Gwendolyne Stacy

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Monday mornings in the Stacy house is very well organized. Helen Stacy prepares lunches for her husband and only daughter, unfortunately Helen can only make sandwiches due to the fact that cooking requires time that she doesn't have. Helen Stacy was set to be in the New York Times office at nine am sharp to present her new article pitch. It would be a miracle if she got it.

George Stacy stands in front of the mirror of his shared bedroom and fixes his tie to perfection, he straps in his gun and double checks that the safety is on before shrugging on his uniform jacket. His shoes were polished to perfection and his laces were double knotted, no way in hell were they to untie themselves while in pursuit. George left the bedroom, closing the door behind him and making his way down the hall quickly, knocking on his daughters door as he passed. He didn't wait for a response he continued down the hall towards the kitchen. Helen held out a brown bag with George's name written in beautiful calligraphy. George took the bag and kissed his wife on the lips before going to the door of their apartment. "Your tie is crooked honey" Helen gestured for him to spin around, she reached up and fixed it, patting him on the chest when she was done. "Have a good day, be safe. I love you Captain Stacy" Helen smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I love you" he spoke softly. George opened the door and he was gone in a flash.

"Gwen honey, you'll be late for school" Helen knocked lightly on the door. Gwen pushed her feet into her black flats and rubbed a scuff mark off before standing up from her vanity and taking a look at her appearance one last time. She fingered the tangles out of her white blond hair, being careful not to damage the waves she had created with her curling iron the day before. "One minute!" She called through the closed door. She shut one eye and then the other looking to see if her light eyeshadow was okay. Satisfied with her hair and makeup she checked out her outfit, turning to look at her bum in the mirror. She flattened the black and white plaid skirt and pulled at her nude tights.

Gwen left her bedroom and made her way down the hall, picking up the brown bag with her name on it. She spun around and picked up her black cape coat. She shrugged her cape on and grabbed her brown leather book bag. "See you later mom! Good luck today" Gwen bid her mother goodbye and left the apartment swiftly. She had a bus to catch and she could not be late.

It was fall in New York, meaning the air was crisp and layers were a good idea. Fortunately for Gwen her tights were thick enough to keep her legs warm. As she strode down the streets of queens whistles from passing strangers rang through her ears. It was sad to say she was used to it. Though depending on the time of day it could be a little more daunting. She kept. Blank expression as she got closer to her bus stop, she learned too early in life that strangers don't talk to girls who seemed dull and boring.

A horn sounded from up ahead. The school bus was almost at her stop. She just needed to cross the busy street before it got there or else it would leave without her. "Shit!" She cursed. She held her book back close to her chest and involuntary clenched her fist around the brown paper bag tightly as she took off in a sprint. She got the the cross walk as the bus pulled up to the stop. She cursed to herself a few times looking both ways before hesitantly rushing across the street. "Careful!" She got through traffic but as a result she bumped into Ned Leeds. "Oh I'm sorry Ned" she rushed to apologize, he brushed it off. Ned was visibly nervous from when they bumped into each other. He could barely speak to her to let her know it was okay. Gwen smiled awkwardly at him before cutting in front of him to get on the bus.

"You could have gotten yourself killed there Miss Stacy. Careful next time!" The driver stated. She bit her lower lip and passed the first few rows of seats. Gwen made eye contact with her best friend Mary Jane Watson and forcefully pushed her way through a gathering of students in the middle of the bus. "Sit down please! Let other students through mister Jameson" the driver yelled. Gwen sat down beside her friend with a huff of relief and a hint of annoyance. "Smooth move hot shot, what's this five? Six times now that you've almost missed the bus? It's still September Gwen!" MJ nudged the blonde beside her. Gwen rolled her eyes "relax, I have a valid reason this time" MJ could see right through her lie. "Mhm, I'm sure you do. Listen, I got an email about a play last night and they are looking for a few people to play minor roles. The auditions are at two today and I'm thinking of skipping to go for it." MJ said, excitement in her voice. "That's great, you definitely should! I would offer to come with you but I've got a chemistry quiz today." MJ shook her head quickly. "No no don't worry about it I was thinking about asking Oliver if he would come along. He's a theatre kid right?" MJ asked curiously. Gwen perked up at the mention of Oliver Harvard's name. "Uh yeah, I mean I think so at least." MJ sat back in her seat and looked out the window as the bus came to a red light. "You're still interested in him right? Cause I could totally be your wing woman. Talk you up and all that jazz" Gwen blushed a light pink, looking down at her hands. "Uh yeah, sure. Wouldn't hurt. Please don't go overboard though, the last thing I want is for him to know deep embarrassing childhood stories" MJ made the motion of a check mark with her finger. "You got it" the ginger girl smiled brightly, looking back out the window as the bus started to roll again.

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