Chapter 13

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It was Thursday night and me and my mom were at the mall looking for prom dresses. There was so many of them! Just rows and rows and rows of dresses. There was a lot that looked cute but I feel like it just wasn't right. Like it wasn't perfect. I needed a perfect dress for the prom but I just couldn't find one.
  "What about this one?" My mom said holding up a two piece dress that was blue.

  "What about this one?" My mom said holding up a two piece dress that was blue

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"I like it." "That doesn't sound to convincing." My mom said. "Well, I like it, but it's just not perfect."
"Ahhh I see what you mean. I remember my first time I went to prom. It was the best night of my life. And I hope it's the same for you." I smiled. We continued to look for more dresses and unfortunately we found nothing, until, I spotted the perfect dress. It was like I was meant to by this dress. "Mom! What about this one? I love it!" "Well your the one going to prom so you decide." "I'm gonna go try it on." I ran into the dressing room and once I put the dress on I looked at myself in the mirror shocked. It was a beautiful baby blue dress that looked absolutely amazing.

  I went out of the dressing room to show my mom and she stared at me also shocked

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I went out of the dressing room to show my mom and she stared at me also shocked. "It looks beautiful on you! What do you think?" "I love it!" I said twirling around in the dress. "It's the perfect one." I said and my mom smiled. "Well then that's the one your going to wear to prom." I still couldn't believe we were going to prom. I was so glad we were friends again. My mom found out about me cutting myself and started to worry but I told her that there was nothing wrong and that I was perfectly fine. Of course she would still be worried since she's my mom so we had a talk and said that if I had any problems I could talk to her.
  "Hey sweetie, I have to run an errand. Will you be ok?" "Yeah sure I'll be fine." "Ok, here's some money if you want to buy some more stuff to go with your dress." "Ok, thanks mom! I love you!" "Bye! I love you too!" My mom left me and I went to the counter to buy my dress. Once I bought it I asked if I could leave it on the counter so I wouldn't have to carry it because I planned to buy some other stuff. The cashier said that he would hold it for me and so I left to look around for some more stuff.

Wendy POV: (Girl who bullied Y/N)
  Me and my friends were walking around the mall when I saw Y/N leave her dress behind with the cashier. It looked like a nice dress so I figured it was her prom dress so I decided to get revenge for when she kicked me in the stomach and how she stole Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook away from me. "Hey guys, I'll be right back." I told my friends and at first they were confused but then they figured out what I was going to do they just went to a bench to wait for me. I went to the counter and told the cashier, "Hey, my friend told me to get that dress for her." "Oh ok." He handed me the dress and I started to decide what I should do with it. I looked down and realized that I had a smoothie and a smirk formed across my face knowing what I was going to do with the dress. Then I just saw Y/N walking towards me.

