Chapter 6

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I woke up before my alarm when on which was surprising because I never wake up unless my alarm goes on. I decided to get up anyway so I could do my hair in a ponytail or something and not just down like usual. And if I have time maybe I could put a little bit of makeup. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I was done I put my uniform on. I decided that I was gonna put my hair into a side braid. Once I was done I looked at the time and I still had time to add a little bit of makeup. I had put a little bit of mascara and blush and added some lip gloss. That should be enough. I grabbed my back and headed downstairs. I didn't really feel like eating breakfast today so I said bye to my mom and went outside to wait for Taehyung and Jimin. When I opened the door Taehyung was already there. "Oh, hi TaeTae." He saw me and said, "Oh hi Y/N. Wow, you look, beautiful. Not that you never do but, I mean..." I laughed and I could feel my cheeks getting warm. Crap I don't want him to see me blushing. Hopefully it's not that noticeable. "Thank you TaeTae." I had noticed that he changed his hair color to red. "I like your new hair color. It looks good on you." "Oh thanks. I decided it needed a change." "Where's ChimChim?" "Oh Jimin, he started getting sick last night and today he was worse so he decided to stay home so it's just me and you." "Oh ok." We started walking together to school when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from Jungkook.
Kookie:Hey. I heard Jimin got sick and stayed home. Taehyung is still with you right?
Y/N: Yeah he is. We just started walking to school.
Kookie: ok good. I didn't want you walking alone. Well, I gotta go. I'll text you after school ok?
Y/N: ok Kookie. Bye!
Kookie: Bye Y/N!
I put my phone back in my pocket and I had heard Taehyung ask, "who was it?" "Oh it was just Jungkook checking up on me." "Oh ok."
We arrived at school and I had to go to the bathroom so I asked Taehyung to wait for me. I went to the bathroom and when I was done I washed my hands and I was about to dry them when I felt someone pull my shoulder to face their way. "Stay away from them. You got it?" She said. "What are you talking about?" I said. "You know what I mean! Stay away from Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung. Their mine!" "Why would I do that? Their my best friends. And you can't just claim them! It's not like there objects! Their human beings!" She got so mad she slapped me on my cheek so hard I could feel the stinging and it felt like it would bruise. "Stay away from them or next time I'll do more than just a slap." Then she left the bathroom. I went to the mirror and saw that my cheek was already starting to bruise. I left the bathroom and went to go look for Taehyung. I saw him waiting by the tree so I walked towards him. "What happened to you?!" I heard him say. I knew lying wasn't going to help so I just told him the truth, "When I was in the bathroom, this girl came in and said that I should stay away from you guys but I said no because you guys were my best friends, so she got mad and slapped me. But I'm fine it's nothing to worry about." "Who is she? Do you know what direction she went? Did she do anything else to you?" "Tae I said it's nothing to worry about. Even if you did find her what are you going to do? You can't hit a girl." "Alright fine. But if she does anything else to you I swear I will make her regret it." After he said that he gave me a hug. "I'm just glad your ok." He said. I hugged him back, "let's just keep this between me and you. I don't want Jimin and Jungkook to know. Especially Jungkook." I heard him laugh. "Yeah who knows what he'll do." The bell rang and me and Taehyung said goodbye and we went to our classes. Once I reached my class I sat in my seat and just waited for the boring class to end and for lunch to start. To bad Jungkook isn't here.
*Bell rings*
Finally lunch time! I put my stuff away in my backpack and got up to leave. I was surprised I was the last one to leave. I guess everyone was to rushed to go to lunch. I walked outside the classroom and walked through the halls to go to the lunch room. While I was walking I felt someone push me and I fell to the floor. I looked up and saw that it was the same girl that was in the bathroom. "Why were you hugging him! Didn't I tell you to stay away!" "I told you I'm not gonna stay away from them! Their my best friends! No matter how many times you tell me to stay away from them I'm not going to!" I saw her getting mad again and she pulled out a razor blade! Who brings razor blades to school! Apparently this crazy girl does. She was waking towards me and said, "I told you I would do something worse than a slap if you didn't stay away from them!" She got closer to me and was about to cut me when I panicked and kicked her in the stomach as hard as I can as she fell to the floor. I got up and ran to the lunch room where I knew Taehyung was at. I reached to lunch room and saw Taehyung sitting at a table so I walked over to where he was. "Why do you look so out of breath? And where have you been?" "The same girl from the bathroom tried to freaking cut me with razor blades! Luckily I got away before she had the chance to cut me." "You want to leave?" Taehyung said. "I would love too." We grabbed our backpacks and left.
We decided to go to the park. Once we reached the park we sat down on a bench. "Give me all the details of what actually happened. Starting from the morning."I heard Taehyung say. "Well, I was about to dry my hands when the girl pulled my shoulder to face her and she said stay away from you guys but I had said no then she slapped me and then she said that she would do something worse next time if I didn't stay away. Then, I was walking in the hallway to go to the lunch room when she pushed me and I guess she saw us hugging and that made her mad and that's when she freaking pulled out a razor blade but before she cut me I kicked her in the stomach and ran to the lunch room. That's why you saw me out of breath." "Wow. I'm just glad your safe. Jungkook would kill me if he knew any of this." We had heard an ice cream truck nearby and Taehyung had asked if I wanted one and I said yes. Once we got our ice creams we sat on the swings that were in the playground. I started to eat my ice cream when I noticed Taehyung staring at me.
Taehyung's POV:
I can't believe someone would actually do that to
Y/N just because she was hanging out with us. I just wish I was there to protect her. After we bought our ice cream we sat and the swings and I had noticed
Y/N had gotten some ice cream on her nose. She looked so cute. I think I'm starting to like her. She noticed me staring at her. "Are you ok?" I laughed at how she still didn't notice the ice cream on her nose. "You have a little ice cream on your nose." I saw how her cheeks were getting red. It's so cute when she blushes. She wiped the ice cream off her nose and smiled. Aww her smile is cute too. I hate seeing that bruise on her cheek though. It reminds me that I wasn't there to protect her. I just hope I can protect her in the future.

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