Chapter 3

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I had to stay at the hospital for a week which was suuuuperrrr boring but Jungkook would visit me after he was done with school and he made me laugh so much. I realized HE HAD BUNNY TEETH WHICH WAS SOOOO CUTE! We had a lot of fun and I was excited to start school because now I have a friend and it turns out we have the same classes as each other!
It was a Sunday night and I was getting for bed when I received a text from Jungkook. I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and looked at the text.
Kookie: Are you ready for tomorrow?
You replied back.
Y/N: YUP! Just about to go to bed.
Kookie:Ok good. Wait  for me tomorrow in front of your house ok?
Y/N: Ok I will
Kookie: Goodnight Y/N! See you tomorrow☺️
Y/N: Ok goodnight Jungkook!
I put my phone back on the nightstand and got into bed with a smile on my face. I was really glad I had Jungkook as a friend. He was funny, sweet, kind, caring, and crazy but in a funny way. If I didn't know Jungkook I would probably not want to go to school tomorrow. I'm just really glad to have a friend like him and I hope I can make more friends like him.
  I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock and I had turned it off and got out of bed to go to the bathroom. Once I had brushed my teeth I put my uniform on and brushed my hair. When I was all done I grabbed my backpack and headed down stairs. I had smelled food coming from the kitchen so I went into the kitchen and found my mom making waffles but... Jungkook was sitting on the table which I did not expect. And he was eating waffles. My mom saw that I walked into the kitchen and said, "Oh good morning sweetie, sorry if your surprised to see Jungkook here. I was walking down the stairs to make breakfast when I saw him out the window waiting for you so I invited him to have breakfast." She said with a smile. I looked at Jungkook and said, "Hi Kookie." with a smile. I guess he was to busy eating his waffles because he didn't even glance up from his plate which just made me laugh. I grabbed a plate with waffles and sat next to him. "I said, hi kookie." Finally he looked up from his plate and said, "Oh hi Y/N. Sorry it's just your moms waffles are soooo good." "Haha it's ok." I had started to eat my own waffles and damn Jungkook was right. I always knew my mom was good at cooking but something that she put in these waffles just made it sooooo good. Once me and Jungkook were done eating we grabbed our backpacks and said bye to my mom. While we were walking Jungkook had asked me, "So your really not nervous at all?"  "Nope. Not at all because I know I have you by my side."  And that made him smile. "I'm glad I have you as a friend Y/N." "Me to Jungkook." I said with a smile. Once we had reached the alley that we need to go through to get to school I hesitated a little bit. I guess Jungkook had noticed because he said, "Don't worry Y/N. Nothing is going to happen. I'll protect you." After he said that I felt better and so we walked through the alley. About halfway through it we heard something and I got so scared I grabbed Jungkook and hugged him. Once I realized what I was doing I let go right away. "I'm sorry, it's just I got scared." He smiled, "It's ok. I understand." We just stood there smiling at each other when we heard the noise again and I jumped. Jungkook grabbed my hand and started walking towards the end of the alley. Luckily I was behind him because I could feel my cheeks get hot and I would be so embarrassed if Jungkook saw.                 
  Once we had reached the school gates I had heard someone call Jungkook's name. I turned to the direction and saw two other guys. They both had a kind of dark blond hair color and one was wearing a Gucci headband. They also looked really cute. "Come on I have someone that I need to introduce you to." Jungkook said. I followed him to the two guys that were standing near a tree. Once we had gotten to the tree Jungkook had said, "Y/N, this is Jimin and Taehyung. Jimin and Taehyung this is Y/N."  I smiled and said, "Hi Jimin, Hi Taehyung it's nice to meet you." "Hello Y/N" they said at the same time. "Jungkook has been talking about you so much. I hope your ok after what happened." Jimin says. "Oh, thank you." I said. "Here Y/N I brought you these!" Taehyung says handing me a box of chocolates with a note saying "Hope you feel better!" "Awww thanks Taehyung that's really nice of you." He gives me a smile and OMG ITS AS CUTE AS JUNGKOOK'S! Jungkook with the bunny teeth smile and Taehyung with the box smile! I wonder how Jimin's smile is. I bet it's as cute as Jungkook's and Taehyung's.
  The bell had rang meaning it was time to go to class. Jimin and Taehyung had a different class as me and Jungkook so before we headed to our classes
we agreed to meet each other for lunch.
  Once me and Jungkook reached our class we took a seat and class started. That class was so boring I started to fall asleep but then I felt a piece of paper that's been thrown at me. I grabbed the paper and I un-crumbled it and it was from Jungkook saying that he was going to skip class with Jimin and Taehyung and if I wanted to join. I wrote in the paper, "Heck yeah I'll join you guys. This class is so boring I'm gonna die of boredom pretty soon." I tossed it back to Jungkook and when he read it he laughed. He raised his hand to go to the bathroom and after a little bit I raised my hand to go to the bathroom. Once I walked out the door I saw Jungkook waiting for me. "Are u ready?" He asked. "Duhhh why wouldn't I be?" We both laughed and headed towards the field where he said Jimin and Taehyung were waiting.

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