URQT: Chapter Thirteen.

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This chapter is dedicated to aysharh_ms.

Anti Utai. This is a must read and vote.

The chapter is a bit short but I hope you enjoy it.
     "Muhammad wake up." said a soft voice. Muhammad stirred in his sleep. He knew the voice but it was hard remembering whom it belonged to.

  "Oh come on. Wake up. You will be late for work." said the voice again.

Muhammad opened his eyes but light blurred his vision and that made him grunt. He used his hand to block away the light but he heard that soft voice chuckling. He then tried opening his eyes again and after a while, he adjusted to the light.

What he saw next shocked him.

She was sitting beside him on his bed.

Flashing him a dazzling smile.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she asked.

"Get up and go brush your teeth, then join me for breakfast in five." she ordered. She stood up and headed to the door.

"Salma." he whispered.

"Yes." she answered. "Anything wrong?" she asked.

Muhammad just sat on his bed staring at her.

"Stop staring at me that way and be fast or the food will get cold." she said and in a flash, she was gone.

Muhammad stood up and did as she told him to. He still couldn't believe what he was seeing. Salma was there with him. Everything looked perfectly fine.

When he joined her at the dining area, she was serving pancakes with strawberry syrup. When she was done, she looked up at him and passed the plate to him.

"Here. Take this." she ordered.

He quietly collected it and sat down opposite her. He kept on staring at her while she served herself. When she sat down to eat, she looked up at him and smiled.

"You know, you should eat that." she said pointing at his untouched plate.

He nodded and started eating.

"So." started Salma again.

Muhammad looked up at her.

"Uhmm?" he asked still shocked that salma was right there before his eyes.

    Salma looked up again to see him still looking at her confused. She dropped her fork and spoke.

"Why are you acting weird Muhammad?" she asked.

  Muhammad shifted uncomfortably on his seat.

"It is just that everything seems so real." he blurted.

"What do you mean?" inquired Salma.

"Well...me...and..." he stammered while pointing at her, his head low.

Salma laughed.

"What is it with you and me?" she asked.

Muhammad looked at her as if she had grown another head.

"It is just hard to comprehend. I slept thinking of where I can find you and I woke up just to see you staring right at me. It is just shocking." answered Muhammad.

  This time Salma frowned.

"What is wrong?" Muhammad asked.

"It is shocking Muhammad. It is not real. I'm not your wife. I just want to pass a message." said Salma.

It was Muhammad who frowned now.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, I am not your wife Muhammad. Not in reality and your dreams. Do you think after everything that had happened I would be able to love you?" replied Salma.

   Muhammad opened his mouth but Salma stopped him.

"No Muhammad." she said. "Wait until I am done talking."

Muhammad lowered his head and listened to her quietly.

"How do you think I have been living without you?" she asked. "My life has been perfectly fine. I have been happy pretty much all the time. I have a job and you have not been on my mind for long. I have lived with peace of mind without you. I know I sound rude but it is truth. So you have to forget about me. Stop looking for me. Delete me from your life. It is for the best." she finished.

  Muhammad looked up at her. A mixture of pain and loneliness was plastered on his face. He opened his mouth to speak but no words were coming out. He tried again and he was successful.

"This is not real at all. You are not Salma. Salma would never say that. Even if she feels that way." said Muhammad.

  She smiled.

"You are right. I am not Salma. I am more of your conscience. But I just want you to know that if you still doubt whether she will accept you or not because of what happened in the past, then you shouldn't. Because that way, you would never get what you want. I will advice you to clear all doubts and pursue her with a pure mind Muhammad. If you truly love her, you would have to sacrifice everything for her. If you have to look for her till the end of your life, do it with confidence. Don't allow second thoughts to fill you mind. Always have Allah on your mind. Then, your road will be paved, your mind will be clear and success will follow you." adviced the supposed Salma.

"I will have to leave now. Assalamu alaikum." she said and in a blink of an eye, she was gone.

Muhammad woke up with a start. He was sweating profusely even though the AC in the room was blowing cold.

  He grabbed his phone to check the time.


He gasped. He was late for work. He quickly got up and headed to the bathroom. He took a quick shower and then he dressed himself and set out for work. But all this while, he had been thinking of the dream. He once dreamed of something similar. Why was this happening?

Was it really true.

Does he still doubt her acceptance or not?

But the real question was.

Will she really accept him?

  "Ya Allah." He muttered.

Life is full of surprises. If a few years back, someone told him that he would love Salma, he would have called that person mad but it was now that he truly believed that life is unpredictable.

The things you least expect to happen are the things that happen.

It only proved Allah's greatness.

Assalamu alikum people. I know you all hate me now.

I am really sorry for taking this long before updating but I will be updating frequently from now on.

I am back with full force.

How is the book going? Are you enjoying it?.

I hope so.

Love.😘quick Saliha.

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