Chapter 1

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Today was father's day, 6 year old Jack was getting off the bus and walking into his house. His bright green eyes were all red from crying. He was really hoping his Mom had to work overtime so he could cry alone when he went inside. He took off his bookbag and put it on the floor, then draped his beige coat over the couch and stated at the ugly orange walls of the run down house he lived in. Then he grabbed his lunchbox and pulled out the fruit snacks he didn't eat at school. He honestly tried to eat his feelings away.

Dean did work over time. He had been working at a diner in town as a waiter for as long as he could remember. Auto shops wouldn't take him because he didn't have a degree. Or at least that's what they said, when truly it was because he was an omega. He had started working at the diner since he got pregnant with his son. One of the waitresses got sick so they forced him to take the night shift which lasted until six in the morning though he also had to work the next day so there was no way he was going home so he took a break to call the kne person he knew would watch Jack. He called his best friend and deep crush, Cas. He bounced on his feet as he waited for him to pick up.

Castiel Novak was known for being lousy at answering his phone, but eventually he did. He smiled since it was Dean, his best friend. They hadn't hung out in a while. Ever since he found his wife cheating on him and he broke down... "Hey!!!"

"Hey Cas. Are you busy tonight? I need a big big favor..."

"If crying and drinking isn't busy... uhm. I can cancel those plans," he chuckled and stood up off the couch he was laying on. "What do you need?" He paced in his living room. He was hoping Dean wouldn't actually need to come over... he was still in the process of throwing out his exes things that she didn't pick up.

Her name was Anna. She was all long legs and red hair. She cheated on him with an alpha that was bigger, stronger, apparently hotter and could fuck better. It made Cas feel worthless. And he was really depressed over it. But she didn't come get her things... He didnt have the heart to throw it all away either. They'd only been married 3 years but he had been in love with her.

"The waitress that was supposed to take over for me got sick so they are making me work tonight nor are they giving me off tomorrow. Can you spend the night at my house to watch Jack? You can bring him by for supper and I'll give you my key, but I need someone there to feed him in the morning and get him on the bus. Please. I don't trust anyone else. I think he already got off the bus and is home alone..."

"I'd be more than happy to help. I'll go over there asap. But we need to hang out again, I miss you." He had a genuine smile on his face.

"I miss you too, Cas, but I have to work if I want to run the heater this winter..." he said a bit sadly then cleared his throat. "When I get home tomorrow evening we can have a movie night yeah?"

"No. You need sleep. When are you off next? Whenever that may be, we can catch up... I've worked at the same office all my life so my schedule is very flexible."

Dean chuckled softly. "I'll get back to you on that."

"Okay. I'll see you later man, I just hope Jack hasn't forgotten who I am."

"He hasn't. He asks for you often. You're his favorite person. Bring him here so I can eat supper with you both before my next shift starts. They owe me a supper."

"Yes sir! I'll see you later." He hung up and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush his hair for the first time in atleast a week. He was still really depressed. But this was a good opportunity. His best friend and his best friends son made him happy. Every Friday night they used to watch movies... that hasn't happened in a while however.

Dean went back to work but asked his boss if he could eat with Jack and Cas when they got here. His boss wasn't the nicest lady. She just looked at him, obviously stressed based on the creases on her forehead. "10 minutes. We don't have enough workers as it is, Melanie didn't just call out tonight either... She quit. So you might have to keep working a double shift. I'm sorry. This place is a bitch when busy. Diner by day, bar by night. And since it's so popular I don't understand why we can't hire new people!"

He sighed softly and rubbed his face but nodded. "I can't keep working doubles. I know I need to for bills but I have a kid. You don't give me days off anymore because of the lack of people. I can't work nights too. I'll work tonight and tomorrow but I either need the next day off or to be allowed to come in later. I've been a loyal employee for 7 years and never asked for a break since I came back from maternity leave.."

"You can be off Thursday, alright? Till then I'm gonna work you like a dog cause' you're the best damn worker I got. Good with people and you also take your job seriously. I'm thankful for you and I'm sorry I've been overworking you but I'm really relying on you, kid." Anyone under the age of 30 was a kid to her. She was in her mind 50's and had a very southern accent; no-one bothered her. No-one complained since she was so slammed. Everyone appreciated Mrs.Mildred with the white curly hair. She was the sweetest old lady unless she was stressed, like now. So she immediately felt horrible for lighting Dean up and raising her voice. She needed a break herself.

He nodded and smied some. “Thank you, ma’am. I appreciate it.”

She nodded and went back to work.

Jack (Destiel A/B/O)Where stories live. Discover now