URQT: Chapter Twelve.

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This chapter is dedicated to Rufy_jbabs.

   Zakiyya had been discharged from the hospital a few days ago when she felt better. She was now at home with Safiyya at her beck and call.

    Zakiyya had been noticing how her daughter, Safiyya had been reserved lately and how she flinched whenever she asked her if she was okay.

    Safiyya had been isolating herself and she only stopped after finding out her mother's condition. Now she was always by her mother's side and Zakiyya was always inquiring after what was wrong with her. But Safiyya still couldn't bring herself to tell her mother what was going on.

"Safiyya, are we going to keep moving at this rate? asked Zakiyya one evening.

Safiyya's head suddenly jerked up.

"You promised to tell me everything when I get better. I am fine now, tell me." continued Zakiyya, her eyes peering into Saffiya's.

   Safiyya suddenly started trembling.

"I–uh–" she stuttered.

Zakiyya kept on staring at her daughter. She could tell something was terribly wrong but she couldn't decipher what. Safiyya was looking pale and sick.

"Ya Allah Saffiya just spit it out already." shouted Zakiyya when she couldn't take anymore.

"Ammu..." blurted Safiyya as tears started flowing down her face. She started sobbing instantly.

"Please–" *sob* "–forgive–" *sob* "–me." she said through muffled sobs. She knelt down in front of her mother and cried her eyes out.

"What is wrong with you?" asked Zakiyya.  "Stand up." she ordered.

"No Ammu." replied Safiyya. "After everything I have done. You should shout at me, push me away and even hit me. I deserve it. I shouldn't have..." she said not completing her sentence.

Zakiyya looked at her quizzically.
"What are you saying Safiyya? What have you done?" she asked.

"Mama I'm really sorry. Promise me you would forgive me. Please." begged Safiyya.

  This annoyed Zakiyya. She stood up and pushed Safiyya away.

"Will you tell me already or not. If not I will leave you to yourself and when I find out later you won't like it." she barked. She was really angry at Safiyya. She untangled herself from her daughter and proceeded to leave her when Safiyya spoke.

"Ammu I am pregnant." she blurted and Zakiyya stopped dead her tracks. She turned slowly to face Safiyya who was now crying hard.

"What?" she whisper asked, disappointment evident in her voice.

"What did you say?" asked Zakiyya, this time her voice coming out clearer.

  Safiyya burst into another fit of sobs.

"I am sorry Ammu." she apologized lowering her head.

"Safiyya how could you?" asked Zakiyya. "I can't believe it."

"Ammu, it was a mista..."

"Don't say that." interrupted Zakiyya. "That is in no way a mistake. I never thought you would do this to me." she said, tears welling up in her eyes.

   Safiyya crawled to where her mother was standing. She clutched her mother's legs in her hand.

"Ammu please forgive me. For Allah's sake." she pleaded.

"If you had Allah in your mind you wouldn't have done what you did?" shouted Zakiyya as she kicked Safiyya away from her.

"You are disgrace Safiyya. I am disappointed in you. You brought shame upon me. Shame that you stupid step sister never brought me." she said.

"You–" she said pointing at Safiyya who looked as though knives were being stabbed at her. "–are my daughter. I never expected such from you."

Safiyya only listened and sobbed.

"You know what?" asked Zakiyya wiping up her tears. "I now regret what I did to Salma. Maybe what I did to her is what is backfiring on me. Because I am sure she would never do something like this." shot Zakiyya.

"Ammu I really regret it. I know I shouldn't have done it but Ammu it is the Shaitan's doing. Please forgive me." begged Safiyya as she broke down again.

"Forgiveness. Are you crazy. You knew you would want my forgiveness but you went ahead to do as you wish. Was that why you were neglecting me lately?" asked Zakiyya.

"No Ammu. I didn't mean to. Please I beg of you to forgive." pleaded Safiyya again.

"No Safiyya, I can't forgive you. A daughter of mine would never stoop so low. You are not my daughter." said Zakiyya.
"Ya Allah what have I done to deserve this." she bellowed.

"Ammu!" cried Safiyya.

"Shut up." ordered Zakiyya hotly. "I trusted you." she bellowed. "I trusted you not  to do this sort of a thing but you betrayed me. You were two. You and Salma. I loved  you and I hated her. I treated you well and I maltreated her. I cared for you while I never cared about her well-being.  I did this just so you can make me and your father proud one day. But now I am ashamed of you. She. Salma is now a successful doctor somewhere. She rubbed it on my face the last time we met. She is accomplished while you have followed the Shaitan's path." she spat.

  Safiyya whom her sobs were subsiding lowered her head. Her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"You know." started Zakiyya again.  "I think Allah is getting back at me for what I did to Salma. If I had treated her better, maybe she would have had an influence in you and stopped you from doing such a shameful act since I  couldn't. If I hadn't pampered you and if I had treated you both equally none of this would have happened." Finished Zakiyya falling to her knees.

  She raised her hands up and prayed. "Ya Allah forgive me for my insolence."

She stood up and turned to leave for her room when Safiyya stopped her.

"Ammu, please wait." she said.

She turned to look at her daughter's terrible form kneeling on the ground. "Safiyya leave me alone." she hissed.

"Plea–"started Safiyya but was interrupted Zakiyya.

"Don't plead anymore. I don't want to see you. Get out of my sight." ordered Zakiyya.


"NOW!" shouted Zakiyya.

      Safiyya quietly pulled herself up and went to her room. When she entered her room, she closed the door and slumped to the ground crying. She had finally let it out. But her mother was very angry at her. She had no idea what to do. So she prayed to Allah to forgive her and to provide a solution for her problem. She prayed that her mother forgives her.


AN: Assalamu alaikum people.

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