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you will be told stories of how the earth began from nothing but the single burst of something and you will be fed apples to decieve you but something something something.

believe me love his death was caused by something and i love you for something and the earth rests on something and something spins it around.

a voice one rang melancholic melodies of something in my brain and i knelt dow to pray but i could still not say something until i passed out from something

i want to be something definitely but im so unsure unsure unsure and it's all because of something but i don't know the thing and it's annoying to want to peel of your skin.

but wait.

do we not peel off the skins of bananas and sheep aso easily why can't I tear off the something in my life that makes me want to die until i can live again? something something something.

what is this something i keep speaking of?

knock knock.

who's there?


you who?

you are something.

and then i pulled the trigger on shot something dead.

so i bled.

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