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You think you've got a hold on your life. You think what you want will happen. You don't expect for your life to flip overnight. It seems impossible. Well, it's not.

When Harry went to sleep all those days back, he didn't expect his father to have agreed to a proposal for Harry without letting Harry know about it. Heck, Harry didn't even expect to have a proposal from anyone albeit from a powerful pack alpha who could provide his pack 'resources' . So the past few days have been a blur for harry. One moment he's indulging the children of the pack, helping his mother prepare food, collecting flowers to make flower crowns, training and the next moment he's sitting in a room a few minutes away from being bonded. Harry needed to get a grip or else before he could grasp it , he would be dying and he would have no idea how. And it's not like Harry has anything against bonding, he had just hoped when he would be bonding....he would be bonding to someone who loved him and who chose him and not someone who just wanted to be bonded for the sake of it or because "he's the alpha of the pack and he needs an omega by his side" yeah well, Harry needs the ability to fly but you don't see that happening.

Harry looked up from his hands when he heard the door open. He looks up to find Jay. She was the alpha's, Louis', mother. He had met them a few days before. Louis was silent for the most of the time, looking at Harry every now and then and god his presence reeked of authority and he wondered how people weren't bowing down to the gorgeous man. Him being the most beautiful man harry had ever laid his eyes upon, did not change the fact that harry didn't want this. He was doing it for the pack. And he accepted his fate.

He sent a small smile to Jay as she approached him. She smiled back.

"How are we feeling then?" She asked, placing a hand on Harry's back and giving it a rub. Harry relaxes under her touch and god he wanted to cry a little.

"Okay, I guess." Harry says, shrugging.

"It's not all that bad you know, you get yourself a family and have people to look after and I know for a fact that the pack is going to love you. And my son isn't all that bad." Jay says, her smile not faltering.

"He didn't have a choice though, nor did I. And we both don't know each other. This is going to be a disaster."

Harry heard Jay sigh, "Don't let him know that I told you this, and I don't know if it makes you feel better but, he did have a choice. We met with a lot of packs before we came to yours and from the many omegas Louis could bond with he chose you."

It did make harry feel better.

"I didn't even meet him when you came by!"

"We were staying at your guest house for a few days, it was all very confidential so I'm not surprised you weren't aware. But Louis stayed there and I don't know what he saw but he decided to bond with you.

My son wasn't very fond of the position of the pack leader, he's always been reckless and did whatever he felt like and he loved to discover and he was planning on studying more but his fathers death was unexpected and he had to take on this responsibility. I know it's unfair, but it comes with being the heir of the pack. You both are making sacrifices. Once you realise you're doing it for your people and making people happy, it becomes better. You both will end up finding solace in each other, if not love. That's something I can promise." Jay ends with a smile.

Harry smiles back, "okay."

It is unfair, Harry thinks, but it's not the end of the world and who says him and Louis will not end up caring for each other? Harry is going to make this work. He has to.


this ones gonna be a short one butttt hope u like it.

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