   Y/N POV:
  I was looking around for some stuff to go with my dress when I noticed the cashier giving a girl my dress. At first I didn't know who the girl was and why the cashier was giving her my dress but once the girl turned around anger filled up my whole body. It was the same girl. The same girl who gave me a bruise on my cheek and tried to cut me with razor blades. The reason why I was so angry was because I had a feeling she was going to do something to my dress. She already made Taehyung worry about me and I hate it when they worry about me. It's sweet that they care for me but I don't want them to worry about me. I just want us to be normal friends. Yes, I do like them, but I don't want anything to happen again like last time. Maybe they'll move on and like someone else and maybe I'll move on and like someone else but I just want us to stick together and be friends. I want us to have each other's backs. I want to have fun with them and enjoy every last second with them, not them worrying about me all the time.
I wasn't going to let this girl ruin the best night of my life with my best friends. I started walking towards her ready to take my dress back and give her a piece of my mind when she looked up from where she was looking at and saw me and smirked. That's when I noticed the smoothie that was in her other hand and was about to run to her and grab my dress away from her but it was to late. She completely ruined my dress. The one dress that I thought was perfect for the perfect night was ruined because of her. I could already feel my eyes started to sting and I fell to my knees know I wasn't going to be able to find another dress on time. Tomorrow was already the prom and I still didn't have a dress. I figured out a while ago that her name was Wendy and so she passed by me with a Mhmm and flipped her hair and walked off. I looked back and I could see her with her group of friends and they were all laughing and then they just walked away. It's so cruel how some people are like that. I wiped away my tears and got up from the floor. I decided to just leave the dress there. I didn't feel like picking it up or anything. All I wanted to do was crawl into my bed and cry knowing that I didn't have a dress for the prom and that so probably wouldn't be able to go anymore. I loved that dress and I felt like I wasn't going to be able to find another one that looked as good. But it would hurt to look around I guess.
Jimin POV:
   I was laying on my couch looking through TV shows when I started to get bored at decided to text Y/N to see what she was doing. I think she said that she was buying her dress today but I'm not sure.
ChimChim: Hey Y/N! What are you doing? I thought that maybe we could do something if you weren't busy. And if you want we can invite the other guys.
I put my phone back in my pocket and continued to look through the TV while I waited for her to reply.
*1 hour later*
I had already taken a shower and had eaten dinner and was about to go to bed when I realized Y/N still hasn't replied to me. I looked at the time and it was already and hour since I texted her. It never take her this long to reply to us so it has to mean that something's wrong. Of course I started to worry and so I dialed her number to make sure she was ok.
After a few rings she still hasn't picked up and then it went to voicemail. She would have answered. Is she ok? Is she hurt? Come on Y/N please answer me this time. You know I hate worrying about you because I get scared that you might be hurt. I called her again and finally she had picked up. Thank god you answer this time. "Hello? Y/N? Where are you? Why didn't you answer the first time I called you?" "Hey ChimChim. Sorry I'm just... busy I guess." I heard her let out a frustrated sigh on the other end. "Hey, are you ok? What happened?" "Nothing ChimChim. Everything's fine." "Come on Y/N. I've been your best friend way to long to know that your lying. Please don't lie to me Y/N. I hate it when you lie to me. I want to help you. Please tell me what wrong." "ChimChim seriously everything is fine." " Y/N." "Ugh fine. Well, we tried to keep it a secret but I guess we can't anymore, when Jungkook was out of town visiting his grandma and when you were sick it was just me and Taehyung at school remember? When we got to school I had to go to the bathroom but while I was in there a girl threatened me to stay away from you guys but I refused so she slapped me and I got a bruise on my cheek. I went back to Taehyung and he got worried so I just told him the truth-" "you can tell Tae the truth but not me?" "Really Jimin?" "Sorry sorry, go on." "As I was saying, I told him and so he hugged me and I guess the girl who's name is Wendy saw and so when I was walking to lunch she pushed me on the floor and was going to cut me with a blade when I kicked her and ran away." "Ok but wait, wasn't that when you came over? How come I didn't see the bruise?" "I had put makeup before I left to cover up the bruise so you wouldn't find out." "Oh. Why would you keep this from us? Do you only trust Taehyung and not us?" "No, it's not like that. I just didn't want you guys to worry about me. I hate it when you guys worry. It's was better to have one of you guys worry than all of you." "Oh, well what does this have to do with right now?" "Well, I was looking for my prom dress and when I had paid for it I left it with the cashier and I guess she saw and had somehow got it and ruined it. It's been a few hours and I still can't seem to find a dress." Once again I heard her let out a frustrated sigh. "Hey, it's ok. Where are you at? I can help you. I don't want you to stress out right now." "I'm at the mall." "Alright, I'll be there in a little bit." "Thanks ChimChim. Your the best." "Yeah I know." I heard her let out a laugh and I hung up.
I got ready and decided to pick up Jungkook and Taehyung to help us. I called them to let them know and I left my house to pick them up.

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