing from the beginning. If not for the influence of shaytaan, he wouldn't have treated Salma the way he did. The devil was the most terrible creature to have ever existed. 

       Upon his arrival, he was guided to where Jiddah was by Ahmad and after all greetings and pleasantries have been said, Jiddah smiled and then spoke.

"Muhammad? What makes you want to see me? I hope nothing is wrong?" she asked.

Muhammad threw a glance at Ahmad. An uneasy expression settling of his features. Ahmad just nodded.

"Not really. I just wanted to...wanted to ask you–" he stopped mid-sentenced and shifted uncomfortably on his seat. "– whether you know where Salma is." he finished.

Jiddah looked nervous. Then after a while, she spoke again. "Muhammad, I can't really lie to you seeing that you don't deserve it but honestly,  I can't tell you where is." she said.

Muhammad looked shocked for a minute and then horrified the next minute. He was immobile and not able to speak. After a while, he collected himself and talked. "But why?" he asked.

"I promised her I will not." replied Jiddah bluntly.

"She knew I was looking for her?" asked Muhammad his voice raising a few octaves.

Now Jiddah was the one who looked perplexed. "Uh–no–um– I meant I promised her not to tell anyone. When you guys got  divorced, she nagged me into promising her that I won't tell you and her step mom or anyone. But you have to understand her. She had to be alone to move on."

       Muhammad looked as if the world would collapse. "You were my last hope Jiddah." he muttered lowering his head. "There is nothing I can do now. I can't possibly start going round the world to look for her. Even if I would, I don't know where to start from and I don't want to loose her. What if she finds someone before I get to where she is?" he said in one breath.

    Jiddah saw that Muhammad was slowly loosing hope. With nothing to cling on, he was just trying to do his very best without going mad. She knew Salma was lying when she said she had someone else. She could tell if Salma was lying even if she couldn't see her eye to her. So she gathered her courage and spoke.

"I can assure you, she has nobody yet and she is not willing to accept one easily and not anytime soon."

  Muhammad raised his head and his eyes twinkled with hope. Jiddah smiled and gave him a nod.  "You won't lose her." she said.

Muhammad smiled. He then remembered the address he collected from Zakiyya. It was time he paid Salma's uncle a visit.

   All this while, Ahmad had been staring at them, a smiled perched on his lips. He couldn't believe that Muhammad's love was to that extent.

     Muhammad rose up and straightened his clothes.

"As much as it pains me, I will have to wait. Allah planned everything and he is the best of all planners. All I will have to do is to have faith in him. Then, I will find a solution. I apologise for disturbing your peace and thank you very much." he stated.

"Oh no Muhammad! Don't worry yourself. You didn't disturb us." said Jiddah. " oh I will leave you with him. May Allah guide you. Assalamu alaikum." said Jiddah with a smile and she left.

Ahmad stood up and walked Muhammad to his car where they said their Salams and Ahmad prayed for Muhammad that he finds Salma before he left. He couldn't picture himself in Muhammad's condition. It was terrible. One would know that with just one simple glance at Muhammad.

AN: Now there you go. Don't forget to press the star button at the end of the chapter.

Thank you.🙏

Lots of love😘😘😘

~Saliha. 💖

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