Black Light Sees All

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Peter sat in his first afternoon class of the day, his goggles pressing into his forehead as he listened to his teacher. He let out a tired sigh, tapping his pencil on his notes. Peter could feel the hairs on his neck stand just before a balled up note landed in front of him. Peter looked up to see Flash Thompson turning his head to look at the teacher, trying hard not to look guilty. Flash glanced back over as Peter un crumpled the ball. Flash had used his poor art skills to draw Peter being punched out by flash himself. He instantly balled it back up and put it off to the side of his lab desk. He sent flash an annoyed look, the bell rang just as they locked eyes. Flash dragged his thumb across his neck, almost threatening Peter. Flash was then pulled away by one of his friends, breaking the tension between the two. Peter packed up his bag and pulled his goggles off, putting them back in the bin at the front of class. He left the room and weaved through the halls to the lighting studio in the art room.

Alice and Gwen got there just a minute after Peter. "Hey Pete" Gwen smiled to him politely, he returned the smile with a quick nod. He never exactly knew what to say around Alice and Gwen, or girls in general even. "Hi Peter, how are you?" Alice asked, pushing her hair behind her ear. His lips parted, trying to think of what he wanted to answer with. "Uh good, yeah im good. You?" he was unsure if it was a good enough answer but Alice seemed to accept it. "Im alright" Alice spoke with hesitation in her voice. "Im good too, just in case anyone was wondering." Gwen pushed out, she was holding the large black light as she tried to pull the protective bag off of it. "Oh here, let me-"Peter rushed over to the blonde and took the light from her, holding it up with ease. Gwen yanked the bag off and set it aside. "Where do you want it?" Peter asked, Gwen pointed to a spot just in front of the black back drop. "Here?" Peter put it down, opening the legs to raise the light up. Without saying a word Gwen shut the lights off and Peter turned on the large black light. Alice let out a sound of disgust as the black light picked up things splattered over the center of the black fabric. "EW, what is that...?" Gwen walked in front of the light, her hair instantly glowing along with her white collared shirt. "We can Photoshop that out right?" Alice asked. "Yeah, I uh think so. Just mask it right?" Peter adjusted the light to Gwen's height. "You're up first Stacey" Alice clapped.

Gwen stood in front of Peters camera that was clipped in to the tripod. She had her face done up in neon makeup and an orange wig planted on her head. "Guys im not too sure about this idea anymore, I look insane" she puffed up the wig with her hands, trying not to mess it up too much. Her vision was semi blocked with bright orange feather like eyelashes. "You should see it from our angle Gwen, you look amazing!" Alice tried to hype her friend up. Gwen let out a groan and began to pose. Peter took a few pictures and scrunched his face. "Your chin is too dark, we're losing you to the backdrop" Peter rifled through his bag and pulled out an old assignment for chemistry. Alice took the time to look through the view finder, she tossed ideas around in her head and just as Peter was about to pain the sheet blue she called out green. "Green!? That is so not my colour, none of these are my colour Alice!" Gwen called. Alice ignored her and squirted neon green paint onto the paper, Peter brushed it around to create a green blob in the center. He brought it over to Gwen, he held it just under her chin and looked back over to Alice. "How does this look?" he asked. Alice peeked through the viewfinder. The green lit up the underside of Gwen's chin nicely, the rest of the colours complimenting each other. "Perfect. Stay like that" Alice took the picture and clapped, letting the two in front of the light know she was done. "Alright Harvard you're next"

"Dude im not taking my shirt off" "oh come on, it's just Peter and I" "it doesn't matter! Im not gonna get naked for this assignment" Peter fiddled with the strings to his hoodie, he sat in one of the stools left behind from a shoot. He was trying not to listen, trying not to blush. He was scared the black light would pick up how pink he was. "Okay fine, what if you covered the important bits with your shirt, like just drape it-""I'd rather just keep my shirt on actually" "Alice! You said you wanted the paint on your arms, its gonna look weird if you keep your shirt on! Peter back me up here" Gwen turned to Peter, he was in the hot seat now. "Uhm... I don't- I mean. Sorry. It would kind of look weird, don't take that the wrong way. Im not just saying that cause im a guy and you're a girl, and you've got-"he stopped himself, his hands were hovering over his chest, he cleared his throat and dropped his hands to his lap. "Continuity" he spoke quietly. Alice looked to Gwen and huffed pulling off her jacket. "Trust me, you'll look great." Gwen went to grab the white blanket but it was nowhere to be found. "Al, where's that blanket?" "Oh, it's in my locker..." "I can go get it-"Peter started. "Im already out the door, Pete you wanna paint her? I'll be back in two minutes" she didn't wait for him to answer, she was already gone. "This must be really awkward for you huh?" Alice asked, her shirt now wrapped around her chest. Peter concentrated on the swirls he was painting. "Yeah, just a little bit" he dotted up Alice's arm in the orange paint. "At least you aren't the one that's shirtless" Peter stifled a laugh from allice's comment.

Later, the two girls found themselves flinging paint onto a shirtless Peter parker. He stood against the brick exterior of the school, hoping, praying, that flash didn't catch him. "Alright done, get your butt inside" Gwen called. The three teenagers piled back into the art room and locked themselves in the lighting studio. Peter found his place in front of the camera and took a deep breath. It's just for an assignment, relax he thought to himself. He caught allice's eyes in his own, growing more anxious. She tore her eyes away from him and leaned into the camera to look at her subject. "Amazing" she took a few pictures, Gwen hanging over her shoulder the entire time, whispering into her ear. "He's ripped" she pushed the blonde away and turned the camera off. "How fast can you get these developed?" the brunette choked out. "Uh, I'll have them edited and developed by tomorrow" Peter pulled his sweater over his head, taking the camera from Alice. "Thanks Pete" she smiled warmly. "Yeah, it's no problem" he took that as his cue to leave. He packed up all his things and made his way out of the studio. Alice immediately turned to Gwen and hit her arm. "Ow!" "You idiot!" 

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