Chapter One

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I tie my hair into a braid and tuck it into my hat. I position the black baseball cap to cover my face from a passerby. After pulling on my black jeans, I zip up the green jacket. I look at myself in the mirror and nod to myself in confirmation. Hiding my features is the first step to staying off the radar. Today it is a lot easier to hide myself, especially with all of the equality.

Trying to hide myself in the 1820s was a disaster. The easiest way to stay off of the radar was to stay completely out of site. Living as a recluse in the woods. Although those were plagued with werewolves and lycans alike.

I still thank my parents to this day for teaching me how to mask my scent. It was rough when I first learned. Either I masked it too much, giving me no scent, or not enough. I mastered it in 1763 when I was 10. My parents were so proud.

I smile at the memory and then snatch up my bag. I sling it over my shoulder and open up the hotel door. The crisp winter air, bites at my nose and I sharply intake some air. It burns as it goes through. I grasp my bag strap and pull it closer. Shutting the door, I walk down the staircase to the lobby. The automatic doors open and the receptionist looks up from her computer and smiles at me.

I walk up to the desk and give her a small, quick smile. "Checking out?" She asks sweetly. Her auburn hair is up in a bun and her makeup is done to perfection. Her light brown eyes sparkle when she talks.

"Yes," I respond softly.

"Name?" She asks, looking down at her computer once again.

"Annie King," I tell her. My fake name. Annie is what my friend from years ago would call me. King is short for my real last name, Kingston.

"Alrighty," she cheers, "you're all set Ms. King! I hope you have a lovely day."

I nod my head with a small smile and walk out the door. She was sweet. She's also pregnant. I could hear the faint beating of her baby's heart. Unless she's trying to get pregnant, there's no way she'd know.

My feet crunch as they meet the sidewalk, covered in freshly fallen snow. I keep walking down the deserted sidewalk until I reach the bus stop. I pull out my phone to check it as I wait.

Very few people know who I am. Even fewer people know what I am. When I unlock the glass screen, I see that I have a text message from Kenzie.


We miss you.
When are you going to visit?


Soon is all I tell her before I shove my phone back into my pocket. The bus pulls to a stop, screeching. The doors open and I step on. I hand the driver some money and take a seat in the back of the worn down bus. The leather seats have more tears in them than they have leather. Something sticky is puddled onto a spot in the isle and there are water stains on the roof. I put in some earphones and watch out the window. After a few others join, the bus pulls off and the small town of Glendsdale flies by.

"Final stop!" The driver shouts. I've been sitting on this bus for five hours, excluding the stops. Many people have gotten on and off of the bus through the journey. I pick my bag up and walk up to the front as the driver pulls to a stop.

"Long ride for you, huh missy?" The old man asks. I look over to him and smile.

"Something of that sort," I smile and then step off of the bus. I check the time and see that it's twelve pm. A sense of peace and serenity washes over me as I look at the little town. I close my eyes and inhale deeply. The smell of fresh snow and pine washes over me and I can't stop the smile that creeps onto my lips. I'm home.

My stomach growls as I venture to Betty's Diner and Country Store. The bell above the wooden door dings as I push it open.

"Welcome to Betty's!" A chorus of voices say. I smile and walk to a table. I set my bag in a chair and then sit in another.

I don't need to look at the menu. I know what I want. "How can I help you?" a sweet voice asks. I look up to meet a blue eyed, blonde haired girl. No older than seventeen.

"A caramel latte and Betty's Famous Sandwich please," I tell her nicely. She writes down what I say and then smiles before walking away.

I survey the room as I wait. An old couple sit by the window, talking about their life together.

"She had the baby," the older lady says happily.
"Another grand baby to add," the older man chimes in happily. "I love you Addison," he adds.
"As do I Brent," the women replies with that same affection.

"Here you go," the waitress says, as she hands me my coffee.

"Thank you," I speak.

"A few more minutes on the sandwich," she adds before walking away again.

Wishing for those few moments the older couple had. I sigh as I take a sip of my coffee. The life I longed for but could never have. I don't grow old. And I cannot find my mate. One, I'm immortal. Two, I haven't aged a day since eighteen. Three, it's too dangerous for me to find my mate.

The girl comes back with my sandwich and I scarf it down. Once I'm finished, I pull out a 50 dollar bill and set it on the table. That should cover it. I pick my bag back up and walk out. I walk behind the store and into the woods. I know the territory is somewhere in these woods. If I walk long enough, I'll find it.

Once I cross the line, I can sense it. I immediately feel the eyes that are watching me. They stay in the shadows and out of site. My scent is masked as a humans, so they won't attack or come near me. That is, unless I get close to the pack house.

I set my bag down and look around, towards the direct where I can sense the eyes.

"I know this is Blood Moon Territory. I came to see McKenzie Meadows and Mason Meadows. I'm Annie King," I say outload, knowing they can hear me.

There's no response at first. Probably mind-linking the twins to check if I'm okay. A brown wolf walks out from the direction I was looking in and nods his head at me. I pick up my bag and follow the direction the wolf leads. After a good distance, we walk into a clearing. There is a ginormous house that sits in the middle.

"Annie!" I hear the shrill scream of my friend. A smile takes over my face as I see the brunette girl run towards me in the distance.

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