Chapter Ten

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It's been three days since I left. Three horrible days. I toss my bag onto a chair that is in the corner of the small hotel room. I shake my jacket off my shoulders and wince. My body has been extremely soar for the past few days and it keeps getting worse. I toss my jacket onto the bed and then open my bag. I grab my toiletries and go to the bathroom. I shower and get ready for bed before going back into the room and grabbing a t-shirt and underwear. I despise wearing any type of pants to bed. I brush my hair and then braid it into two braids.

I grab my phone and turn it back on. I haven't checked it once since I left. I was too afraid that if I read Xander's messages, I'd turn around and go back to him. When my phone catches up with itself, I have twenty notifications. I had five missed calls and fifteen text messages. I glance over the missed calls, most of them from Xander. I open my messages from Mason, his basically tell me that he understands why I left. I move to McKenzie's, she's not happy with me. In fact she's infuriated that I just left. I take a deep breath before opening Xander's.

What the hell annie?

Dammit Anastasia, answer your damn phone!

Annie please answer

I just want to know if you're okay

I love you

Please come home

I groan and set my phone down. A few tears run down my cheeks and I have the sudden urge to scream. I want to run back to Xander so badly. This bond doesn't help me at all. Once I've composed myself, I pick my phone back up and read over the messages. It makes me sick that he's so worried so I decide that letting him know I'm alive won't hurt. I send him a short, "I'm alive"

Then I check the last message I have. My heart drops and I swallow hardly.


Did you really think running away was the smart thing to do? I think I may have to take my anger out on that pretty brunette who seems to be so pissed you left. - D

Don't you dare touch her!

He can't do this. I can't let him hurt her. I open up Xander's contact and my finger hovers over his name. I have to warn him. I click his name and bring the phone up to my ear.

"Anastasia?" his voice sounds relieved, worried, and tired at the same time.

"Hey," I practically breathe out. I sigh and stand up, pacing a bit. "Xander, listen. This is important. More important than whatever you want to say right now, so just listen." I know he has questions for me and wants to yell at me. He doesn't say anything so I take that as him listening. "He knows I was with you. He knows I was staying in your pack," a small sob makes my voice crack, "he knows that I care about you, McKenzie, and Mason. He's after McKenzie."

"Where are you?" He asks. Did he not hear anything I just said?

"I can't tell you. Xander you have to go get McKenzie. You have to make sure she's okay. They can't get hurt because of me. They can't die because of me," my voice is shakey as I ramble.

"Then come home. Come protect your pack Annie. These people need you. I need you," his voice is soft. I sit back on the bed and blink a few tears away.

Before I can say anything back, a searing pain shoots through my body and I scream. My phone falls from my hand and I curl into a ball. The pain spreads through my whole body, bringing a burning heat with it. I can hear Xander's frantic yelling but can't seem to reach for the phone. My body shakes due to the pain. I have to cover my mouth to keep from yelling, afraid of waking other people in the hotel.

"Annie, baby, what's wrong? Annie," I hear Xander's voice and move to the phone. I press the speaker button and bring the speaker closer to me.

"I'm in heat," I breath out through the pain. I can practically hear the wheels turning in his head. He knows that he can find me while I'm in heat. I haven't gotten far enough away yet. I know he could be here in four hours if he drove.

"I'm coming," is all his says before the line goes dead.

"No," I sob, "McKenzie."

He has to save McKenzie. This D person is after her. He has to save her. I grab the phone and scroll to Mason's name, my hands shaking.

"Annie?" Mason asks groggily. He must be thinking this is a dream.

"Mason," I say frantically, pain is evident in my voice. I can hear shuffling and assume it's him sitting up.

"Annie, what's wrong?" He asks.

"McKenzie," I breath and wince as another sharp pain shoots through me. "Save McKenzie," I say before hanging the phone up.

I lay in the bed, my body shaking and my nails digging into the mattress. The pain is nothing I have ever experienced, physically. I must have passed out due to the pain because the next thing I know, Xander is standing at the door. He opens the door and sees me. As soon as his hands touch my body, a wave of relief shoots through me. Everywhere he touches, my body feels cool.

"Annie," he breaths out as his hands cup my face. "Where does it hurt?" He asks, his eyes running over my body.

"Everywhere," I groan. My hands reach out for him and I pull him to me. I push myself against him, hoping to get the same relief I felt when his hands were on my face. However, nothing comes. I need skin to skin contact.

"Take your clothes off," I say demandingly and yelp when another pain stabs me. He looks like he wants to say something cocky but doesn't. He quickly strips to his boxers before looking at me, asking what to do next. I pull my shirt off and then pull him to me again. Our chests meet and I sigh in relief. I wrap my legs in his and my arms around his waist. The pain isn't near as bad as it was but it's still there.

"Annie, you know the only way to make it stop," he says softly, as he caresses my cheek with the same softness.

"I know," my voice is hoarse from screaming. I look up at him and can't help but smile. He cups my cheek and brings my face to his. "I'm not letting you go again," he says before connecting our lips.

So I've noticed a lot of Wattpad Authors write little things at the end and I think that's cool!

Let me know what you guys think! I'd love some feedback.

What do you think is going to happen to McKenzie? Do you think Mason will be able to save her? How do you think Annie is going to act when she wakes up and realizes Xander didn't save McKenzie?

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