URQT: Chapter Eleven.

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This chapter is dedicated to billywaziri.

    Muhammad was sitting in the living room with his parents and sisters. He went to visit them. He had not been visiting them and his mother was very angry. She was always complaining that he had been isolating himself lately. That he was too reserved for his own good.

"So, you finally remembered us." said Khalid, his father.

"Baba, I was just very busy lately." replied Muhammad.

"Hmph. Busy you say. It is more like crazy." gritted Fatima, his mother. "I can't believe that a day would come when my own son would leave my side. I didn't set my eyes on you for almost a year Muhammad. That is so cruel of you." she said trying to hold back the tears that were forming in her eyes.

Saudah and Zulaiha who were quietly listening giggled. They knew their mother so well and they already knew this was bound to happen. That she would get all emotional.

  Muhammad glared at his sisters. They used to be a pain in the ass but now, they held themselves from teasing him. After Salma left, they couldn't bring themselves to tease him because he always snapped at them when they did and they understood his situation so they stopped. They also missed her.

  Turning his attention back to his mother, Muhammad spoke.

"Mama, I am sorry. I didn't mean to." apologised Muhammad.

Fatima only glared at him. She gestured to her husband to take care of Muhammad while she stood up and left the living room to cook for them.

   Khalid ordered the girls to join their mother and they did so quietly. When they left, he turned to Muhammad.

"Son, you have been disturbed lately. Why don't you share your problems with me. Let's see if I can do anything to help you." he said.

"Baba, it is nothing actually." answered Muhammad as he lowered his head.

"Muhammad, I am past the level for you to tell me it is nothing. I know you and even though we had drifted apart lately, I can tell nothing is okay. Spit it." said Khalid.

"Baba, even if I tell you, there is nothing you can do." replied Muhammad.

"Well at least share whatever is wrong with you with me. This is something we haven't done for long. To confide in each other. I have been busy these few years back and I was not able to fulfil my duties as your father. Your mother complained to me about your behaviour lately and I told her to give you space, you can take care of yourself. Then, she went all angry on me. She said that I have been running away from problems that I should address and that I didn't love her anymore. I don't spend time with her anymore. I am always occupied with work to even care for her. It took me long to get her into forgiving me. She didn't talk to me for complete four days. They were the worst four days of my life so I promised her I would change.  I love your mother so much and it would hurt to lose her and I don't wish for anything of the sort to happen. I know you were hurt when your wife left you but you have to move on Muhammad." said Khalid while Muhammad listened to him his head still hanging low.

"I am in no place to tell you to move on–" continued Khalid. "–because I didn't lose my wife and I don't know how you feel but I know it will definitely sting. I never imagined my life without Fatima even once. Even though I have been neglecting her lately,which I didn't do deliberately. If she leaves me I would be horrible. So I have retired  to spend the remaining of my life with her and with my family. I want to be that ideal husband and father once again." he finished.

By the time Khalid was done speaking, Muhammad was staring at him wide eyed. He had retired. Muhammad took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly then he looked at his father. He told him everything from the beginning to the end. His life with Salma and how he treated her which he regrets. He told his father how he had been looking for her for over a year and there was still no improvement. Khalid nodded in understanding as Muhammad unveiled everything. When Muhammad finished talking Khalid tapped his shoulder.

"It is going to be alright. I can't force you to move on knowing you  can't, so I will advice you to go and meet her uncle. Why haven't you done that? You said you got their address from her step mother a few weeks back. Why didn't go to them since then?" he asked.

"I am ashamed Baba." replied Muhammad curtly.

"Why?" asked Khalid.

"Because I can't face them. Not after what I did to their daughter." he answered his shoulder slumping in defeat.

"You idiot. All you need is a bit of courage and you will work it out. Don't be a coward and lose a big opportunity of finding her. Besides you apologised and as you said, Salma has no grudge against you." advised Khalil.

Muhammad smiled.

"Even with that Baba. If Salma was your daughter would you consider me?" he asked.

Khalid gave him a glare. "Most certainly Muhammad. As long as you guarantee my daughter's happiness, I won't hesitate to take you back in." he said.

  Just then Muhammad's mother entered with a tray in her hand.
Khalid smiled at her warmly while she smiled back. That made Muhammad happy. He saw raw affection in their eyes and that was what he loved about them.

"I guess I should leave you two." he said smiling. "I have to go."

"Aren't you going to eat before you leave?" asked Fatima.

"No Mama. Abdulmalik invited me to his house. I am going to have lunch there." he replied.

"Hmph." bluffed Fatima. "So you are now a grown up that you don't eat your mother's cooking anymore." she complained.

"No Mama. I promised him I would be there. I will come some time in the week Insha Allah. I promise." he said.

"Muhammad, you won't come. I know you. At the end, you would not come and then you would say that you have been very busy with work. Don't be a workaholic like your father." she said sternly.

"What? I am not a workaholic." protested Khalid.

"Yes you are Khalid." argued Fatima.

"I had no other choice Fatima. But that won't happen anymore." assured Khalid.

   Muhammad watched as his parents argued over nothing.

"You have been saying that for the past few years." pouted Fatima.

"But not anymore. I have retired." blurted Khalid.

  Fatima's head whipped at his confession.

"You don't mean it do you?" she asked her eyes wide.

"Yes I do. Now I dedicate my time to you." replied Khalid.

"Oh my! Khalid you didn't have to." said Fatima, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Now she gets all emotional." thought Muhammad as he smiled at them.

"Of course I had to. Besides I am getting old." replied Khalid.

  Muhammad got up ready to leave. That was when his parent turned their attention back to him.

"Well I should get going. Assalamualikum." he said.

"Wa'alaikumusalam." answered both his mother and father.

Then he left.

Alhamdulilah! Another chapter done.

Hope you enjoy it.




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