Chapter 7- Squirrel hunting

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The beginning of dawn shone through the warriors den. Violetsoul stretched her jaws in a large yawn. Hollywish sat beside her, grooming herself. It had been a half moon since Hollywish and Sharpfang were made warriors.

"Hi!" Hollywish mewed when she stopped grooming.

Her gray orbs were on Violetsoul, as if she could see.

"Hi." Violetsoul lifted herself to her paws.

She licked her paw, dragging it over her ears.
Cloverstrike's head poked into the den.

"I need you, Cedarsky, Willowpaw, Echofur, and Badgerpaw to go on a hunting patrol." Cloverstrike mewed.

Cedarsky stretched at the mention of her name. She nodded tiredly and forced herself up. She turned her head and licked her tail.

"I'll go get Badgerpaw and Willowpaw, I'll meet you at the entrance." Cedarsky mewed.

She slipped out of the Warriors' den and trotted to the apprentices' den.

"Yeah? Well I'll catch the biggest mouse!" Willowpaw mewed, hopping forward.

"No! I will!" Badgerpaw followed her.

"Hey! Come back!" Cedarsky mewed as the apprentices bounded away.

"They'll scare all the prey before they can catch any!" Violetsoul snorted.

"You're becoming more and more like Brokensoul everyday." Echofur mewed. "It's worrying."

Violetsoul rolled her eyes before rushing after the apprentices.

"A squirrel!" Badgerpaw squeaked. "It went in the tree!"

"Good luck getting it! You wouldn't climb one tail length before you'd start whining to get down!" Willowpaw mewed, her hazel eyes had amusement dancing in them.

"Oh yeah? Watch me!"

Badgerpaw hooked his claws in the trunk, and dragged his way up to the first branch.

"Badgerpaw! Get down!" Echofur mewed.

Badgerpaw sprang to a higher branch, ignoring his mentor's words. The squirrel scrambled up the tree, and sat on a branch while it quickly broke open a nut. Badgerpaw, leaped to a higher branch. His hind paws suddenly slipped out from under him, and he gripped onto the branch.

"Badgerpaw!" Willowpaw yowled.

Violetsoul gasped as the black Tom was slowly losing his grip.

"What do we do?!" Willowpaw's panicked mew was the only thing Violetsoul heard other than Badgerpaw's yowls for help.

His front paws lost their grip , and he came tumbling down. He hit the ground with a sickening thud. Willowpaw rushed to him, her eyes were tear filled, and she shook all over.

"I-Is h-he d-d-dead..?" Willowpaw managed to get out.

Cedarsky shakily put a paw to his chest, and a short gasp came out.

"He's still alive!"

Echofur and Violetsoul hurriedly and carefully picked Badgerpaw up.
Violetsoul prayed to Starclan he would be okay.

(I need to point out something.. I didn't mean to 'copy' Erin hunter's part when it happened to Cinderpaw. I didn't even read that chapter until a few days ago, and I wrote this chapter a month ago. And I'm too lazy to change it. Soo.. Sorry! It's also in edited)

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