Chapter Nine

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My head is spinning and my mind won't stop. There's a knock on my door and it pulls me from my thoughts. I walk over and open the door. Xander stands in the doorway and looks down at me. "We need to talk," he says calmly and I can tell he's trying to stay calm. I nod my head and walk over to my bed. I climb up on the bed and sit Indian style as I wait for Xander to join me. He looks a little shocked that I didn't fight him and walks over to the bed, sitting on the edge.

"You can't keep just disappearing like that," he sighs and looks over at me. He looks defeated and desperate. My heart breaks a little and I have to look away to keep from crawling into his lap and kissing him until he's no longer frowning.

"You can't keep me caged here like an animal," I say softly and look over at him. "Xander, if I wanted to leave, I would have by now. It's been almost a month and I haven't," I sigh as I remember the text, "but I will not put anyone in danger because of me. Not you, McKenzie, Mason, or our pack. I won't do that."

He smiles a little and I cock my head to the side in confusion. That was definitely not the reaction I was expecting. "What?"

"You said our pack," he purrs. I blush a little but roll my eyes.

"Stay focused on the topic," I say and stand up. I pace a little and he grabs my wrist to stop me. I turn and look at him. "I can't stay here forever Xander," I say softly, "I know you know that. Deep down, you know that I have to leave." His eyes dart to the ground and I walk over to him. I put my hands on his cheeks and bring his face to look up at me. "It doesn't change how I feel about you or that we're mates. I will always be yours and you will always be mine. But until I know who is hunting me down, we can't be together," a few tears fall from my eyes as I speak each word, breaking my heart even more.

He brings his face to mine and softly kisses me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulls me into him and my hands move from his face to his shoulders. The kiss is soft and tender like he's scared I'll disappear. I pull away and look down at him. He brushes my hair behind my ear and stays silent. "Please say something," I whisper.

He opens his mouth to say something and then closes it. He does this a few times, not able to put his thoughts into sentences. "I know you think you're protecting me by leaving," he sighs, "Annie we're both Lycans. We're the strongest beings alive. Who are you so afraid of?"

I look away from him and my eyes glaze over.

"Oh little Anastasia, you can't hide from me," the dark sadistic voice chuckles. I gasp for air and try to stay quiet. I see the man's shadow walk by and wait for it to get far enough away. When I think it's safe, I run. I run until my paws bleed and my wolf can no longer move. When she gives out, I shift back into my human form and run some more. I know he can't track me without a sent. How did he find me? My parents. He said they're dead. I crumple to the ground, sticks, and leaves stabbing my knees as I do. I cover my mouth as I sob. My parents died to protect me. I cry for a few more minutes before I get up. My parents died to save me and here I am in the middle of the woods like a sitting duck. I use my hearing to listen for any source of human life. I hear what seems to be a family a few miles off and start to run in their direction.

"Annie? Annie," I'm shaken from the memory and look down at a worried Xander. I step away from him and cross my arms over my chest, I can't let him die too. "I honestly don't know who is after me but I know he's strong enough to kill two original Lycans," I say coldly. My anger for this man has taken over and I can feel my wolf coming to the surface. My eyes are now silver and my nails have elongated.

"Annie, you have got to calm down. He's not here now," Xander stands up and walks over to me.

"No. Stand down," Riley, my wolf speaks. "We are leaving and you are not going to stop us. We have hidden for over two hundred years since that vile man killed Harold and Maria. We have only once heard this man's voice and we have seen the havoc he can reak."

I push her back and start to pack a bag. Xander grabs my wrist and turns me to face him. "I will not stand down and just let you walk out of my life. I have been looking for my mate for over three hundred years now and you are not going to just leave without giving me a better explanation other than it's dangerous."

I yank myself away from him and push him. "Stop it, Xander. Stop making this difficult for me. This man is hunting me down to breed with me and then kill me. Is that what you wanted to hear? How this man wants to rape me, make me carry his offspring, and then kill me! I have been hiding from him for two fucking centries and he found me again. I'll be damned if any more people I love die because of me. So I am leaving and I am sorry that this hurts you but at least you will be alive," I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I'm still in my clothes from earlier, thankfully.

I walk away before Xander can even process what I've said. I know he'll be hot on my tail soon. I reach in the pocket of my backpack and grab a leather bag. I hate to have to use this on him, but I know I won't be able to get out of the house if I don't.

"Anastasia, don't walk away from me," he shouts as he gets closer. I grab some of the dust out of the leather pouch and stop. "I'm sorry Xander, know that I do love you," I say and turn to face him. Before he can say anything, I blow the dust in my hand on his face. He instantly falls the ground in a deep sleep. I put the pouch back and start to run. I have thirty minutes before that wears off. I turn off my scent and run harder than I have in years. When I cross the border, I can feel my heart breaking. Riley whimpers and then disappears from my mind. I don't allow myself to cry. I run to the nearest bus station and get on the bus. The town of Glendsdale slowly fades away and tears threaten to spill from my eyes.

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