Mary Jane Watson

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The Watson household was the complete opposite of the Stacy household. Mary Jane's home life was very harsh, not violent, but harsh. She got into a lot of fights with her uncle, or who everyone believed to be her uncle. Mary Jane woke up late every morning but somehow managed to make it to the bus stop with five minutes to kill. This particular Monday morning she was woken up by a loud harsh bang on her door. "MJ. UP. NOW." The red haired girl let out a heavy sigh and swung her legs out of bed. She checked her phone for the time and groggily stood up, stretching her body out, a few cracks sounding. She slipped on a pair of black jeans and a flowy white dress top. She wasn't really fussy about what she wore to school but the night before she had gotten an email about an audition for a local play. She wanted to dress to impress, the only thing she had that was clean was a plain white dress shirt. She stood in front of the mirror holding her hair up. She let her hair fall to her shoulders deciding she would keep it down. She wasn't entirely happy with her appearance, there was something missing. A thought popped into her head and she immediately pulled out a box of her mother's old jewelry that she had left for MJ after she died. MJ pulled out a large statement piece necklace and held it up to her chest right about where it would sit. She sighed and put it back in the box, rummaging through again. She then settled on a gold chain with green dangling jewels. It fell at the perfect spot on her chest. She fixed the necklace under the collar of her shirt and looked in the mirror again. The time on her phone read quarter to, she needed to hurry if she was going to make it to her stop. MJ brushed her hair out with her hair brush as she kicked out a pair of brown boots from her closet. She tried to push her feet into the boots but stopped herself. "Socks, I need socks" she raced around her unorganized room and kicked a box marked 'MJ's room' she swiped the pair of socks that sat in the basket of clean clothes right at her desk.

With five minutes to spare she stood at the bus stop alone, she knew peter parker would come out any moment. She looked up at the sky and squinted. It was bright but cloudy, she knew it would rain by the end of the day, if it were any colder it would snow. The unmistakable sound of the squeaky revolving door pulled her out of thought. Peter parker pulled an earbud out of his ear and smiled politely. "Hey tiger! How are we today?" she asked fixing her bag on her shoulder. "Uh Im okay. You look pretty- I mean you look dressed up. Not that you don't look pretty- uh" MJ smiled, she enjoyed how awkward peter was. "Im going to an audition today, I gotta look good. What do ya say parker, would you cast me as your leading lady?" MJ spun around with her arms out at her sides. "Huh, uh yeah, yeah definitely." The girl smiled, shaking her head as the bus pulled up. "After you Romeo" she let peter on first, following behind him closely. She took her usual spot near the back of the bus on the left hand side. She pushed her back pack on the floor by her feet and watched out the window as the bus started to continue through its route.

She sat alone until the bus stopped at her best friends spot. She saw the blonde dash across the street, a taxi coming to a halt as she sped past. She shook her head as Gwen stepped onto the bus. She kept her gaze down to her feet. Though MJ could make friends easily, she preferred to have a few close ones. She moved around a lot and instead of making a ton of friends she decided it would be best to just have a few, she knew she would just have to leave them at some point anyway.

The bus pulled up to the final stop of the route and the two girls waited for their third member to join them. Alice Harvard stepped up onto the bus and immediately waved at the two sitting near the back of the bus. She weaved her way through the isle being cautious not to drop the tray of coffee in her hand "morning kids, what say you this fine day?" Alice took the seat directly in front of them and tuned around in her seat to face them "im tired and I am in desperate need of a coffee from Diane" Gwen rested her arms on the back rest of Alice's seat. "Well you my friend, are in luck. Diane has given me two coffees today, one for you and one for me. She passed Gwen the coffee cup marked black. "You're a gem and I love you a lot" Gwen took a sip at the coffee, she smiled warmly. "And for my dear Mary Jane I have a blueberry muffin with a jelly filling. Diane said that she is thankful to have you come watch the kids on such short notice and if you need anything you just let her know." MJ took the bagged muffin and smiled brightly. "Ah the perks of being friends with the neighborhood barista" Gwen held up her cup and cheers with Alice. "I love Diane, she is such a lovely person" MJ stated. Alice nodded in agreement. "What's that? Another muffin for yours truly?" MJ asked, she pointed to the only bag that was left on the tray. "Nope, this is a churro for peter Parker." Alice said, MJ noticed her looking around the bus for him. "He's right in the back corner. His usual spot" MJ threw her thumb over her shoulder. Alice nodded and snuck to the back of the bus to deliver the churro to peter. "How much do you want to bet that the churro wasn't a gift from Diane" MJ whispered in Gwen's ear. Gwen rolled her eyes playfully as she watched Alice sit down beside peter. "It's definitely not Diane" Gwen giggled.

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