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Your entire body shook as the pendant hovered in front of you with its blood thirsty glow.

"Y/n L/n, you have interfered with the storyline countless times. Even though it was not your intention," tears pricked the corners of your eyes as the pendant spoke. "You have failed this trial."

Your eyes steadily widened and you held your breath. 'I failed the trial? When? How? This...this isn't fair!'

"This is unfair! I haven't even done anything to interfere!" You cried. The pendant's glow stayed its scarlet red.

"But you have, it was your influence." You bit back the urge to yell and you furrowed your brows in confusion.

"How...how was it my influence?" You uttered. The pendant floated towards you.

"Prepare to be punished." You gasped as chains wrapped themselves around your body, trapping you on the spot.

"W-wait!" The final chain halted. You swallowed hard as you froze within the pendant's hold. "Please, at least let me spend my final moments with my friends." The pendant stayed silent. Its scarlet glow softened into a light pink glow.

"Fine. I shall allow that wish. But the moment the story ends, you will disappear from that world. Do you understand?" You nodded. The pendant then glowed a bright white and raced towards you. Your eyes snapped wide open as an antagonising pain shot through your chest. The pendant, what was it doing? The pendant forced itself into your chest, becoming one with you. You collapsed onto your knees and held your hand to your chest as you doubled over in pain. Did you just....absorb the pendant...?


Your eyes snapped open and you sat up with a sharp intake of breath. Alejo's testy eyes widened as you stared ahead of you with panicked eyes. His breath then hitched in his throat and he threw himself at you.

"Y/n!" You yelped in surprise as Alejo hugged you, squeezing you as tightly as he could. You stiffened in his arms and you held your breath. What happened? Alejo hiccuped as his tears flowed freely from his eyes and he wailed. "I was so worried! You weren't breathing and you had no pulse," your lip quivered as Alejo had told you these things, and you gently pushed him away.

"W-what do you mean?" Alejo pulled back and he gave you an anguished look.

"Y/n you had DIED!" He yelled. Your entire body stiffened and you gasped. The pendant, it had killed you! You quickly pressed a hand to your chest and you felt the outline of the pendant embedded in your skin. You desperately searched for a heart beat. You felt a steady rhythm against your fingers and you inwardly sighed in relief.

"Thank god...." Alejo glared at you and he shook you by the shoulders.

"What are you so relieved about!? You should be at the hospital! Oh man where are the others when you need them?" Alejo wailed, very scared at this moment. You looked up at him and you had to force back the urge to cry. Right now, you had to focus on calming Alejo.

"Alejo, I need you to listen to me." You began, gaining his attention. He turned his head towards you with furrowed brows.

"What is it?" You reached forwards and you clasped his shoulder with your hand, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Please, can you keep what happened between the two of us?" Alejo looked appalled that you had even suggested this.

"What? No! We have to tell the teacher what happened, you really died!" You shook your head and you bit your lip.

"PROMISE ME! Promise me you won't tell anyone. Especially..." you looked thoughtful for a moment, before nodding your head. "Especially Astro!" Alejo sat before you in utter bewilderment. He then swallowed hard and he nodded his head.

The worldly link (Astro boy x reader)Where stories live. Discover now