Aquarium [Part 3]

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"Guys this is my girlfriend Shay" Hunk announced. The redhead bowed deeply in a manner of respect. "Hunk, told me so much about you guys. And I couldn't wait this morning when I heard you guys were coming!"

"Shay, we need you." Shay was interrupted by a voice belonging to a middle aged woman with perfectly tanned skin and white hair. "There is a group of 5th graders here to learn about prehistoric marine animals. Since you're the best at it, they requested you!" She took one look at us and said "Pardon me, my fellow visitors, but we need Shay now." She noticed Hunk and said "Hunk! I didn't see you there. Perhaps you can help Shay?" Hunk face immediately lit up and went along with Shay. "Well, now thats settled." Pidge said. "Shiro and I are going to go see some octopuses." And then, they left. Leaving both of us alone with the awkward silence. I decided to break the ice between us by," Hey, so you wanna go see some whales with me?" I asked. "Sure" was Keith's answer.

We walked to the Whale display and Keith started, "Hey so..." he said looking uncomfortable. "Yes?" "I was just wondering if you live in the sea, you do see these creatures everyday right?"

"Um... not excatly. You see, being a creature from the land, the sea life despise me. So I was.... isolated....." "Oh. I'm so sorry. I never should have asked." "Its ok. Its not like you knew." We walked through the whale section to The Mantis Ray display. The moment Keith saw the creature, he went pale and hid behind me." "What's wrong?" I asked. "I-is it l-look-king at m-me?"he asked stuttering. "Um. No. Why?" "Good. Now let's get out of here." Keith said and we slipped passed the Mantis Ray section. Keith let out his breath he've been holding as we got out. "Why were you so afraid of Mantis Rays?" I asked. "They're bad luck."he replied shyly. My mouth formed an 'o' in understandment. It was almost 12 so we went to the meeting spot to eat lunch. Once again, the savory taste of the food won us over.

{Time skip}

It was nearly 9pm when we got back. We ate a quick dinner and went straight to our bedrooms. Keith and I were terribly exhausted so we just slept on the same bed.


A/N: Gomenasai minna. The total word count for all 3 Aquarium chapter is 1121. I am so sorry for the no update of my Klance pics and Childhood memories. Luv you guys!😘

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