Dear Fathers

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  • Dedicated to Every Dad out there

Dear Fathers,

        Don't let your little girl to grow up without a daddy.  Please, stay in her life even if your not with her mother. Put that babies happiness before your own, you created her and she is a piece of you. No matter what you do she will love you unconditionally. She will always love you. Life goes on right? So if you abandon her she will still grow up, she won't stop living. That baby will grow into a child and that child will grow into a teenager, that teenager into a adult. Regardless of your involvement in her life. What you don't know is how she will grow up. As  child she's not going to understand why it's just mommy, other kids have a dad too. A dad that teaches, loves and plays with them. When people ask her about her family she'll get a little sad, to young to understand. When she's a teenager is when your absence will really affect her. Now married into a new family, she's the outcast. Different from the rest, not as important as the other kids in the family. On her 16th birthday they forgot, no one came. Mother working and step dad trying. Trying to love a child that is not his own. She feels alone, on her birthday. That little girl is covered in scars from the sharp edge of a razor. Believing that she is unloved, and not worthy of it. Unimportant to anyone, just there, ignored. Do you understand? That beautiful little girl does not understand real love. She fears rejection because she's grown up rejected. Always feeling sad, angry, depressed...suicidal. Pushing away anyone who does care. She doesn't believe she' pretty, smart, or funny. She has no talent, nothing that makes her standout in a crowd. Slowly she fades away.

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe your little girl will grow up happy. Loved and cherished.

But this particular little girl is crying as she writes this, because it's me.

Please, please don't let your little girl grow up without you.



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