Alice and Oliver Harvard

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It was peaceful and quiet in the Harvard-Miller house. Wendy Harvard tended to the plants around the two storey house. She plucked dead leafs and flowers from her beloved indoor garden. She got herself into a watering schedule. Every Sunday she would tend to the various air plants and succulents by the sunroom. Every Monday Wednesday and Friday she would tend to every other plant she owned. It happened to be a Monday. As she got around to her hanging plant she hooked her foot around the leg of her husbands foot rest and pulled it towards her, stepping onto it effortlessly like it was second nature to her. Wendy lifted the pal pink watering can over her head and gave the plant some water. She held her left hand out under the plastic pot to make sure it didn't drip. As she expected, one single drop of water fell into her palm. She stepped down, kicking the footrest back into its spot. She wiped her palm on her black pencil skirt and manoeuvred her way to the kitchen. She dumped the rest of the water into the sink and placed her watering can in the cupboard in the corner where she kept all of her cleaning supplies. Wendy walked smoothly over to the bottom of the stairs, she called up to her two teenagers to make sure they were awake. Two loud simultaneous groans was what she got back. She chucked to herself as she pulled out her phone to check the time.

Daniel Miller strode into the house with a tired but relived sigh. He had just finished the night shift at the New York Hospital. After today, he would be taking the day shifts, getting back into his old routine. "Good morning my love, how was work?" Wendy greeted Daniel. She removed his scarf from his neck and pulled his hat off his head, putting them away for him. "We lost Kelly. Her lung collapsed when I came in. There were just too many things wrong with her. I tried to get in there to save her it at least buy her another day. She just let go." Normally Daniel wasn't allowed to talk about his patients outside of the hospital but Kelly was a close friend of his. They went to high school together. "Oh honey, I'm sorry." Wendy never really knew what to say when it came to death. She was there for him though, she always was.

Upstairs, Alice and Oliver got ready for the day in their respected bedrooms. Oliver threw on whatever was clean, today it consisted of a red leather jacket with a plain white tee underneath along with a pair of black jeans. To finish off his look he put on his black converse. He pushed his hand through his hair a few times and glanced in the mirror quickly. For a kid who puts minimal effort into his daily routine, he sure looks good. Satisfied with his hair he moves to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

Across the hall from Oliver, Alice sits on her bed with her phone in her hand, she checked her social media apps quickly before getting up to get dressed. She pulled a pit of high waisted jeans on and left them undone so she could tuck in her striped shirt easier. She shrugged on a fuzzy beige cardigan and fingered her hair,  getting the static to calm down. She rarely ever wore makeup but when she did it was usually the classic red lip. She puckered her lips and cleaned up the edges of her lips. She let out a satisfied huff and left her room, swiping up her bag as she left. She stopped just outside her doorway and stared at her twin brother. They both glanced at the stair and back to each other. Oliver took the first step, they both raced towards the staircase and tried to push the other out of the way Alice pushed her brother behind her and started to descend down the stairs with a triumphant smile on her face. "Not fair, I demand a rematch" Oliver huffed, walking down the stairs with heavy steps. "You're just jealous that I'm stronger than you" Alice teased. The twins greeted their parents at the bottom of the stairs. Their father tossed them both an apple for the road and they said their goodbyes.

The two walked down to the bus stop together, as they got to the busy intersection right outside Diane's coffee shop a young woman with shoulder length brown hair came outside. The woman tied her apron around her waist. "Alice my dear, come inside I have a gift I want you to deliver for me" Alice followed the woman into the coffee shop, her brother close behind. "Good morning Diane, how are you?" A worker smiled to the brown haired woman.  Diane held her thumb up as she rounded the counter. "Here I have three coffees, one for you, and you, and Gwen Stacy. I've also got a blueberry muffin with a jelly filling for Mary Jane. Tell her thank you for watching Louise and Henry for me" Diane slid a tray with three coffees and two bagged items over the counter she pointed to Alice and Oliver as she spoke about the coffees. "Oh thank you Diane, but what's this other one for?" Alice gestured to the second bag. "That my dear is a churro for your boy Peter, he comes in all the time asking for a churro with caramel but I never have any by the end of the day. Bring that to him will you?" The thing about Diane is that she is very observant. She picks up on tiny things about a person so quickly and easily that she could tell you things about you that you didn't even know. Alice's cheeks turned a bright pink as Diane pushed the tray closer to the blonde. "Take it honey, you'll hurt my feelings if you don't" Oliver stepped reached around his sister and pulled one of the coffee cups from the tray, taking a sip. "Thank you Diane, you are the absolute best" Oliver patted his sisters shoulder to let her know that it was time to go. "Thank you Diane, I'll pass the message on" Diane smiled warmly and watched as the twins left the shop.

"Man I love Diane, she's a real sweetheart" Oliver lifted his coffee to his lips and took a sip. He looked down the street to see the city bus come to his stop. "Shit, I gotta run, I'll see you at home?" Alice nodded and watched her brother jog to the bus. Oliver and Alice went to different schools. Oliver wanted to be more art based, he took mostly theatre while Alice wanted to be science based. Or that's what she thought she wanted. Turns out both of the Harvard kids were very much artistic. Midtown wasn't all bad, she rather enjoyed her photography class, it was one of her best subjects.

Alice boarded the bus and met with her friends. After giving the message from Diane to MJ, she stood up with her coffee and the second baggie in her hands. She made her way to the very back of the bus and slid into the seat with Peter. He jumped slightly, unprepared for her presence. He took his earbuds out and smiled awkwardly at her. "Hey Pete, uh Diane wanted me to give this churro to you. Since she never has any when you go in she wanted to make sure you got one for once" Alice held out the small bag for him to take "Thank you Alice. I'll uh have to go in and see Diane today to thank her as well" Alice smiled contently and got up, she left peter alone and went back to the girls.

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