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'Let the sorting begin!' Professor McGonagal said.

My knees felt like they had turned to jelly and I was visibly shaking, I hope I get a good house.

One by one people got called up and the hat would call out a house.

Now there was only three people left Ginny, a boy who I don't know his name and I.

'Weasly, Ginny.'

Ginny went and sat on the stool, after a moment the hat shouted Gryffindore.

The next boy went up and got Ravenclaw.

'Winstin, Amber.'

With trembling hands I went and sat on the stool. The hat covered my head and I heard a little voice speaking in my head.

'Hmmm. Interesting. Where to put you, you seem to have equal qualities for every house! this is almost impossible!'

The hat sounded like it was shouting in my head.

'Very smart, very loyal and just, you'll make friends easily and very brave. But where to put you?'

I sat there for another ten minutes listening to the hat trying to place me in a house but it just couldn't decide.

Everyone in the hall was staring at me weirdly, I don't think the hat has taken this long, ever.

'Just put me in a house,' I whispered. 'Any house.'

'What house would you do best in? Better be SLYTH- no no no, how about RAVENCL- no not that. I can't chose one!'

The hat sounded frustrated, I don't think this has ever happened before.

' Maybe you should be in HUFFLEP- nope. How about GRYFFINDO- I can't choose a house. What house would you like to be in?' The hat asked.

I thought for a moment then decided

'Gryffindore.' I whispered.

'Ok she's chosen GRYFFINDORE!' The hat shouted.

Nobody clapped only Dumbledore. People just stared. My footsteps echoed across the hall as I took a seat next to Ginny and looked down wanting to cry.

'Okey now that we have finished the sorting,' Dumbledore said. 'let the fest begin.'

The golden plates suddenly had food on them but I was to wrapped up in my own thoughts to care.

' It's ok Amber,' Ginny said in a soothing tone. ' no ones going to judge you. Your a Gryffindore!'

'Yeah but everyone was just staring at me, I feel like I shouldn't be here.' I said miserably.

' You are ment to be here, Amber. You're a witch!' she said.

'Ok, ok.' I helped myself to some food even though I wasn't hungry.

I guess I'll be an outsider again, I thought sadly.

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