Chapter Eleven

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I wake up and it takes me a moment to realize where I am. Xander's arms are wrapped around me and the sunlight is peaking through the curtains. Everything that happened last night comes rushing back to me. McKenzie. I get up quickly, ignoring the ache in my body. I run over to my bag and pull a pair of pants on. I quickly discard my shirt and put a bra and sweater on. I grab my jacket and put it on. I shove my clothes in my bag and zip it up.

"Xander get up," I say and push his shoulder. He groans and rolls over. "Get up," I shove him again, harder this time. His eyes flutter open and he smiles up at me. I don't smile back. I'm angry. He was supposed to save McKenzie.

"Get up, we're leaving," I say and toss his clothes at him. I grab the room key and my bag. I walk out the door before he can say anything. I go to the receptionist and hand her my key and checkout. Xander joins me in the lobby, his hair is a mess but somehow manages to look good on him.

I walk out of the hotel, waiting for him to follow. I know he drove here. "Car?" I ask, it's short because I know if I say anything else it won't be nice.

He takes the lead and I follow him. He opens the door for me and I get in. Once he's in and starts to pull out I ask, "why did you come here?"

He looks over at me, his expression asking isn't it obvious, "you were hurt."

"I told you to protect McKenzie," I say calmly. My anger is rising and it's getting harder to stay calm. He looks away from me and back at the road. "I know," he whispers but doesn't say anything else.

I grab my phone and call McKenzie. The phone rings and rings and no one answers. I panic a little and send her a quick text, she always answers. I dial Mason's number and he doesn't answer either.

"They're not answering," my voice shakes, as well as my hands, "if either of them are hurt..." I don't finish what I was going to say.

Xander catches on and you can see his mood change. He narrows his eyes at me and his hands tighten around the steering wheel. "What? If either of them are hurt, you'll what?" he snaps at me.

My anger boils over and I turn my head to look at him. With absolutely no emotion or thought, I say, "I won't forgive you."

He nods his head and then looks away from me. The rest of the car ride is silent, neither of us wanting to speak. When we pull up at his house, I get out of the car and run towards Mason and McKenzie's house. The door is locked but I don't have time to knock, I push it through, breaking the lock. I run to McKenzie's room and don't see her. No. No. I run down to Mason's room and he's gone too. Dammit. I can't breath. I lean against the wall and slide down it as I try to catch my breath. The tears come and I can't stop them. They're going to die because of me.

I pull my knees up to my chest as my thoughts run wild. My body starts to shake with rage and I reach for my phone.

What do you want?

Don't be silly Annie, you know what I want..

Bring them back and I'll go with you.

Oh Anastasia, what's the fun in that? I need you to do something for me first.


Reject Xander.

My heart drops to my stomach as I read the message. I can't reject Xander. I can't do that to him, or me. He's waited so long for his mate and I've longed for mine for centuries.

What? No! I can't.

Then say goodbye to the pretty brunette and her twin brother. They're rather feisty, it'd be fun to kill them.

No! Don't. I'll do it. I'll reject Xander.

I have to wipe tears from my eyes as I type out the words. I break my own heart by typing this. This will destroy Xander. I don't know what else to do. I can't let 'D' kill Mason and McKenzie.

You have until Friday Annie. Once it's done, meet me at Betty's. I'll know. I see everything. -D

I sit on the floor, against the wall, for what feels like hours. Riley won't talk to me. She's having as much of an internal struggle as I am. We both want to be with Xander but we can't let people die at our expense, especially people we love. The front door opens and I'm on my feet within seconds. Quickly, I walk around the corner and see Xander in the doorway.

His eyes meet mine and I can see the guilt and grief. Two of his pack members got kidnapped because of his own selfish desires. Two of the closest people I have to family got kidnapped because of him.

"Annie," he starts and I look away, "I'm sorry. I was trying to protect you and my judgment became clouded. I couldn't think straight knowing you were in pain."

I sigh and look up at him. "I know," my voice is hoarse from crying. I go into the kitchen and get a glass of water.

"I have my best trackers out looking for them," he assures me.

I put the glass in the sink and look over at him again. "You're not going to find them. The only way they get out of this alive is if I turn myself in," I say sternly.

In two strides Xander's body is in front of mine. He puts his hands on my cheeks and brings my face up to look at him. "You are not turning yourself in," he commands, "do you understand?"

An exasperated laugh leaves my mouth and I shake my head. I know I look crazy but I don't care. I push him away and step away from him. "Do you not get it!" I shout. "People die around me Xander. You'll be next. You're next on his list of people to destroy me. He killed my parents. He took the two people I considered family. He won't stop. He'll take you next. I'm not letting anymore people die because of me. Not this time. I am done running from him," I'm yelling at this point. Xander stares at me and I know he isn't taking me seriously.

I stop pacing and look at him. I stand straight and let out a shaky breath. I don't have a choice. "This is for your own good. Just know I love you and always will," my voice remains strong as I speak, "I, Anastasia Kingston, reject you, Xander Valentino, as my mate."

Don't hate me!

How is Xander going to react? Will 'D' give Mason and McKenzie back? What will Annie do next? What happens when Annie hands herself over?

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