Chapter 2

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"I don't know what's up with that jerk anyways," Natalia groaned, slamming her lunchtray down on the table. She could be so embarressing sometimes.

"I'm fine Nat, I swear. You don't need to worry about me," I sighed, letting my handbag down on the table as I sat myself down.

"It's almost like he did it on purpose, don't you think?" Nat squinted at me, a look of confusion on her face. I glanced up at her before looking back down at the salad sandwich on my tray. "Maybe," I shrugged, picking up my sandwich, taking a bite from my food. I really wasn't in the mood for one of Nat's bitch-sessions about yet another student. She got kind of irritating sometimes.

"Hey, babe." I turned to find Ashton, wearing a huge smile, walking in our direction with outstretched arms. Nat smiled immediately and tucked her hair behind her ear innocently.

"Hey," she smiled as Ashton stroked her hair and kissed her forehead softly, sitting down.

"How'd you sleep last night?" he smiled, taking a chip from her plate and popping it in his mouth. "Good, i'm just kinda tired," Nat laughed shyly as Ashton gave her hand a small squeeze. I rolled my eyes. I hated when this happened. When Ashton came over for lunch, I was a third wheel because I really hadn't got that many friends, to be honest. I pulled my phone from my pocket and played around with it, doing my best to block out the giggles and kisses that were being exchanged across the table. A few moments later, I felt a cold, large hand resting on my bruised shoulder. I winced.

"Sorry about that," a deep, Australian accent chuckled deeply as my eyes grew wide. I turned around sharply and looked up.

"It's fine," I whispered shakily as my eyes travelled up Luke's shirt and finally meeting his crystal blue eyes.

"Hope it doesn't hurt too much." Luke smiled, squeezing my shoulder softly,obviously doing it on purpose. Suddenly he leaned down closely to my ear and whispered, "Maybe we can talk another time."

I kept my gaze fixed on the table, feeling that I wasn't able to look in his eyes. There was something about them, and I don't know if it was a good or bad thing.

"Sure." I replied slowly as I turned my back to him, hoping he'd take this as his que to leave. He chuckled and mumbled something I couldn't quiet catch, before turning to walk away.

"What was that about?" Ashton asked from the other side of the table, a puzzled look on his face with his hand resting on Nat's knee. I forced a laugh. "Oh, nothing much." I grinned, fidgeting with my fingers underneath the table. Ashton looked at Natalia. "Didn't look that way." He laughed, putting a small chip into Nat's mouth. I rolled my eyes and picked up a napkin, pressing it to my lips.

"I gotta go." I said finally, grabbing my bag and getting up, giving Nat a small smile which she returned before turning to walk away. "I'll see you later, then?" called Nat from behind me.

"Uh, yeah." I turned and smiled softly before waving my hand at her and Ashton. "See you guys later, then."


"And the main artery connecting the heart to the lungs is?" Mr. Smith boomed, making me scoff and roll my eyes.

I was in Biology, and all through the class, I kept making eye contact with Luke, who was practically lying in his seat with his legs spread out underneath the table at the back of the classroom. I tapped my pencil impatiently on the table, watching Luke from the corner of my eye but making sure that he didn't notice me.

Yes, I admit he was attractive, but he didn't seem like a very nice person when I bumped into him this morning. Then again, that was just my first meeting with him. I'm sure he's normal, just maybe a bit cocky.

"Projects." A voice coming from the front of my desk snapped me out of my thoughts. Mr. Smith stood there, looking down at me sternly. I sat up straight and cleared my throat.

"Isabella. You're with Luke." He pointed down to a smug Luke sprawled in his seat at the corner of the room. I rolled my eyes. "Oh come on!" I protested, but Mr. Smith shushed me. Great, I thought. I looked back at Luke as he winked and waved innocently at me, which only made the class burst out in laughter. Mr. Smith sighed and turned to walk back up towards the top of the class.

"Everybody else. Choose your partners." He said, his voice back down to its normal, boring tone. I gathered my books and shoved them into my bag as the bell sounded for the end of class.

"You're okay with the groups?" I looked up to find Luke in front of me among the rest of the class piling towards the door.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be? We'll get to know each other." I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my sarcasm as I continued to fiddle with my bag. By now all my books were in, I just didn't want to make it awkward by just standing there.

Luke grinned softly. "True." He smiled as he watched me stand up and pull my bag onto my shoulder. "We should start planning this evening." He smiled, showing off his perfect, straight white teeth. He picked up my books from the desk and held them out for me to take.

"Um, Yeah. My house." I said slowly, taking my books from him before nodding to him slightly and walking towards the door, leaving him behind. After all, it was just me and my sister, Ashley, living in our house, since my parents moved to Atlanta 2 years ago when my dad got offered a job there.

"Oh, Isabella?" I stopped at the sound of my name and turned around.


"Nice to meet you." Luke smiled.

"Erm, you too." I frowned, then laughed shyly and pulled my long, blonde dip-dyed hair to the side, breaking eye contact with Luke as my eyes flicked down to the floor. His eyes were a crystal-blue colour, I noticed, and he wore a metal lip ring. But I was a bit confused on how Luke could change his moods so quickly. And why he was talking and acting as if he knew me when he really didn't know me at all.

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