Chapter 18

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We continued to hug each other for a while and the whole time Jungkook was comforting me. Honestly, words can't explain how lucky to have them. They're like, the best human beings in the world. There so kind, sweet, funny, caring, smart, thoughtful, protective and many other things. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to be friends with them.
  Jungkook walked me home and while we were walking he was holding my hand. I thought it was so sweet of him. We reached my house and I thanked Jungkook for like the millionth time and I turned to walk to the front door but then I heard Jungkook yell out my name. I turned around and suddenly was pulled into a hug. I was shocked but then was comforted by the warmth from him. "I'm sorry." I heard him say. "For what?" "For not protecting you sooner." "Oh Jungkook, you don't have to blame yourself for that. We both know that it wasn't your fault. I'm just glad you were there." Although I couldn't see his face I knew he was smiling. "Thank you Y/N, for everything." I smiled and he let go of me. He stared at me like he wanted so say something but he wouldn't say it. "Bye Y/N. I'll see you later tonight." He said giving me a warm smile. I waved and watched as he walked to his house, disappearing into the distance.
  I walked into my house and quickly started to get ready with my mom helping me. Although, I didn't know I was missing something.
Jungkook POV:
After I left Y/N's house I started heading to my house when I noticed two guys in front of me. One had and reddish color hair and the other had a blond hair color. One thing I noticed was that they had the same uniform on as me. I knew it wouldn't be Jimin and Taehyung but then I noticed the Gucci bracelet that Taehyung always wears. "Taehyung? Jimin?" The two guys both look back and sure enough it was them. But I was super shocked to see them with different hair colors.

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"Jungkook!!" Taehyung shouted while jumping

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"Jungkook!!" Taehyung shouted while jumping. "Look! Look at our hairs! Do we look different?? Huhhh do we look different?" "Aish can you be quite for once!" Jimin shouted. I laughed at how they always acted. "What happened to your hairs?" "Well uhh... we decided to do a little change. Do you like them?" "Do I like them? I love them! They look so cool!" "Hey you should change your hair too!" Taehyung shouted once again. "No no no it's alright." "Yessss come on!" Jimin shouted and they both grabbed my arms and started to pull me. Luckily I was stronger and I pulled my arms back. "Guys I said no. I'm fine with the hair color I already have." "No your not!" Taehyung shouted and before I could say something back he came and picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "Taehyung! Put me down! This is weird!" "I don't care. At least I got you." He said while giving Jimin a high five and started walking. "Come on Jimin tell him to put me down!" "Nahhh I'm good." I started to flail my legs and arms everywhere to see if it would help but then I felt Taehyung grab my legs with his other hand and Jimin grabbed my arms. "Just give up already! There's no way we're gonna let you go." Jimin said teasingly. I gave up in defeat and let Taehyung carry me. I knew it was a little weird but no matter how hard I tried he wouldn't put me down. I noticed a few people staring at us and I hid my face in Taehyungs back. "Hey stop it! I could feel your breath and it's weird!" "It's not my fault you carried me like this." "Well would you want me to carry you bridal style then?!" I stayed quite once again in defeat but still tried to hide my face without breathing on Taehyungs back.
  After a few more minutes of walking we finally stopped and Taehyung put me down and when he did I ran like I was running for my life. Sadly I tripped and before I fell I felt Taehyung pick me up again and put me over his shoulder once again. "Your being such a baby." "At least I don't act like a baby all the time like someone." I said mumbling. "What?" "Nothing." We walked back to the hair salon and Jimin and Taehyung walked inside with me still on his shoulder. "Why are you still carrying me! Everyone's looking!" Well if you didn't run then maybe I would've let you down." He said putting me down in a chair while Jimin stood in front of me preventing me to run away again. "Oh what brings you guys back here?" A pretty women asked. She was tall and skinny but maybe a little too skinny. "Can you also change out friends hair color?" "Dont listen to-" but before I could finish my sentence Jimin covered my mouth. "Sure thing! What color would you like it?" Taehyung studied me and looked back at her. "Do you think black would look nice?" The women looked at me and nodded. "Black would fit him perfectly." "Well then black it is!" "Alright! Bring him over here and we'll get started." "Ok!Thank you!" "No problem." Jimin held onto my wrist while we walked towards another chair and Jimin put me in it. "Don't try anything again." Jimin said while they both started at me. "Yeah yeah I won't." I said rolling my eyes. They both smiled in satisfaction and left me with the women. The women put something over me so she wouldn't get my uniform dirty and started to get her things ready. "So there your friends, right?" "Yup." "I can tell they forced you here. Do you really want to change your hair color?" "No, not really. But they want me to. And I guess a little change won't hurt." "Alrighty. Is there a reason you guys are changing your hair colors?" She asked while she started to dye my hair. "Well today's prom for us and I didn't know they planned to dye there hair until I saw them walking." "Oh how cute! I remember my prom. Is there anyone your taking?" "Well yes, but not as a date. Our other friend, well, we all like her. We all got mad at each other, well, I got mad at them, and then we all got mad at her because she wouldn't choose one of us." "How dare you guys! You should know to never put to much pressure on a girl or something might happen! Some girls are very sensitive and if something like that would happen to them they wouldn't be able to handle it and they might do something to themselves." "Yeah we know." I said sadly. "Well what happened next?" "Well, she started to cut herself but luckily I noticed to I apologized to the other guys and we decided to all ask her out. But this time we would all go as friends." "Awww how sweet of you guys! How did you ask her?" "Well we had a little help from her mom. What we did was we put a little path of rose peddles and we had candles on the side and at the end was us. We had gifts while holding up a sign that said 'Will you go to prom with us?'" "Awww that is the cutest thing ever!" She squealed. "You guys are so sweet! She is very lucky to have you guys." She said. I smiled and she asked something else. "So whats here name?" "Y/N." "Oh that's a beautiful name!" "Yeah, it is." I said, my smile getting bigger as all of the memories of us started to play in my head.
Once she rinsed my hair and dried it she combed it, she looked at me. "Perfect!" She said while looking at me. "Would you like to see?" "Yes please." She turned the chair around and I looked at myself in shock. I never knew I looked good in black hair. Wow, Taehyung has a good sense in hair colors. "Thank you very much." "No problem!" I payed her and went to see Jimin and Taehyung sleeping. Taehyungs head was on Jimins shoulder while Jimins head was on Taehyungs. I smiled at them and made sure to take a picture before I woke them up. "Yah! Sleepy heads! Wake up! I'm done!" I said while shaking them. "Ughhh! Leave us alone!" Taehyung yelled while swatting his hands. Jimin opened his eyes and they grew bigger once he saw me. "Taehyung wake up!" Jimin said shaking him harder. "What!" Taehyung said opening his eyes and just like Jimin they grew bigger once he saw me. "Damn! I really am good. I picked Jimins hair, mines, and now yours. Now we're all ready for prom!" "So Taehyung choose both of your hair colors too!" "Yup." "Wow, he really is good." "I know! That's what I thought too!" "Ok let's go now! We still have to get stuff for Y/N!" Taehyung shouted and ran out the doors but made sure to tell the lady thank you. I also said thank you and to the lady and me and Jimin went to go after Taehyung.

A/N:Hello again! I finally updated! Woo hoo! Hope you guys also liked this chapter! Just to let you know, there will only be about one or two more chapters of this book. I'm still working on the chapter but I should publish it in a few days. See you until then! ILY! BYEEEE!❤️❤️

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