Diagon Alley

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"Welcome to diagon alley!" Hagrid said.

I gasped the place was full of witches and wizards doing there shopping, eating, laughing. It was amazing!

"Are all these people witches and wizards?" I asked.

"Yup. now firs' you need to go get your robes at Madam Malkins. It's over there." Hagrid said pointing. then I realised that I don't have any money.

"Um.. Hagrid I haven't got any money." I said quietly.

"Oh that's righ'! Dumbledore said you have a vault at gringotts bank from ur parents, lets go," he smiled sadly. I think he knows what it's like to loose a family member.

We walked to the front of a large white building taller than all the other shops with large bronze doors. Engraved upon them it said:

Enter stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

I shivered, that sounded pretty nasty.

They entered the building and inside were.. goblins?

"Are those goblins?" I asked

"Yes, they can be very nasty so behave." he said quietly.

Hagrid went up to a table with a goblin and asked to enter my vault.

"Ah, miss Winstin. Not many know your story even though you are the cause for the dark lords downfall along with mr Potter. Do you even know yourself?" It asked.

Yeah I know 'it' isn't very nice but I didn't know what else to call it, I mean him.

But what he said was still ringing in my ears the cause of the dark lords downfall? Do I even know myself? of course I do my names Amber Winstin, I'm an orphan, my parents names were Crystal and Leigh Winstin. But that's all I know, I wonder what happened before my parents died.

I shook my thoughts away and looked at Hagrid who was staring at me quizedly.

"Um- ok- we shoul' go to yer vault now." Hagrid said awkwardly.

We followed the goblin, whose name was Griphook, to a cart that led to my vault. The cart ride was awesome like a rollercoaster! Hagrid didn't seem to agree.

"Here we are number 714." Griphook said.

When we got out Hagrid pointed to number 713

"Tha' vault was robbed las' ye'r.'' he said gruffly.

"By who?" I asked.

"He who must not be named." Hagrid said darkly.


"Yer tellin' me you don't- oh right you grew up with muggles." Hagrid told me that a muggle is a non magical person.

"He who must not be named is the most evil wizard of all time."

"Oh" I said weakly.


Once we got my money I went and bought my robes at madam Malkins, a cauldron, and a few other things that I needed it was time to buy my books and a wand! a real wand!

Hagrid left me to get it myself because he had to go buy flesh eating slug repellant.

I walked into the old store and saw an old man at the counter and behind him was hundreds and hundreds of boxes.

"Erm- hello." I said.

"Amber Winstin I've been expecting you. I am Mr Ollivander" He said in a misty voice. Expecting me? Creep alert.

"I'd like to purchase a wand.'' I asked nervously.

"Yes, yes," and he begun measuring my arm span my shoe size, everything. After what felt like forever, he went behind the counter and grabbed a box.

Inside was a stick? Oh that's a wand!

"Twelve inches pine, unicorn hair." He said.

"Wave it." and so I did. A flower pot exploded.

"No, no. Try this one." He offered me a short maple with dragon heart string. I waved it and this time no flower pots exploded but a window did!

The third wand was willow with phonix feather and twelve inches. I swished it and out came sparks like fireworks.

"Bravo. That is seven galleons please, but curious very curious. Did you know one year ago a young man bought a wand holly and phonix feather, he was very much like you. you may not know now but you two are a team destined to destroy he who must not be named. He's wand has feather from the same phonix as the feather in your wand along with he who must not be named.

"Um ok." I let that sink in. Again someone mentioning he who must be named.

" The boys name is Harry Potter."

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