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A few days passed since Lance came ashore. He had lots of fun with them. He didn't know humans were this fun. His opinion about humans has changed-a better opinion about them- still, he still has a part of him who doubts humans.


"Hey, Lance, do you want to come with us to Shiro's lab?" Keith asked. "No,thanks. I am still uncomfortable with vechicles."he replied.

"Ok. Just be safe." Keith said with worried a face.

"Why are you so worried about Lance? He is a grown up. He can handle himself." Pidgeon said.

"I got a burden in my heart. I feel like he is gonna be in danger, if we left him." Keith said clutching his heart.


It has been quite long since Lance kept his Altean traits hidden. So he decided to clean the house with his traits visible.

He opened some Spanish songs that he found out recently that he enjoy them. Lance was swaying his hips to the beat.


//Hidden// 's POV

OHMYLORD. That is a real life Altean. Myths are true. Child of the ocean. They possess power of controlling the ocean. I can't believe I am actually witnessing this! God will regret revealing this to me! He will be my new test subject! Hahahahahahaha!

I silently crept around the back door and entered the house. The Altean was vacumming the house oblivious of my presence.


I knocked him out with a steel pipe, but no worries, he didn't see my face and it will only keep him asleep for a while. I loaded him onto the back of my truck and drove away with my stolen test subject.


Keith's POV

"Where is he?!"

"Relax, he probably gone to the grocery store to get some food. You don't have to be so dramatic about it since he's your crush." Pidge answered casually.

"But, what if he is lost? What if he got hit by a truck and what if he got murdered and we didn't know it. What if he died with a heavy heart? What if-"

"Keith, they are all 'what if's. He could be safe. We will wait for another hour and if he doesn't show up, we will go look for him." Shiro assured me.

"Yeah.. I hope so......." I mummered.


"Thats it! Its 9 pm,now. I have waited long enough. We are going out to search for Lance!"I said grabbing my coat.

"You don't need to go out anymore. I've got the location of Lance." Pidge said turning her laptop to my side. On the screen revealed Lance on a lab chair.

"Hey, thats Professor Lotor's lab! His department is at our research lab." Matt said.

"Then we are going there."


We arrived at the research lab in an hour or so. I frantically leapt out of the car and was anxiously jumping around. "I swear to god, he will have to pay if he hurt Lance!"

"Calm down, Keith." Shiro said resting his prosthetic arm on my shoulders.

We entered the building with Shiro's ID, but we couldn't get into Professor Lotor's lab. Lucky for us, Pidge managed to hack into it.

Once the doors opened, it revealed a room with a deadly aura.

"My, my, you are the most fascinating test subject I've ever seen." I could hear him say.

Test subject?! Thats all you think he is?! You bastard! I will tear him apart!

"So, here's the plan. I will distract Lotor with some scientific theory and keep him busy." Shiro planned. "Matt, you switch off the lab chair straps. Pidge, you will freeze the camera, so you guys won't get caught. Hunk and Keith, you guys will assist Lance to the van. Everyone, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, split up."

Shiro plan was perfect, so it went perfectly. "Guys, he's low on blood. We need replacement right, now!" Matt said. "What type of blood is he?"Keith asked.
"Unfortunately, its doesn't exist.

"T-t-take me to the sea." Laq(ce said in a voice no louder than a whisper. "What?!"

"Just do it." Our van was literally flying in the air. We arrived at the coast in 30 minutes.

Once Lance near the sea, a figure made up of water, arose.

"What happened?"the figure spoke.

"Lance has immense blood loss and he is losing his concious." Keith said frantically.

"Here, hand him over to me."the figure spoke.

The figure vanished with Lance in her arms.


A/N: Finally, I have done some angst. Sorry for the rush. Just couldn't think of anyway to connect this chapter with the last. Hope you enjoy it. And a little bonus!

 And a little bonus!

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