Something is Wrong

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As you laid face down on your bed, you internally screamed. Your face was flushed and your heart wouldn't stop racing.

'I can't believe I almost kissed him! What is wrong with me!? I've never seen him that way, so what was up with the mood!?' You silently wailed. Astro's face then popped into your mind, causing you to shoot up from your bed. You leaned on all fours as you breathed in and out rather heavily.

"No stop thinking about it! I can't see him that way, it wouldn't work! I mean I'm human and he's a robot, plus he loves Brianna! I mean seriously why would he even be interested in me?" You muttered to yourself as mental images of him and Brianna appeared in your mind with hearts practically drawn around them. Seeing them hold hands gave you a bitter feeling. You gasped at the feeling. You then fell on your side and you clutched your pillow to your chest. 'No! Stop thinking about it!'

Memories of the river bank then resurfaced and Astro's deciding gaze appeared in the river's reflection.

"Y/n, I have something I need to tell you." Your eyes widened and you sat upright with the pillow hugged to your chest. 'What is it that he wanted to tell me? Why do things have to be so complicated!' You felt like crying at the amount of confusion you were feeling at that very moment. Beside you, Abby stirred from her sleep and she slowly blinked her eyes open. She then let out a small yawn before rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Huh...? Y/n, what are you doing up so late? Aren't you tired?" Abby spoke in slurred words and she sat upright. You looked down at her with a teary face. You then dove into her embrace, surprising her greatly.

"Oh Abby, I don't know what to do!" You wailed. Abby's eyes widened and she looked down at you in shock. She then wrapped her arms around you and rubbed your back comfortingly.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" You sniffled. You then buried your nose into your chest and you sighed.

"Something happened last night..." you trailed off. Abby raised a curious brow. It then dawned on her what was troubling you.

"Oh, are you talking about...Astro?" You stiffened in her hold. You then ripped yourself out of her embrace and you stared at her in shock.

"Wait, you know about that!?" You cried. Abby shushed you and she spared a glance towards her door. She then sighed and she gave you an apologetic smile.

"Yeah, Reno and I saw everything." Your mouth hung open agape. You then let out a long sigh and you slumped forwards.

"Of course you would have. And that's why I need advice! I don't know what to do." You whimpered. You then grasped Abby by the shoulders and you looked pleadingly into her eyes. "Come on, Abby. You're in the same situation with Reno, what should I do? How should I talk to him?" A feint blush appeared on Abby's cheeks and she bit her bottom lip.

"W-well, I'm honestly not sure." You frowned at her answer. You then dropped your head and you leaned back.

"Why do boys have to be so confusing?" You mumbled. Abby rubbed your back comfortingly and she smiled.

"We should go back to sleep. For now, just talk to him like you did before. We don't need to worry ourselves with this." She spoke. You nodded your head in agreement. She was right. There was no use dwelling on the matter this late at night.

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