How I See Myself

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Alice tapped her foot on the floor as she sat on a wooden bench, next to Gwen, they were waiting for Peter. He had the final edited copies of their pictures for their photography assignment. She wanted to take a look at them before they had to hand them to the teacher in two hours' time. "He's taking forever..." Alice groaned. "Peter is late for almost everything, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was late to his own funeral" Gwen filed her nails into points, sharp enough to puncture something but dull enough to still be considered cute. "Flash is having a party Friday night," Gwen mentioned nonchalantly. Alice looked to the bright blonde beside her. She knit her eyebrows together. "Are we going?" "Only if you guys want to, it won't keep me up at night if I don't go. You and MJ decide." Alice leaned back on the bench, watching Gwen sharpen her nails. "Gotta be prepared," Gwen said. Alice stifled a laugh. "For what? Someone to ask you to scratch their back?" Gwen sent Alice a glare. "No. this is a self-defence thing. You know, in case I get stuck in an alley and Spiderman can't get there in time" Alice rolled her eyes. The stamping of feet caught the attention of the two girls. They looked up to see Peter jogging down the hall, a large white envelope in his hand. "Sorry, I got caught up with something, stark industries. You know... uh, here." Peter handed Alice the envelope. "No worries," Alice smiled, opening the envelope and pulling the printed images out. "Holy shit, these look amazing!" Alice stared at the photo in her hand. Gwen's hair was lit up perfectly, the editing was flawless and the print quality was the best she's seen. "Let me see!" Gwen jumped up to look at the pictures. Alice moved the pile in the middle of them and passed Gwen the photo of her. "These are so good! Oh my god look at Peter!" Gwen snatched the photo of Peter out of Alice's hands. The two girls looked up at Peter, he stood in front of them, swaying awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. He looked scared in a way. "You look hot!" Gwen beamed. Peter stopped swaying, his cheeks immediately going red. "Uh," the bell rang, saving Peter from having to say anything. Alice collected the photos back up and sliding them into the envelope. "We'll get a good mark on these for sure. See you in class Pete?" he nodded at Alice, "yeah, I'll see you guys in class" they went their separate ways, the girls heading to the English wing and Peter heading to his gym class on the opposite end of campus.

Peter climbed up the rope in the middle of the gym, trying not to show his true strength. When he was halfway up he faked his drop. The only thing to give him away was the lack of sweat but his classmates were too preoccupied to notice. "Do you wanna go to flash's party on Friday?" Ned asked, sliding beside Peter. "Flash is having a party?" Ned nodded "yeah, I got invited, you can be my plus one" Ned smirked, nudging his best friend. "Who invited you?" Peter crossed his arms, amused. "Well I wasn't directly invited, but word of mouth right? If you hear about it you're automatically invited right?" Peter smiled, shaking his head. "I'll think about it, Liz's party last year didn't go well, I don't know if im ready to go to another one" "Peter, you diched me ten minutes after being there" peer scoffed. "What? No.... I would never- Im sorry about that, I don't think I ever apologized" Ned shrugged, not really wanting to get into it. "It's fine, I had a good time. I got so many compliments on my hat. Maybe I should wear it again, or maybe I should wear a different one, you know to spice things up a bit. Gotta keep the people on their toes!" Ned exclaimed. Peter pushed out a laugh, "yeah, you do that" Ned smiled to himself, getting down on his back to do sit ups. Peter held his best friends feet as Ned put his hands to his temples. "Do you think Alice will go? To the party I mean," Peter started to say, ned had gotten halfway up and gave up, laying back down, he stared at the gym ceiling at the large, diverse collection of balls and other gym equipment that had been lodged up in the beams. "Probably, she's pretty popular." Ned forced himself to try another sit-up. He managed to fully finish before the whistle blew signaling the pairs to rotate. Peter and Ned swapped placed. "Would you go to the party if you knew she was going?" Ned asked. Peter sat up and shook his head. "No" he continued to do sit ups. "Would you go as Spiderman if you knew she was going?" Peter sat up, "no" his tone a little more irritated. "Would you go as Spiderman in general? Even if you knew Alice wasn't going?" "No, Ned! I don't know!" Peters outburst caught the attention of a few classmates but he just continued his sit-ups getting faster, drawing more attention to himself. "Parker! Looking good!" Peter slowed down when the coach walked passed. "Thanks" he mumbled. Peter looked back at Ned, and shook his head telling him once more that he didn't want to go to the party at flash's house.

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