Chapter 5

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The next morning Cas called Dean, feeling horrible about the night before. He couldn't believe that happened. He needed to apologize to Jamie too. "Dean, please answer," he sighed

It was Dean's day off.  He rolled over and answered. "Hello?"

"I'm really sorry about last night. I was emotional for no reason."

“It’s okay. Come over!" Dean just blurted out. He loved seeing Cas...

"If you're honestly mad at me I get it.  It was a dick move to just break like that... I feel really bad for it. I took off today because I don't feel very good."

Dean sighed. "It's my day off. I want you to come over. Jack has to go to school later."

Cas hung up and got himself togerher and drove over there. Dean was in his pjs and Jack was still asleep, but he excitedly awaited Castiel's arrival. He showed up like 15 minutes later.  His eyes were red and puffy from crying.

Dean got up to let him in and hugged him. Cas didn't hug back at first. All night he had been thinking about 3 people. Anna. Jamie. Dean. And his feelings for them.  Past for one. How he was in love with one. And how he was trying to use one to get over one. He felt so dirty for thinking like that. Dean looked up at him worriedly. “Do you want some coffee?”

"Yes please..."

“Go sit.” Dean nodded and went into the kitchen to make them some using a nasty instant coffee cause that’s all he could afford. He came back and set the porcelain cup between Castiel's hands then sat next to him. "I wanted to say thank you for helping me. We can help each other and it's gonna be great."

"Thanks Dean." He looked over at him with a smile

"You're welcome."

Cas turned to the table and carefully picked the cup up and sipped on it. Indeed it was bitter and nasty, but it's the thought that counts. He toughed it out as he sipped it. "There's another thing that's been bothering me..."

“What is it?” Dean drank his own as well, happy just to be sitting by Cas. "I owe you so I'll try to help you with it."

"You can't help. Last week..." He fiddled with hid hands. "When Jack was upset. He got made fun of at school for not having a father. That's why he was upset at the diner."

“Why didn’t he tell me?” Dean frowned some.

"He saw how stressed you were at work. I guess he didn't wanna be a bother. But I just wanted to tell you that. I mean, there's nothing we can do about it. I just thought you'd like to know why he was so upset." Cas didn't like talking about his own problems.  He was very selfless. He loved to help everyone else around him but didn't help himself.

Dean sighed . “Thank you for telling me Cas... I still owe you for paying for those assholes’ meals."

Cas smiled again. "No big deal. I saved your ass first of all. That guys jaw was hard." He held up his still slightly bruised fist. "But that's what friends are for." Dean set his cup down and took his hand to look over the bruises, feeling awful. Cas spoke up again when he saw Dean starting to get upset. "But it doesn't even hurt."

“You sure?”

"Yes of course. And I have an idea! We should move L.A. Buy you a fake diploma. Get 700 cats. And you should get a mate while we are being spontaneous." Cas only brought up that whole thing for the last part. He hated seeing Dean alone.

“I don’t need a mate if I have my bestest friend in the whole world..." Dean felt like Cas was trying to get rid of him.

Cas sighed. "Jack needs a father."

Jack (Destiel A/B/O)Where stories live. Discover now