Chapter Eight

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Xander hasn't said anything to me about my true identity and he hasn't told anyone else. I was expecting an argument about me not telling him or trusting him, but he knows how dangerous this situation is. His judgment about keeping me here is clouded by the fact that I'm his mate. If I was any other she-wolf, he wouldn't hesitate to throw me out and protect his pack from the dangers that follow me. I still have to leave. I can't put my pack... I mean his pack in danger. I groan and sit up in my bed, I can't dwell on this right now. I grab my phone as it buzzes and I open the incoming message.


Wanna do something
with Kenz and me?

Sure! Meet you in
the square in 10

I slide out of the bed, my feet hitting the cold, wooden floor. I stretch my body, for some odd reason, I'm sore. It's weird, I haven't done anything that should make me sore. I shrug it off and quickly change. I pull on a pair of black skinny jeans, a dark grey t-shirt with the Twenty One Pilots logo on it, and slip my feet into my white converse. I grab my leather jacket and put it on. It's the middle of January so it's freezing outside. I pull my hair out of the bun on my head and let the fiery red locks fall over my shoulders.

I know there is a guard outside my door, so I open the window and climb out of it. I text Xander that I'm going to hang out with Kenzie and Mason, also informing him that I ditched the guard outside the door. I shove my phone in my back pocket and walk to their house. McKenzie opens the door before I can even knock. "Hey," she says cheerfully.

"Hey Kenz," I chuckle and hug her. Mason comes around the corner and smiles at me. "Let's go before Wolf Boy comes looking for me," I laugh as I use the nickname I gave him when I first met him. I follow Mason and Kenzie to their car and sit in the passenger seat. "Where are we going?" I ask, realizing I have no clue what their plans are.

"I hope you know how to skate," Kenzie smiles from the back. Skate? Ice skating.

"Of course I do," I scoff, "I was alive when they invented ice skates."

Kenzie rolls her eyes and Mason laughs. We sing along to some music and talk a bit. I realize we've been driving for awhile and quickly look to Mason, "are we leaving pack territory?"

He nods and shrugs, "is that okay?"

"I don't mind but you have an alpha that may," I laugh. "Don't worry though, I can handle him."

"I'm sure you can," McKenzie says suggestively and I shoot her a glare before blushing slightly. Mason's hands tighten around the steering wheel and his eyebrows draw together.

"Oh come on Mason," McKenzie sighs sarcastically, "he's her mate. You knew the second she walked through the door that you couldn't have her. Enjoy her as your friend. You'll find your mate soon and everything you feel for Annie will dissipate."

His eyes have turned to slits as he glares at his sister through the review mirror. His chest rises and falls and I know he's hurt by her words. "You two stop it. Let's enjoy our time together before Xander hunts me down and puts bars on my window," I laugh at the thought because it sounds like something he'd do. Kenzie laughs and Mason reluctantly sighs and loosens his grip on the steering wheel. Once we cross the border, I can feel we're no longer on pack territory and my phone starts to ring. I laugh to myself and pull it out. "Xander," flashes at the top, I knew it was him. I slide my finger across to accept the call and bring it to my ear. "Hello?" I ask innocently.

"Annie, where the hell are you?" he growls into the phone.

"Out and about," I say and bite my lip to suppress a smile.

"I'm not playing games Anastasia, where the fuck are you," his voice is calm but powerful.

"I'll be back around five-ish, that's all you need to know. Mason and McKenzie wouldn't let me run off anyway," i say and look over at Mason then to McKenzie.

"Tell me," he snaps, using his alpha tone. I can't help but laugh at him.

"Did you really just use your alpha tone on me? Xander," I laugh, "you should know by now that I don't answer to anyone. There are two reasons that will not work on me. One: I'm not in your pack, you'd have to try harder than that for it to work. Two: I am a Lycan, Lycans answer to no one other than the Moon Goddess. With that, I am going to hang up now. I'll see you at dinner."

I hear him start to say something as I hit the end button and turn my phone off. Mason and McKenzie look at me in complete shock. I roll my eyes at them and shrug my shoulders. They've never heard anyone talk to an Alpha like that, let alone a Lycan Alpha. The car stops as they park and we all get out. I get excited but then remember that I haven't done anything to hide myself. I look to McKenzie frantically and she digs around in the back and pulls out a black beanie. I sigh in relief and put my hair in the beanie and pull it down.

We go in and put our skates on. I haven't skated in a few years and I can feel the excitement bubbling in me. I step on the ice and glide across it like I've been skating for years.

"Go on Anastasia, you can do it," my mother coos as I wobble over to the ice-covered lake. I look back at her, scared to step out on the ice. "Come on, elskling, I'm here to catch you, I always am," my father says from in front of me. I look at the ice and then back to him as he smiles at me, his arms out to catch me if I fall. I take a deep breath and put one foot onto the ice and then another. I wobble for a second and then gain balance. I smile in victory and look at my father with a proud smile. He waves his hands for me to come to him. I push off a little and start to skate towards him. I'm almost to him when I lose my balance and shriek as I begin to fall. I close my eyes and brace myself to hit the hard, harsh ice but it never happens. Instead of the ice, two strong arms wrap around me and I open my eyes to see my father. "I told you I'd catch you," he says softly.

I wipe a tear away at the memory. I haven't seen my parents since I was sixteen. I'm 265 years old now. "You okay?" Mason asks from beside me. I jump a little, almost losing my balance and look at him. "Oh yeah, I'm good," I smile to assure him that I'm fine. We skate for a few hours, taking breaks to eat cotton candy and drink hot chocolate.

When we get back to the pack house, it's five thirty. Xander is standing on the porch and I can feel the anger radiating off of him from the car. "He looks pissed," Kenzie whispers. "He'll be fine," I shrug and hug them. I get out of the car and walk up the steps to the house. Xander doesn't speak to me but watches my every move. I walk past him, not saying a word and go to the kitchen. I pull some leftovers out of the refrigerator and put them in the microwave. I lean against the counter as I wait and pull my phone back out of my pack, turning it on.

I have two missed calls from Xander twelve texts from him as well. I ignore them and open up the one from an unknown number.


My sweet Anastasia, did you really think you could hide from me forever? - D

I stare at the text for a few minutes then throw my phone across the kitchen. No. This can't be happening. Shit. The microwave dings, telling me the food is done. I'm no longer hungry so I throw the food in the trash and walk over to my phone. I grab it and walk to my room.

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