Chapter Seventeen

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As the words leave his lips, sirens begin to wail throughout the building and all hell breaks loose.

Harold looks up at me, fear evident in his eyes. I feel so useless and I hate it. As the warrior tries to quickly lead us down the corridor, I spot the room where Draco would torture me. I halt and look inside of it. Draca would burn me and cut me until I was on the brink of death before feeding me this herd that would revive me so he could continue.

I push the door open and walk inside. "Luna, what are you doing? We have to flee," the warrior exclaims, coming in after me.

I ignore him and walk over to the shelf, searching the different jars and vials. I spot the all too familiar purple plant and pick it up. It burns my skin but I'm used to the feeling I grab a few glass jars and fill them with water before breaking up the plant and putting it in the jars. Then I search the shelves again and spot the metallic, blue liquid that kept me alive.

I grab the vial and pull the cork out of it. I bring it to my lips and drink the entire vial. It was definitely too much, but I need to revive my wolf. If we're going to make it out of here alive, I need her. I wobble a little and the warrior comes to aid me. "Luna, what was that? What did you drink?" he asks in a panic.

I shake my head as my vision blurs. I feel a jolt of energy within me and the wounds on my back begin to heal at a fast pace. I grin and look at the warrior. "Grab those glass bottles I made and let's get the hell out of here," I command him. We all grab two each and put some more in the warrior's pack.

I go over to the door to make sure it's safe before we exit. A few rogues run down the hall and I duck down. Once I can't hear them anymore, I look out at the empty hallway. I push the door open and make the warrior go and then Harold goes, with me in the back. We walk quickly down the corridor.

"No, not that door," I say quickly. He looks back at me with questioning eyes. "It's the only way out," he says and I shake my head. I grab Harold and pull him up with me. "This way," I say quietly as we walk down the corridor more. We can't go into the main room, Draco will be waiting there.

We walk down the corridor for a bit until I hear noises. Shit. I open a door and push the two in there, locking it from the outside. No more people are dying for me. I can feel Riley coming back, even though she's not fully here yet. I extend my claws and prepare to fight whoever is rounding the corner. I have one of the wolfsbane bombs in my hands as I crouch into a fighting position. I snarl leaves my throat as the intruder rounds the corner.

I almost drop the glass bottle when I see who it is.

"Annie," his voice sounds tired, relieved, worried, and scared.

I retract my claws and stand up straight. I unlock the door that I shut them in and the warrior comes out ready to yell at me but stops when he sees his Alpha.

"Xander," my voice shakes and I can feel my knees getting weak. In two long strides, he's in front of me, wrapping his arms around me. He's gentle like he's afraid I might break, but he is also firm, like he's afraid I may disappear.

I look up at him and give him a small smile. "We have to go. We can talk later," I softly as I caress his cheek. The sparks aren't near as strong as they used to be; not after I rejected him. However, they are still there. He closes his eyes and nods his head. I turn to Harold and wink at him before taking his hand and leading them down the corridor more.

At the very end of the corridor, there is a door the leads to the forest. I push it open and then we enter the dark forest. From what I can see, no one is out here. Something doesn't feel right though. Draco wouldn't leave this unguarded, especially with an attack.

"Be quiet," I whisper to them. I crouch down and take a few steps out before I hear a cackle.

Shivers run down my spine, automatically know who that devilish cackle belongs to. "Look at you little Annie, thinking you can escape," Draco says with humor as he emerges from behind a tree, four other wolves with him.

Behind me, Xander growls and looks like he's about to shift at any moment. "Stand down," I say firmly to him and his head snaps to me. I look back to Draco, who is laughing so hard he has to lean against the tree to keep from falling.

"Oh ooh, this is too good. You're taking orders from this little whore? Some Alpha you are. This big and might Xander Valentino, tamed by the skanky she-wolf," Draco teases. I growl at him and reach out for Xander. "Too bad you'll never know how it feels to truly be with her," He says nonchalantly, "because she's not leaving. This can end in one of two ways, she dies or she's mated to me."

I've tuned him out now, he's stalling. I glance around the forest, trying to bring my senses back. I'm missing something. Come on Riley, I need you. A yelp brings me back to reality and I see Draco with Harold. Anger like never before bubbles up inside of me. A strength I haven't felt in a long time surges through me and I growl at him.

"Let him go," I growl lowly. My stance is one of a predator, ready to pounce at any given moment.

"Ooo, Little Annie, are you threatening me? If I remember correctly, I killed your wolf, you're defenseless," he mocks me. He extends a claw and brings it to Harold's throat.

Instinct kicks in and Riley takes over, within seconds I have Draco by the neck. Xander grabs Harold and pulls him back. My eyes are golden and my body is glowing. "Think again bitch," a voice that is a combination of mine and Riley's says. "I told you not to harm the people I love," I growl and throw him against a tree.

He gasps for air and scrambles to stand up, a flash of fear meets his eyes before he pushes it aside. But that's all I need, I know he knows he can't win. I smirk and extend my claws. "I am the last Female Lycan, Draco. If you really thought for one moment that you could defeat me, you were only fooling yourself. You can maime me, burn me, poison me, and degrade me but you cannot defeat me," Riley and I say in unison. With each word, I take a step closer to him. I grab him by the throat again, my claws sinking into his neck. He screams and begins to gag while he chokes on his own blood.

"Go to hell," he growls and spits blood at me.

"I'll meet you there," I seethe. I snap his neck and toss him to the side.




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