Chapter 7

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After me a Taehyung were done eating our ice creams, we decided to go back home so he walked me home.
Once we reached my house I said, "Thanks for walking me home TaeTae." "No problem. It's my job to protect you." He said with a smile. I smiled back. "Ok, well bye TaeTae. See you tomorrow." "Bye
Y/N." I waved goodbye and went inside. I went to my room and decided to text Jimin to see if he was feeling better. I think I was starting to have a little crush on him.
Y/N: Hey ChimChim? How are you feeling?
I waited for him to respond which didn't take that long.
ChimChim: Not so good. Still feeling sick
Y/N: Are you ok? Do you need anything?
ChimChim: well, if you don't mind can you get me some medicine from the store. I would ask my parents but there not here. It's ok if you can't.
Y/N: No I don't mind at all. I'll head to the store right now.
ChimChim: Thanks Y/N!
Y/N: No problem.
I put my phone away and left my house to go to the store. Once I reached the store I got the medicine and payed it. I left the store and realized I didn't know where Jimin lived so I texted him what his address was and he texted it to me. I headed to his house and once I got there I knocked on the door. I heard Jimin say from inside, "Come in!" I opened the door and I saw Jimin laying on the couch watching TV. "Hey Jimin. Here's your medicine." I handed the medicine to him, "Thanks a lot Y/N." He looked like he was sweating a lot. I placed my hand on his forehead and it was burning hot! "Jimin your burning up! Here, I'll go get you a towel." I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a towel and rinsed it in the sink with cold water. I squeezed the water out and went back to the living room and placed it on his forehead. "There. That should help you get better a little." He smiled. Aww his smile is sooo cute! "Thanks Y/N." "Do you want me to make you something?" "No it's alright. I didn't eat to long ago." "Oh ok. So when are your parents coming back home?" "They should be here in a little bit." "Ok. Well I should probably get going." "Ok. Thanks for the medicine again." "No problem" I said with a smile. I left the house and got in my car. I was driving back home when I noticed I got a text from Jungkook. I'll just text him back once I get home. I had stopped at a red light and when it turned green I hit the gas pedal and before I knew it someone crashed into me. I could feel my car turning over. While it was, I hit my head hard on the steering wheel and then I blacked out.
Jimin's POV:
I was still laying on the couch watching TV. I started getting bored of the show that I was watching so I changed the channel to find something good. Until something caught my eye on the news channel. I switched back to the news channel and I went into shock. It was Y/N's car. Turned upside down. With another car on the side. The head titles read, "Deadly Car Crash. 1 dead and 1 badly injured." I jumped off the couch and ran to my room to change into descent cloths. I ran back to the living room and out he front door and got in my car. I drove as fast as I could to the hospital. I almost got a speeding ticket for how fast I was driving. I was so worried. She was my best friend and I don't know what I would do if she died. I just hoped she wasn't dead. While I was waiting for the light to turn green I dial Jungkook's number.
I hung up and dialed Taehyungs number next. I light turned green and I stepped on the pedal.
"Hey Jimin. What up?"
Taehyung didn't even respond and he hung up.
  I reached to hospital and ran to the nurse at the front desk, "I'm looking for Y/N! Do you know where she is?!" "Are you a family member?" I knew they wouldn't tell me where she was if I told her I was her friend so I said yes. "She's in surgery right now. You can wait for her in the waiting room if you like." "Ok thank you." Thank god she wasn't dead! But she's still hurt. I just hope she would be ok.
  After waiting for about 5 minuets Jungkook and Taehyung walked through the doors and saw me waiting in the room. The headed towards me and Jungkook asked me, "where is she?! Is she ok?!" "They said she was in surgery." "Crap!" I heard Taehyung say.
Third Person POV:
They loved Y/N. And more than just a friend. They cared about her. They wanted to protect her at all times. It felt like she was there little sister and they were her big brothers who always looked after her and took care of her. They felt all kinds of emotions. Sad, disappointed, scared, worried... they were sad because she was a bad condition, disappointed at themselves because they weren't there to protect her, scared because they thought she might die, and worried because they knew she hit her head pretty hard and she might loose her memory. They blamed themselves. Everything bad that happened to her, they blamed themselves. Jungkook wished he was in the alley sooner so Y/N wouldn't get stabbed, they all wished they wouldn't have forced her to go on the roller coaster because they knew she was scared, Taehyung wished that he waited for Y/N outside the bathroom so she wouldn't get slapped by that girl and he also wished he had went to her classroom to wait for her so she wouldn't have almost been cut by the same girl and Jimin wished that he could've convinced Y/N to stay longer so she wouldn't have been in this accident. Even though none of these things were there fault, they still blamed themselves. They heard the door open and they saw a nurse.
"Y/N's out of surgery. Would you like to see her?" "YES!" They all said at the same time. They nurse led them to her room and when they walked in they were shocked. Her head was wrapped in a bandage, she had all these wires connected to her and she had big cuts on her body. Jungkook fell to the floor crying, saying to himself, "This is all my fault! This would have never happened if I hadn't went out of town. Y/N got hurt because of me! I hate myself for doing this to her!" Jimin and Taehyung started getting tears in there eyes. Taehyung knelt down by Jungkook and said, "Jungkook this isn't your fault at all. This is no ones fault. So you shouldn't blame yourself. Instead try to think positive. You have to be strong you Y/N. So let's just hope that she gets through this." Jungkook stood up and said, "Your right. We should all stay strong for Y/N. She would stay strong for us so we need to stay strong for her." They all sat down on a chair and just waited for Y/N to wake up.

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