Chapter Six

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Today marks three weeks of me being here. Three weeks. I have one week. Most of my time here has been spent hiding in my room or fighting with Xander. Our fights revolve around either Mason or him holding me hostage here. I've come up with a plan though. Tonight I'm leaving, even if it breaks me on the inside every time I think about it.

I've written letters for Xander, Mason, and McKenzie, each explaining why they'll never see me again and each telling them how much I care for them. It took me forever before I could bring myself to write Xander's. Regardless of the fact that all we do is argue, I can't deny what I feel for him.

Tonight the entire pack is required to be at a meeting, minus one guard at my door. That's when I'll escape. The meeting starts in an hour and I feel sick. The anticipation and thoughts of leaving them is causing it. I open my door and walk to the kitchen, my guard following me. I make myself a tea that is to calm an unsettled stomach and slowly sip on it.

"Are you okay?" Xander asks from the doorway.

"Fine," I say shortly. He sighs and rubs his eyes. My stubbornness is driving him up a wall. "My stomach is upset," I add. This is the most I've said to him without yelling in the past two weeks.

He nods his head and slowly walks towards me, testing the water. "I can cancel the meeting if you want me to," he offers as he stands across the counter from me.

"That's okay. I'm going to drink this and then lay down," I tell him. He nods and then looks to the guard.

"I'll be back in three hours max," saying to the guard and then looking to me to make sure I heard. I wave my hand, saying goodbye. He walks out the door and the guard looks back to me.

I smile at him and then walk over to the refrigerator. The concoction I had made throughout the past few days sits in the door. I grab it and pour it into a cup. I mix it with some herbs and boiling water. I take the cup over to the guard.

"You look exhausted Henry, drink this. It'll energize you," I hand him the cup. He raises an eyebrow at me questioningly.

"It's an old recipe my mother made. It's herbs and tea. It gives you an energy boost. You'll need it for the next few hours," I laugh, "I'd drink some with you but I'm trying to get sleep."

He laughs and takes a sip. "This is good, thank you," he bows his head.

I told him to not do that but he doesn't listen. He said that it's disrespectful to his Luna to not bow. I shook my head and told him he was silly.

I walk to my room and shut the door. In ten minutes, Henry will be in a deep sleep. The drink he's drinking is a sleeping agent. Back in the 1700s we'd use it to patients who needed to be put under, before anesthesia.

I throw my clothes in my bag and grab my letters. I leave Xander's on my bed, knowing he'll find it. I sling my bag over my shoulder as I hear Henry slide down the wall and snore loudly. I open the door and take off. I run out the door, being sure to shut it. I sprint to McKenzie and Mason's house, placing their notes on their beds.

I run to the edge of the forest and turn back to the place I've learned to love. I sigh and then turn on my heel, taking off into the woods. The leaves and sticks crunch under my pounding feet. I run for an hour, still on Xander's territory. I hear a loud growl coming from the direction of the pack house. The meeting must have ended early. Shit, I'm not far enough out. He'll find me. I start to run faster, but in my human form I'm even half as fast as my wolf. I push harder and harder. I hear a few wolves behind me, making me run even faster.

One jumps at me, knocking me to the ground. He bares his teeth at me and goes for my neck. I instantly know this isn't one of Xander's pack members. I'm being chased by rouges too. I bring my wolf forward, my eyes glow a silver color and I kick to wolf off of me. I jump up quickly and look around. I'm surrounded by three rogues and Xander's not too far off.

"Back down or I will attack you," I tell the wolves. They snarl and snap their teeth. One jumps at me and I grow claws, slashing his neck. Blood flows out. Another jumps at me and I grab his face, twisting it. A loud crack sounds and the wolf falls lifeless to the ground. The last one takes me off guard and tackles me. His claws dig into my arm and cut down. I yelp and he bites down on my clavicle, snapping it. I growl and push him off. I jump on top of him and snap his neck. When I look back up, a black wolf with familiar blue eyes stands in front of me.

I know who it is. He looks confused as he looks from my glowing, silver eyes to my claws, and to my quickly healing wounds. A blonde wolf runs up to me as it whines.

"I'm sorry Kenzie," I cry. "I had to try."

I look back over to Xander and I can see the hurt in his eyes. I stand up and walk over to him. His standing wolf form is as tall as my standing human form.

My eyes go back to their natural green and my claws retract. Tears flow freely from my eyes. "I'm sorry," I whisper to the wolf. He prods me with his head, in the direction of the house.

"Xander, I can't stay. Don't you see? It's too dangerous," I say exhausted.

He growls and then shifts back to his human form. He doesn't seem to care that he's naked in front of me and a few other wolves.

"You're coming with me, Anastasia," he says firmly, he says my real name, informing me that he knows who I really am. He leans down and scoops my legs up, carrying me bridal style.

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