Y/N's worst fears

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Abercrombie, Ajeero and Kennedy watched as you slept on your desk. The three of them then frowned as they hummed in thought. The door to the classroom opened to reveal Astro who walked in and waved to the three boys.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Astro questioned as he walked up to them. The three boys sighed simultaneously and rested their chins on their hands. Astro cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Eh? What's wrong?" Ajeero waved his hand dismissively and looked at Astro.

"Oh, it's nothing really." Ajeero then looked at you and frowned. "It's just that Y/N never really shows much emotion. I mean yeah we've seen SOME emotion from her, but most of the time she has this lazy aura around her and always grins. It's impossible to tell what she's thinking." Ajeero stated while Abercrombie and Kennedy nodded. Astro sweat dropped and looked at you.

"Really? Y/N just seems laid back all the time. I don't really see any problems with that." Astro admitted. Abercrombie frowned and grabbed Astro by the horns.

"Oh yeah wise guy? Are you saying that you can read and predict Y/N's thoughts?" Abercrombie questioned. Astro frowned and pried Abercrombie's hands away from his head.

"Well yeah considering that she's my girlfriend, of course I know what she's going to do. For instance Y/N is about to wake up right now." Astro told as he pointed to you. You slowly blinked your eyes open and yawned. The three boys stared at you in disbelief. They then looked at Astro.

"What are you, a psychic!?" The three boys cried while Astro smiled. You turned your head towards the four boys and raised an eyebrow at them. You then shrugged and stood up.

"I'm going to the bathroom, be right back." You told as you walked out of the classroom. Kennedy sweat dropped.

"She doesn't hesitate to speak her mind, does she?" Everyone nodded in agreement. Abercrombie then smiled wickedly.

"Hey guys, I just had a great idea!" Ajeero, Astro and Kennedy turned towards Abercrombie and blinked at him.

"What is it?" Ajeero questioned. Abercrombie grinned and leaned on his desk.

"We should scare Y/N." Astro frowned disapprovingly at Abercrombie.

"Why? That just seems mean." Astro told. Abercrombie rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun! I mean, Y/N barely shows any other emotions. I've never really seen her straight out terrified. I'm curious." Astro continued to frown at Abercrombie. Abercrombie saw this look and nudged Astro's arm. "Oh come on, aren't you curious too?" Astro hummed in thought and looked down.

"Well, I guess I AM curious....a-as long as Y/N doesn't get hurt!" Astro told. Abercrombie grinned and nodded.

"Great! What about you two? You in?" Abercrombie questioned as he looked at Ajeero and Kennedy. The two boys glanced at each other and shrugged.

"Guess it couldn't hurt." Ajeero told. Abercrombie nodded and rubbed his hands together as an evil grin crossed his face.

"Then let us begin mission scare Y/N."

You hummed to yourself as you made your way home from school. The three stooges had been acting weird all day, including Astro. You hummed in thought and looked up at the now golden sky.

"I wonder what their deal was....meh it's not like it matters anyway." You told yourself. Unknown to you, Astro and the 'three stooges' were watching you from afar. Abercrombie frowned in annoyance at being called a stooge but ignored the comment. He then turned towards the three other boys,

"Okay, you guys ready?" Abercrombie questioned. Ajeero and Kennedy nodded in their monster suits and gave Abercrombie a thumbs up while Astro sighed.

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