Chapter 45: There's No Getting Over You

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NOTE: This is the last chapter in this book. There will be no epilouge because I found I didn't need one. Enjoy:)

VIDEO: This video makes me feel Nico the most, and I wanna put it up again so you guys and gals can feel the feels with me!XD Its called Nico Di Angelo- Monster By Imagine Dragons

Sunlight streamed from the windows, the color tinted with blue as it shone through the blue curtains. The warmth of the sun rays hit the single bunk bed in the cabin, warming the sun-kissed skin of the teenager that lay in it. The black-haired boy woke long ago, but found he couldn't move, staring at the ceiling in thought. He looked up in a sleepy daze, the comforting heat making the son of Poseidon feel impossibly relaxed. A couple knocks on his cabin door didn't break him from the summer spell.

"Percy?" A person called. He didn't answer, wanting to lie in bliss for a little while longer.

Suddenly, Percy's brain jolted when everything from the day before suddenly flooding back. He looked at the door with a groan, knowing exactly who it was at the door.

Annabeth didn't wait for him to reply.

Swinging the door open, the blonde walked into the cabin to see the place a mess. Percy's whole wardrobe was strewn across the floor, trinkets from Tyson's visit dotted here and there in the mix of the clothing tornado. Waiting for her to scold him for this, Percy frantically jumped from his bed and started grabbing the nearest clothes in his reach. "Oh gods Annabeth, I'm so sorry!" He rushed around the cabin in complete panic, not seeing the fact she didn't have a clipboard for cabin inspection. "I’ll get this mess taken care o-"

"Calm down seaweed brain! I just want to talk." Annabeth reassured with exasperation.

Percy stopped his running about and looked at her. Realization dawned in his face. "Oh." He replied, awkwardly scratching the back on his neck in nerves. Knowing well enough what she most likely wanted to talk about, Percy stood in front of her with tension, waiting for the daughter of Athena to speak.

"Look." Annabeth started. "You're an awesome friend Percy. I love hanging out with you, I really do. What we have is precious to me, I mean, we've gone through Tartarus and back together. But...I don't want to ruin our friendship being in a relationship with"

Percy became confused. "I don't understand." He admitted, adding. "I'll always be your friend Annabeth. You know that, right?"

Annabeth held back her urge to roll her eyes in annoyance."Yes, I know that Percy, but me being your girlfriend isn't working for either of us."

Percy nodded. The son of Poseidon forced a smile, trying to hide his anxiety. The teen didn’t know what would happen now, and didn't want to lose Annabeth's friendship. "I...I get it."

Noticing his stillness, Annabeth sighed. She hugged him. "I'm still going to be your friend silly." She told him. "Stop worrying so much."

Percy felt his shoulders drop in relief and relaxed. "I'm so sorry Annabeth." He told her. "I wish we worked out but..."

"You're in love with someone else." Annabeth interrupted.

Percy drew back to look at her with wide eyes. "I-What?" He sputtered. "H-How?"

"You knew that for a while you derpy seaweed brain." Annabeth chided. "Don't give me that surprised look."

"B-But I don't!" Percy protested. He thought about the girls he knew on the top of his head, none of them clicking.

"Oh for the god’s sake, open your eyes Percy!" Annabeth snapped, getting irritated. "You're completely heads over heels for him!"

"I..." Percy felt the wall in his mind crumble, the idea of a man having to be with a woman suddenly dissolving into nothing. His thoughts jumped into a certain son of Hades, trying to deny the impossible truth. The way his heart pounded when memories of their time together on the journey flicked through his brain made him feel faint, almost dizzy. He didn't know what to do with these feelings, feelings he couldn’t hold back any longer. Percy couldn’t ignore the way his heart stopped when Nico’s dark eyes met his, or the way rage consumed him to use his water abilities to control Cupid’s blood when Annabeth asked him not to.

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