Chapter 9

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Once we had arrived at my doorstep, I realised we had no key and said,  "spare key's under the doormat."

He carried me into the sitting room and laid me on the couch, fixing my head upon a pillow to make sure I was comfortable. "Did you get hurt?" he asked softly, plumping a pillow and placing it beneath my head.

I watched his every move. "No. A few cuts and bruises I guess..." I replied. "You okay?"

I thought I was the one who should have been taking care of Luke, not vice versa. He still seemed drunk to me.

He nodded and knelt down beside me. "I'm fine."

"Do you know who that guy was?"

"No idea."

I frowned. "I bet he was part of Niall's gang. He really wants to get me, doesn't he." I hated the thought, but more than likely it was true. Luke shook his head and replied, "He's not here anymore, okay? It's just you, me and..." he paused. "Your sister. So everything will be okay, your safe alright, and if he tries to come after you he's gonna have to get through me first."

I laughed when Luke tensed his arm muscles, trying to show off, but probably to try and calm me down. It did half work, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that that driver took his life instead of mine. I really think, no. I know that guy had something to do with it. From now on, I decided, I would just have to be careful in who I trust. Mentally, I began taking notes:

•Don't take lifts with strangers.

•Don't go out after ten.

•Don't answer the phone to a blocked number.

And so on. I smiled up at Luke, shuffling myself to sit up on the couch, after all I wasn't hurt or anything.  I know Luke was only trying to be kind but I wasn't weak. I didn't give up easily and I definately wasn't giving this up. "Are you hungry or thirsty?"

"Just a bit, I'll get food if you want." the faint smell of alcohol was still on his breath.

"No, I'll get something." I stood up and walked quietly out to the kitchen,  I didn't know if Ashley was at home or at a friend's house but either way I didn't want to be the one to wake her and then she'd find out about Luke in the house. I pulled a bag of potato chips from the cupboard and a jar of salsa dip, and filled two ice-cold glasses of strawberry water with crushed ice. When I turned around, Luke was standing directly behind me, and to be honest, he frightened me. He was less than two feet away from me. I didn't even know he followed me out here. "Uhm, hi-"

"Do you need help?" he said, rather calmly. I frowned, then laughed a bit. "No, I'm sure I can handle a few glasses. "

He stepped closer, and I felt like my breathing was growing heavier and heavier as he neared me. I watched him as he got closer, his fingers taking a piece of my long hair between them.

"You know, Bel." He looked at me. "I meant it when I said that you were beautiful."

I just smiled weakly.

"So,'' Luke sighed, his gaze switching from me to the floor. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Yeah, that'd be great,  if you don't mind. Thank you." I replied honestly, tucking my hair behind my ear and slowly walking out to the sitting room, with Luke following close behind.

Once I had made myself comfy and Luke had tucked me into my covers, his kind gesture, he grabbed a stool and sat it beside where I lay half-asleep, on the sofa. He propped his head up on his hands, and I could tell he was doing his best to keep his eyes open as he smiled at me softly, his dimples visible. He took a deep breath and waited a few moments before speaking. "I'm really, sorry that you got scared by that guy tonight."

"What? No. Luke, you're fine, honestly. I'm okay," I nodded a little too quickly. I could feel my muscles tense up at the thought of the events of the night.

"No-" He closed his eyes, his hand dropping and firmly grabbing onto mine, taking me by suprise. At first I pulled back, but then realised Luke was only trying to give me hope and relaxed a little. He continued.

"I don't want you to feel unsafe when your with me. Like, I really am trying to get to be real friends with you and then I..." He sniffled. Was it just me or was he crying? "I mess it up. I'm sick of being a failure, Bel. All my life, nobody has ever accepted me for who I am although there's nothing wrong with me. I had a tough childhood having to get by with no parents and barely a couple dollars a week. I was poor." he nodded. "I was really poor, Bel. And finally when I feel like somebody is finally accepting me, and somebody I can actually be myself when i'm around

them." He took a breath. "I fuck shit up. I chase them away."

My heart ached for this boy. Here he was, in my sitting room,  pouring out his whole heart to me, yet I had nothing against him. I didn't know if it was the drunk words speaking,  but his story really did tug at my heartstrings.

"Luke." I barely whispered, biting my lip and bringing his hand up to my chest, holding over my heart. He was just a faint outline in the dim light of the rectangular room, but I definately noticed him. I listened to his quiet sobbing for a few moments before resting my hand on the back of his head and bringing his close to me, right into my body so I was holding him, my chin resting upon his head. My fingers massaged his soft hair as I whispered to him, "I've accepted you, Luke. I'm here for you. And I'm never going to leave you." I pushed him back slightly so I could look at him, my hands on his shoulders. "Okay?"

He nodded and squeezed his eyes, sucking in another breath. I continued speaking as my eyes searched over his face. "It's just... I don't like seeing you like this, Luke. You're stronger. You know it."

He shook his head and pulled his hands from his face where I connected with his red eyes, underneath them being slightly wetted with each tear that fell from his sea blue orbs. I subconsciously ran the pad of my thumb over it. "I don't want you to see me like this either, Bel. I'm a fucking wreck." He laughed slightly. It felt a little comforting to hear him laugh again, we really needed to lay off this stuff and focus on more positive things, like any other normal teenager. At least forget about it for a while, anyways. "Luke," I repeated, shaking my head.

"Yeah?" he answered meekly.

"I want you to know that you are as important to me as Nat is. Nothing will change that."

He shook his head, looking up at me with a small expression. "I don't want to be as important as a close friend. I want to be as important as family to you, Bel."

"Then that's what you'll be," I said.

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