Fake smiles

208 4 1

Charas p.o.v

"Hello? Anybody home?"
Asriel said waving his hand in front of my face. I sighed, hoping what I was about to say wouldn't screw anything up.

"Azzy.. have you ever liked someone?"

"Well yeah sure! There's lots o-"

"No Azzy, I mean, like like someone. You know, more than a friend."

He went silent. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

"Gee chara.. I-I don't.. I'm not r-really sure.."

"Ok then let me just cut to the chase."
I say as I sit up. I'm tired of trying to stall, I'm just gonna day this and let it out.

"Asriel Dreemur.. I.. I like you! I like you a lot! And I don't know what to do with myself because I don't know how to understand any of my feelings! I tried loving you only as a best friend.. but I can't and I don't know why! You've been so kind to me.. so compassionate.. I.. I just.."

I looked at him, and he had a red glow to his white cheeks. His pupils seemed to have widened in surprise, or err.. shock. He seemed speechless and his mouth dropped.

"Uhh I.. err.. ehh.. umm.."
Was all he seemed to say.

"But why?!"
He finally asked taking a step back into reality.

"I-I don't know! No one has ever been as nice to me as you have! And maybe my emotions and feelings started to build something off of that as something more than friendship.."

He stood up, eyes still widened, and filled with confusion. He began to pace, and he was making me anxious with all his mumbling.

"Azzy.. please tell me you don't like me anymore.."
I said as I lowered my head.
'This is stupid so stupid.. I'm so stupid.. I hate my stupid self!'

He didn't say anything. I lowered my head, and tears began to form as I was beginning to feel regret saying anything. 'im so stupid..'

I heard him stop pacing, and he sat down where he'd been walking. Which was a ways far from me..

"Chara... I still like you.. how could I not..?
You're my best friend.. but.."

I looked up and saw him sigh a bit with hesitation.

"That's all I see you as.."

It felt like my world began to shatter.. I thought I was prepared for this.. I thought I was ready for all outcomes..

"Besides, why would you love me? I'm a monster.. humans and monsters can't love each other like that.. and besides, we're too young.. have you-"

I began to cancel out sound as his talking became only a ringing in my ears.
'What is this pain in my chest..? No matter how much pressure I put on it, it won't subside..' my vision blurred as I felt tears form rapidly. While I think he was still talking, I stood up.

"I.. I have to go."
I say trying not to let my voice crack, with a blank expression. I ran off, and this time I wouldn't stop if he tried to run after me.

I didn't even spend the time to see his reaction, I was devastated. I should... I knew this would happen and yet my stupid emotions still got the better of me.. I pound my feet harder feeling embarrassed and regretful as I recap all that had happened. I begin to cry, tears bypassing as I run.

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