Chapter 8

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A/N: Hello Everybody! I just wanted to say thank you for so many reads and votes! I didn't think I would get that many in just a few days. I also wanted to give credit and say thank you to JenniferChimmy for helping me with chapter 4 and 7. You should go follow her! She also gave me a few ideas for chapter 1. She is currently writing a book and you guys should check it out! It's called "Smile." She already told me what it's about and I'm sorry I can't tell you any of it but I promise it's gonna be a good book! Alright, let's get on with the story!
Jungkook's POV:
  Me, Taehyung and Jimin stayed all night. We never left Y/N's side. We always watched over her just to make sure she was ok. The nurse would say for us to go home and get rest but we refused. We never wanted to leave Y/N's side again. We promised that from now on we were always going to protect her no matter what so she wouldn't get hurt anymore. I saw that Jimin and Taehyung were getting sleepy so I told them to sleep and I would watch over Y/N. It was in the middle of the night when the machine that monitors Y/N's heart rate... flat lined. "OH MY GOD Y/N! NO NO NO! NURSE!!!! HELP!" Jimin and Taehyung woke up and started to worry. The nurse came rushing in and told us to get out. I felt so bad for Y/N. She was my best friend, and I didn't want to lose her. I felt my cheeks get wet with my tears but I quickly wiped them away. I knew I had to stay strong and that's what I'm gonna do. I noticed Jimin and Taehyung started crying so I said to them, "come on guys. Remember what Taehyung said. We have to stay strong. She's going to get through this. I know it. Y/N's tough. She's the toughest girl I ever met." They wiped there tears away and smiled. We sat down on the floor leaning against the wall and waited for the nurses. She was going to get through this. I know it.
*A couple of minutes past*
I saw a nurse come out of Y/N's room and I got up immediately, "how is she?" "She's stable. We just need to keep an eye on her for now. We gave her some meds that should help her get better. If anything happens again just call us" "ok" I said. Jimin and Taehyung fell asleep again so I woke them up and told them about Y/N. We went back in her room and I continued to watch her while Jimin and Taehyung slept.
*A couple of hours past*
I was starting to doze off when I heard something. I opened my eyes and I saw movement in Y/N's bed. "Y/N?" There was a little more movement and then I saw her turn her head and face me. A big smile spread across my face. She was awake. And that was a good sign. "Y/N!!!" I jumped up from my chair and ran to her bed and gave her a hug but I made sure to be careful so I wouldn't hurt her. "THANK GOD YOUR AWAKE!" I heard Jimin and Taehyung wake up and they ran to us and started hugging Y/N also. We all started to get tears in our eyes "Y/N! YOUR OK!" Taehyung said. "I WAS SO WORRIED Y/N!" Jimin said. We hugged her for a little more and then let go. "Do you need anything?" I asked "I'm a little thirsty." "I'll get it!" Taehyung said and ran out of the room. "So what happened?" Jimin asked. "Well, I was driving home from your house and then I just remember getting hit by another car and then blacking out." Taehyung walked in the room with a cup of water and handed it to Y/N. "Thanks TaeTae." "Your welcome." "We're glad your ok☺️ we were worried about you so much. I literally almost had a heart attack when Jimin called me and said that you were in an accident." "Yeah all of us were." Taehyung said. "Were you guys here all night?" "Yeah, the nurse told us that we should go home but we refused. We wanted to stay by your side to keep you safe and make sure you were ok." I said. "Awwwww. Thanks guys." Y/N said with a smile. Y/N was ok. And that's all that mattered right now.

Sorry this chapter is a little shorter than my other ones. I promise I'll make the next chapter longer though!❤️😊

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