Chapter Thirteen

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The staircase is dark but sturdy. My heightened senses kick in, making me able to see in the dark staircase. We get to a door at the end and the man scans his thumb on a scanner. The door clicks and the man pushes it open. I squint my eyes as light washes over us. I follow him through the door as my eyes adjust. About twenty people are in this room, they all stop to look once we walk in.

When they see me, they bow their heads and I'm shocked. Something is wrong. Why are they bowing? "Continue with your jobs," the man snaps at them and they obey.

I continue to follow him through the large room. I take note of things in the room. There's a large bookshelf lining the far left wall, there are couches and tables scattered throughout the room, and on the far right wall is a set of double doors.

We are heading straight ahead, towards a large wooden door. The man stops in front of it and knocks in a rhythmic pattern. There's a buzz then the door clicks open. The man pushes through and I follow him. We walk into an office. There are shelves and filing cabinets throughout the room, lining the left and right walls. The floor is cement, just like the previous room, but there is an ugly green rug on the floor. My eyes finally land on the desk and the man sitting at the desk.

The man sitting at the desk is beautiful. He's well built, a natural build unlike the man who has been leading me around. His hair is a light brown, his skin is slightly pale, probably due to being underground, and his eyes are a dark brown color. The one thing that isn't attractive about him is the sinister smirk on his face as he looks at me.

He stands and crosses his arms as he surveys me. I raise an eyebrow at him and copy his stance, eyeing him. The man chuckles at me. It's nothing like Xander's chuckle. Xander's chuckle makes my stomach flutter and makes me want to laugh along with him. This man's chuck is menacing and makes me want to run and hide.

"Anastasia Kingston," he says my name like he has won the lottery, "I've been looking for you."

"Here I am," I retort. "What do you want?"

His mouth twitches and his smirk reappears. He walks around the desk and over to me. He stands in front of me, towering over me. He hand comes out and I slightly flinch. He reaches for my hair and pushes it behind my back, then pulls at the collar of my shirt to see the spot where Xander should have marked me. His fingers run over the spot and bile rises in my throat. I yank my shoulder away and fix my shirt. He quickly grabs my wrist and snaps a white bracelet around my wrist. There is no clasp from what I can see.

He smiles and leans down so we're face to face. "Him not marking you yet has made this so much easier for me," he chuckles. "You, Anastasia," he stands back up and takes a step away, "are going to be my mate."

Silence. There is nothing but silence as I take in what he's said. I knew that's what he wanted. I've known that for centuries. But hearing it from his own lips has given it a new meaning.

I growl and narrow my eyes at him. "I will never be your mate!" I bark at him. This causes his smile to grow and it takes everything in me not to pounce on him and claw that smile off his face.

"Maybe not willingly," he shrugs and walks over to his desk, "but you will eventually give in. I will do what ever it takes. I will kill whoever I have to. I will torture you until you're begging me to mark you and mate with you."

"You son of a bitch," I snarl and take a step towards him. I don't get far though. The man from earlier grabs me and holds me back. I thrash my body around, trying to get out of his grasp.

"My mother was a female dog," he laughs at his own terrible joke. "Richard," he says to the man, "take her to her room."

"Yes Alpha Draco," the man bows his head and starts to pull me towards the door. "You're a fool if you think I will ever mate with you!" I shout as I'm dragged out of the room. Richard throws me over his shoulder and I thrash around, kicking and punching him. I can't use my whole strength. It has to have something to do with the damned bracelet Draco put on me.

I give up and try to take mental notes on where Richard is carrying me. We walked through the double doors and have made a few turns; left, left, right, left, right. He stops in front of a door and then opens it. He walks in and sits me on a bed before turning around and walking out. I jump up and run over to the door, trying to get out. There's no handle on the inside so I bang on the door until I tire out.

I slide down the door and bury my head between my knees. I can't cry. I won't let anyone here see me cry. I take a few deep breathes before picking my head back up. I look around the room. It's like a chic prison cell. I laugh, humorlessly, at the irony. There's a twin bed against one wall with a thick comforter. On the other wall there is a sink and a toilet. Next to the toilet seems to be some kind of curtain that can be pulled out. Next to the bed is a night stand with a book on it. There is no shower and I shudder at the thought of not being able to bathe. I stand up and walk over to the bed. I sit down and scoot until my back rests against the wall.

So much has happened in the last month. So damn much. I lean my head against the wall and close my eyes as I try to imagine I'm back at the pack house with Xander. I try to imagine a life with him where I don't have people hunting me down and killing the people I love. A life where I could love him without being scared to. A life where I could be his mate, wife, and Luna. A life where I could be the mother of his children. A life that I will never have.

Poor Annie. I feel so bad for her.

What do you think is to come for Annie? What do you think Draco has in store for her? How long do you think she will be able to handle the torture?

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