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authers note: i do not own any of the characters except for Amber.

sorry for spelling and grammer errors.

Ginny and I took a seat in the middle of the classroom waiting for Professor McGonagall.

"I wonder what we'll be learing about.' Someone wispered. 'I heard we'll be turning people into frogs!'


'we're not gonna do that,' ginny said seeing my expression. ' my brothers told me you just start of with stuff like buttens and needles or stuff like that.'


Suddenly a cat jumped onto the desk, and just sat there staring at the class, it's clever yellow eyes darting around, the class was made up of Griffindore and Ravenclaw first years.

A group of five girls walked in late and I immediately knew that they were the 'cool group'. They had enough makeup for a Halloween party and laughed and tried showing off to the guys.

The cat jumped of the desk and morphed into Professor McGonagall.

'Oh my gods.' I said along with a few others.

'Miss Dare, would you kindly explain why you and your friends are late.' professor McGonagall addressed the leader of the popular group. She had strait strawberry blond hair and cold brown eyes.

'Um- well we got lost cause its only our first day here.' She said sweetly.

McGonagall stared at her.

'Alright, I'll let you off this time but if it happens again don't be surprised if you get a months detention.' McGonagall said sternly.

'Ok in this class you will learn about the art of transfiguration....' She droned on about transfiguration, then turned her desk into a large pig and back again.

Everyone was anxious to get started until we were told that we were just going to be turning a match into a needle.

Changing a match into a needle was much harder than it sounded, by the end of the class only two ravenclaws and myself were able to do it, I was actually quite proud of myself and was awarded 5 points to gryffindore.

Next we had potions with the slytharins.

Apparently slytharins aren't very nice and not one wizard that went bad wasn't from slytharin.

I shivered remembering how the sorting hat said that I had equal qualities for every house.

The gryffindore and slytharin first years waited outside the door down in the dungeons for the teacher.

A man in sweeping black robes and greasy black hair with a large hook nose came and addressed our class and assigned us seats.

I was sitting next to a really short and skinny girl from slytharin and a boy from gryffindore called Collin Creavy.

'I am the Hogwarts potion master and you shall call me Professor Snape,' he said in a venomous voice. 'This year we will be studying the art of potion making. Today we will be making a simple cure for burns as seen on page 164 of your text book, now get to work!' He said.

After an hour of hard work I actually made it correctly! Me and Ginny left the classroom and made our was to the great hall. On the way a 5th year ravenclaw came towards me.

'I have a letter for you from professor Dumbledor.'

Hello! I'm not sure if anyone is actually reading this, if you are I'd really appreciate if you comment letting me know.



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