Chapter 9: Dear Diary

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NOTE: This chapter is witten in a mystery POV. It also holds some girlxgirl themes.

Heat steamed into the summer air as a teenage girl washed the dirt and grime out of her hair. Muscles in her back lost tension as the hot water soaked into her skin, making her visibly relax. Highlights from being out in the sun shone in the blaring light of the showers, her hair looking somewhat blonde. Her thin frame allowed plenty of room in the shower stall for her to move back and forth to a tune stuck in her head. When the water turned cold, the girl shut of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body.

She put on a fuzzy blue robe and walked over to her cabin. The sky was considerably dark, showing the teen that it was well past bedtime. Oh well. Heading over to her bunk, her hands grasp a familiar worn out leather book, its pages sown together with a dark colored string. Old black letters written in sharpie was scrawled out on the front cover and faded glitter spots dotted along the edges. As the girl set the book on an old, wooden desk, the slightly yellow pages cracked from being turned. Going through almost all of the book, she finally opened it to a clean, blank page. Taking out a plain black pen, she uncapped it and began to write...

Dear Diary,

I know that its been less that a day since I've written in this book. As you know from the previous entry, things have been hectic with the sky falling and all. Its not every day Tartarus suddenly decides to literally eat Atlas and drop the sky on the world. And not to mention the usual madness with her too. I can't describe how crazy it has been for me. This quest is turning out to be even more crazier than the Titan war. It even beats the war with the Earth Goddess herself!

I can't stop writing about her, diary. I can't stop writing about her beautiful blonde hair, her alluring stormy grey eyes, or her wonderful sharply lined face. I just can't. She's too perfect for me to not mention her in every diary entry I write. It hurts not talking to her. It hurts not laughing with her, smiling, or even chatting with her.

I want to so badly. I want to plan battles with that girl. I want to run at her side during capture the flag. I want to sit with her at a cafe and blab about random stuff. I want to be with her every minute of the day. But I can't. I don't try to be closer to her becuase I know that it wouldn't be enough. I'd only get hurt in the end if I try. So I stay away for both our sakes.

Since day one I have always admired her. The first time I saw her I wasn't too impressed. But when I heard about the time when she stabbed a cyclops in the foot to save her friends, I immediately had the utmost respect for her.

Like her, I came to camp when I was in early elementay school. After all, I didn't have any parents. I was raised in an orphanage in New York. It had been a nasty place, so I had run away until Coach Hedge found me and resuced me from the streets. So since then, I've always been here, at camp.

I didn't know that I liked her, not for a very long time. It was when I was twelve that I relized that I didn't just admire her. It was on a bright sunny day, and she was taking a walk in the forest. I had been following her like usual, out of sight in the trees, when my crush had suddenly tripped on a root and fell face forward into the ground.

"Oh my gods, are you ok?" I had asked, running over to my crush's side to help her to her feet.

"I'm fine." She had replied, refusing my help and getting up on her own.

"Are you sure? We can get your cuts and bruises healed back at camp." I had offered.

"Yes, I'm sure." she hissed, the color in her eyes darkening as she became more annoyed.

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