Chapter One-Newbie

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"Be back before six!" Aunt Gothel said.

I ran out the door and waved back at her "Okay! Bye!"

I checked my watch and saw that it's already 6:30...classes starts at 7:20. I slowed down to fix my long blonde hair.

After a few more walks,I arrived at the gate. I took a deep breath before walking in.

I'm a transferee here at Imperial High so....I'm slightly trembling.

I held to the straps of my backpack trying to hide my nervousness.

A lot of students were already chatting with their friends and some were even with their partners.

I walked around trying to find my first class.

"Science class....Science Lab." I read my schedule and continued searching.

After a few walks,I finally arrived. I quickly went inside and looked for a vacant seat.

Finally, I found the window.

I was about to sit down when a hand slammed th desk.

I flinched in surprise and turned to the person.

"Sorry, this seat is taken." a boy said.

He has white hair and icy blue eyes.

"O-okay...sorry." I stepped away and tried to look for another vacant seat.

"Pssst!" I turned and saw a girl with fiery red curly hair and ocean blue eyes waving her hand

"You can sit here." she said tapping the chair beside her.

I went towards the chair and slung my bag behind my chair before sitting down.

"Hi! ah'm Merida!" she said reaching out her hand for me to shake.

I smiled "I'm Rapunzel." I said shaking her hand.

She smiled "Nice hair." she said observing my braided hair.

I smiled "Thanks...yours too..It's so...fiery red." I said.

She chuckled "Thanks! You're the very first girl in this school who liked my hair." she said.

"Hey Mer!" a voice said making me and merida turn...

"Oh Hi Hic!" Merida greeted.

It was a boy with shaggy chocolate brown hair and he also has a small braid at the bottom of his hair.He also has green eyes like mine.

"Oh...and who's this pretty lady?" he asked pointing me.

"Her name's Rapunzel...Rapunzel...this is Hiccup." Merida said.

I smiled at him and he smiled back "Nice to meet you you must be new here." he said.I nodded.

"Wait...Punz?Gosh Hicup you're quick in nicknames." Merida said.

Hiccup chuckled "Well...what can I say?...I'm smart." he said with a smirk.

Merida scoffed and rolled her eyes "Whatever." she muttered.

"Hey Jack! Are you still thinking about your girl?" Hiccup said looking at the boy from a while his name's Jack.

Jack smirked and shrugged "Every minute man..damn! I can't stop thinking about her!" he said.

Hiccup snorted "She's your girlfriend, of course you can't stop thinking about her." he said.

So...he's taken...oh well who cares!

I saw Merida roll her eyes..."That girl again..." she muttered.

"Huh?" I asked she looked at me and gestured for me to come I did.

"I hate Jack's girlfriend." she whispered and I can sense fury in her tone.

"Why?" I asked.

"Beacuse she's so girly and she even insulted my hair and the way I dress." she whispered.

"Oh." That was all I could say...I wonder what's her name.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"Elsa...the so called queen in this school." she said

Whoa...she really hates her.

Elsa huh.... who could she be....

"Good morning class! I'm Ms. Toothiana but you can call me Tooth." our teacher, a girl just about my age said.

She's pretty.

Then we started our class...well not yet the lessons 'cause it's still the first day's getting to know you we go again.


"See ya tomorrow Punz!" Merida said as Hiccup held her hand....

"Bye Mer! Bye Hic!" I said.

Hiccup turned and smiled "Bye!"

Oh...they look so cute together!

Suddenly my tummy grumbled...

"Whoops...I better eat." I mumbled to myself...if aunt gothel's here...she'll scold me 'cause she hates me when I mumble.

I went to the canteen and bought two strawberry filled doughnuts and one medium mango shake.

I munched on my doughnut with a smile on my face...strawberry falvor's my favorite...but I like mangoes more.

I checked my watch and it was already 5:35...whoops..I gotta go.

I placed my extra doughnut in my bag and slurped on my mango shake in a hurry that I almost choked.

I went out of the canteen and headed towards the exit.

I galnced around the school and there were only a few students left.

When I passed by the mini garden I heard a faint sob.

I turned and saw..Jack?

He was sitting all alone and I think he's....crying?

I hesitated on going to him but in the end I did.

I sat next to him but a few inches away.

"Here" I said handing out to him my hanky...I always bring a hanky with me but for some reason...I always forget to use it. Lame huh?

"Go away." he said his voice cracking and I saw a tear fall straight towards the ground.

I sighed "You need it more than I do...come on I don't have more time..." I said still handing my hanky to him.

He sniffed and finally he took it.

He wiped his face with it as he exhaled...

"Thanks." he muttered.

"I have no idea why you're crying mom always says that...there's always a rainbow after the rain." I said.

He just looked down on the ground and kept silent.

I took out my extra doughnut and gave it to him.

"To lighten you up." I said and I stood up and walked away.

I wonder why he's crying... a while ago...he's so...jolly and now he's...crying.

I shrugged and walked fast because it was starting to turn dark.

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