Chapter Four-Unwanted Guest

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"Rapunzel! There's someone at the door! Could you please go and see who it is?" Aunt said...I'm guessing she's washing the dishes.

I placed my paintbrush down and wiped my paint stained hands with my towel.

I went out of my room and swiftly ran downstairs...

I had a smile plastered on my face expecting that it was Merida...she would sometimes come over and we wold talk about random things in my room...But when I opened it...My smile vanished.


It was none other than Jack! What the heck is he doing here?!

"Who's at the door dear?" I heard Auntie ask...Geez! I'm so dead! Auntie's Golden Rule is No boy classmates allowed or she'll immediately contact Mom and Dad! I mentally slapped myself for forgetting that Rule...I never should've gave him my address! I bit my lower lip trying to come up with something...

Before I could reply Auntie was now beside me "And who is this young man?" she asked...I closed my eyes biting my lower lip...

"I'm Jack...Jackson Overland Frost."

"Oh...Cute name...So what brings you here Jack?" Auntie asked...What the Heck?! Did she say his name's cute?! Seriously Auntie?!

"Rapunzel here, told me to come over so we could have a tutoring session." he said..I opened my eyes in shock and looked at him with my mouth open...

"I never told you to come over!" I mouthed to him...he just shrugged and smirked...

Auntie nodded and looked at me "I see..."

I'm in soo much trouble!

I heard someone chuckle from upstairs... I looked up and saw my younger sister Jane covering her mouth obviously trying to hold back her sister finds this situation funny!

"Well come in then Jack...It's cold outside at this hour." Auntie said as she opened the door wider and stepped aside...

Jack went in and removed his hoodie which was covering his head, reavealing his snow white hair and his features...

Jane towards me and stared at Jack...specifically,at his hair... "Wow! Nice hair!" she commented...

I spank her shoulder gently she turned to me with an annoyed look "What?!" I just widened my eyes at her and she stuck her tongue out...

"Thanks! and you are?" Jack said...

"Jane! My name's Jane!"

" are you related with Rapunzel?" Jack asked...

"She's my sister..." Jane answered...

Jack smirked "Really? What's with the hair?"

Well, you see Jane and my parents have brown hair while I'm the only one in the family who has a blonde hair...I even don't know why...

"I'm born with this Jack...Besides it doesn't depend on the hair color." I replied...Jane nodded in agreement...

" are some how about you two start with your session so you guys can finish early." Auntie said handing me the plate of warm chocolate chip cookies...

Jane snatched three cookies and quickly ran upstairs...I sighed...

"Come on." I said to Jack...


I continued painting my project as Jack answered the questionaire I gave him...

I was so focused on my work, when I turned to him I saw him already sleeping on the desk...

I looked at his sleeping face... he looks so angelic and peaceful..

I pulled his paper gently and checked it...

"25 over 30...not bad." I mumbled...

I placed the paper on the desk and went to Jack...I shook him trying to wake him but he won't budge!

"Jack..Wake up..." Still no respond...

The door opened "So how are you guys doi- looks like he's exhausted." Auntie said as he looked at Jack...

I sighed "Yep...I think so too."

Auntie went towards me and attempted to wake him up...he still won't budge..

He sure is a heavy sleeper!

"Looks like he'll be staying here for the night..." Auntie said in defeat..

"Okay, I'll prepare the guest room." I was about to go out when Auntie grabbed my arm.

"No need dear...go get your extra foam and bedsheets and place it on the floor."

I looked at her in disbelief "You mean...he'll sleep here?! In my room?!" I asked..

Auntie nodded

I tried to protest but Auntie shook her head "Well...can you carry him to the guest room???"

She have a point...I sighed in defeat "Okay."

I placed my extra foam on the floor,placed a bedsheet and placed some extra pillows and a blanket...

Auntie and I carried Jack to the foam...Boy! He's heavy!

"Don't do something stupid Dear.." Auntie said staring at me...

I blinked several times "Auntie! I would never!"

She chuckled "I was just kidding dear..But don't though..."

I rolled my eyes "I would never do such a thing Auntie...But...Not a word to Mom and Dad?" I said

She nodded "Okay Dear, Goodnight!"

I smiled and gave her a hug "Thanks auntie...Goodnight!"

Auntie went out and I sat on my chair..." Just a few more details and I'm done." I said to myself...

I continued my work and after a few minutes...I'm done!

I looked at my work and smiled I congratulated myself...Job well Done Rapunzel!

I placed it on my desk and went to the bathroom to wash up...

I brushed my teeth and washed my hands and face...

I laid on my bed and turned off the lights...

But I decided to leave my Lamp on...

I closed my eyes waiting for sleep to come when I heard Jack murmur something...

I frowned and looked at him...Is he cold?

Nope he's fine...

"Elsa....Why? What did I do wrong?"

Oh....So something happened to the two of them...and by his's a bad thing...


AN: Hi Guys! In case you are wondering...Jane is from Peter Pan..Not Tarzan...I just thought it would be fun if Rapunzel has a little sister ;) Hope you guys liked this Chapter! Sorry for not updating Just got busy :)

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