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You yawned as Miss Miyako taught today's lesson. You then rested your chin on your hands, waiting for the final bell to ring. Finally, your prayers were answered. You silently cheered and packed up your stuff. You were about to leave the classroom when Astro called out your name.

"Y/N!" You sighed, and turned around towards him. Ever since you told him your secret, he hasn't left you alone since! Astro ran up to you and smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry that I won't be able to walk you home today, but something really important came up! But don't worry, I'll do some more research on how to save you when I get back home." Astro told. Your eyes widened. What was this important thing? You couldn't tell when the episodes would start so you just nodded and allowed him to walk out of the school with you. You then waved as he flew off and sighed in relief. Finally, some time alone. You were grateful that he offered to walk you home, but sometimes you liked to think to yourself at times. You then looked up at the setting sun. It was quite pretty. You decided to make a little detour on your way home. You breathed in as you looked around at the scenery.

"Man, I'm sure going to miss all this." You muttered. You then looked down at your chest and looked at the pendant. There was only a fifth of the blue sapphire showing. You frowned. Your time was almost up. You then fingered the crack on the gem's surface and winced. You glanced at the necklace Abby gave you and smiled. 'I wonder, will they remember me?' You thought. You then heard someone crying and turned to see a little boy by himself. You walked over to the young boy and patted him in the head. "What's wrong?" You questioned. The boy looked up and sniffled.

"I lost my teddy bear and now I can't find it!" The boy wailed. You smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I'll help you find it." The little boy smiled.

"Really? Thank you lady!" You grinned and took his hand.

"So, where did you have it last?" You questioned. The boy sniffled.

"I can't remember." You frowned.

"Hmm, then what does it look like?" The boy looked up.

"It was a bear, and it had brown eyes and a bow tie. Oh! The bow tie was green!" The boy explained. You nodded.

"I see, and how long ago did you have him last?" The boy shrugged.

"I don't know, I had him with me today...Oh! I had him in the sand box!" The boy exclaimed. You smiled.

"Then how about we check there?" The boy nodded and you both walked towards the sand box. You then glanced at him. "Say, where is your mother?" You questioned. The boy stopped. Tears then swelled up in his eyes.

"D-daddy says that she went far away, and that we can't see her again." The boy sniffled. Your eyes widened. You then gave him a look of pity. So, she was dead. The boy then looked up at you. "Say, will you go away too? Somewhere far away?" Your eyes widened at the question. You then smiled sadly and kneeled down to the boy.

"I'll be going to a place not far from now. Even if I won't be able to see my friends ever again, I'm sure that things would be better this way. I'll always hold them in my heart. And I'm sure that your mother will always hold you and your father both dearly in her hearts." You told as you ruffled the young boy's hair. The boy smiled and nodded. You both then looked through the sand pit for the stuffed animal. Once you dug deep enough, you finally found the teddy bear. The little boy smiled and hugged the teddy bear to his chest.

"Teddy!" You smiled and looked up to see a man walking towards the two of you.

"Timmy!" The man called. Timmy looked around and smiled.

"Daddy!" Timmy then ran towards his father and hugged him. He then pointed towards you. "This nice lady helped me find teddy!" Timmy's father smiled and looked up at you.

"Thank you young miss, I was very worried when I couldn't find my son. He's all I have left." He told as he looked down at his son. You smiled and shook you head.

"Oh, it's quite alright. I'm glad that I could help." Timmy smiled and waved.

"Bye bye." You smiled and waved back. You then sighed and turned around. You had to get home. You then started your trek back home.

Once you got there, the sun had fallen. The moment you opened your door, your mother rushed towards you and hugged you.

"Oh where have you been!?" Your mother questioned. You smiled and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, I was helping this boy find his teddy bear." You told. Your mother sighed and gave you a stern look.

"That's okay, just don't be late again. Do you hear me?" You smiled and nodded. You then turned to see your two brothers watching the news with wide eyes. You raised your eyebrow at them and walked towards them.

"What are you two so shocked at?" You questioned. You then looked at the TV screen and your eyes widened. You gasped. On the news it read a start to possible war between robots and humans. You stood back in shock. Oh no, you had to warn Astro to what was to come! You quickly rushed out the door before your mother could stop you. You ran as fast as you could towards Astro's house. You absolutely had to warn him! By the time you got there, you were out of breath. You then banged your fist on his door. "Astro! Astro! Open the door, I need to tell you something!" You heard hurried footsteps and saw Astro open the door. He looked at you with wide eyes.

"Y/N? What's the matter!?" Astro questioned.

"Astro, it's about the future! I came here to tell you that-" You froze. Your wouldn't respond! You then heard a laugh. 'Did you really think that I'd let you do whatever you wanted? I'm sorry Y/N, but I can't allow you to change anything more.' Your eyes widened. It was the pendant! Astro gave you a worried look.

"Y/N?" You smiled.

"I just wanted to tell you that you'll definitely win the battle. So, please forget about me for the time being. My punishment won't activate until I'm twenty years of age. So, I have plenty of time." 'No, NO! This ISN'T what I want to say! Please, don't believe her!' You mentally screamed. The pendant smirked. 'It's no use. Your body is under MY control.' Astro smiled at you.

"I'm glad that we have more time. I'll focus on stopping this war and then we'll work together to save you." You nodded.

"Yes, but first you'll need to stop Tenma. HE should be your top priority at the moment." You wanted to break out of the pendant's control. You had to warn him! You then managed to gain control for a moment. "N-no!" You cried. Astro's eyes widened as the pendant took control again. You then smiled. "S-sorry about that. I should really get going. I'll see you once this is all over." Astro nodded and watched as you ran off. You then hid in the darkness and growled. "Don't try to resist. I could take you away in an instant!" You frowned. 'I WON'T let you get away with this.' The pendant laughed. "Oh please, I can do anything. Look, I'll even create a shortcut to our 'home'." Your eyes widened when the pendant on your chest glowed a purple light. You then screamed in pain as you felt the cracks worsen. The pendant laughed. "So, this is the type of pain that you go through each time you lost the pendant. You really are a naive girl. I think I'll take over from here. You go rest, Y/N." You tried to keep your eyes open, but it was no use. Your world turned black as the pendant took over your body.

AN: Hello my dear readers! I'm so sorry that this chapter wasn't quite following the episodes, but I'm just going to have elements of each episode in it from this point on. It'll make more sense that way. Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter!

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